How do we fix the cheating problem in video games? (Specifically online games)...

How do we fix the cheating problem in video games? (Specifically online games). It's very clear the general public doesn't want the anti-cheat to be intrusive thus rendering it fucking useless (God damn morons).

What else can be done to combat cheaters, Yas Forums?

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Any skill-based game will have cheaters. There's absolutely no escaping it. Companies aren't even interested in solving the problem completely, anyway, because farming chinks will keep buying new accounts every time the previous one gets banned, netting a fuckton of cash in the end. The only solution is not to play multiplayer games.

They could easily fix it by having intrusive anti cheats like they once did, VAC used to be as intrusive as ESEA and it scanned everything on your computer and it worked to combat cheaters. People started crying and they stopped it.

Look at Vac games now.

Trust factor already seems to do well enough, though I suppose people who disagree just get trapped in the cycle about being accused of having low trust

First you segregate players by ping, trying to work around latency is a great way to introduce more ways to cheat(mostly speedhacking and flying).
Secondly, you do what worst korea do and link accounts with i think is their SSN or whatever so if you get banned and try to make another account you can't and if you think you're smart for using someone else SSN now that's a fraud and suddenly you're a criminal.
That's how you fix most of it. Anything less than that won't accomplish anything.

people cry about NOOOO MAH SECRET FILES FUCK INTRUSIVE ANTI CHEATS! but these same people use ESEA and FACEIT that are million times worse than VAC ever could be

Like I said, the companies don't WANT to stop cheating. They want it to be detectable, since that's how they can do ban waves and appear to be taking action, and to force cheaters to buy new accounts repeatedly, tripling or more their income from that (sizable) userbase. The fact they do 'waves' of bans at all indicates they're not actually interested in stopping it as a practice.

>Like I said, the companies don't WANT to stop cheating.
That's wrong, at the start of CSGO even the DEV's asked the community if they want VAC to be intrusive. Guess what happened? all the fucking retards cried and were complaining how that's terrible.

Look at CSGO now.

As long as you can play cs:go on linux there will be cheaters. I have been using aimtux for 2 years now, still not banned

Fucking region lock China away.

CSGO is good now because all the f2p plebs bear the brunt of the cheating while primechads are relatively well off.

"primechads" are filled with people using ESP.

There are many more games than just CSGO. Anyway, they knew what the answer would be. Same as any other online game, the chinkosphere accounts for an immense amount of their sales, of which a huge proportion have bought the game a dozen times or more to keep playing after being banned. It's simply good business to not stop cheating immediately. There is also next to no 'image' lost, since they can post public ban stats which reddit retards (the majority) view as 'successes'.

This isn't tin foil hat stuff, this is incredibly common.

more like lock all russians/germans away as they are countries which are all cheaters

why take half-measures? fucking nuke those chinks off the face of the planet.

>find cheater
>weeb, furfag or both
>female avatar
>female name

You don't. Cheaters ruin multiplayer games which is pretty based to me. Multiplayer games are the cancer which are killing actual good games. Fuck jews, fuck valve, fuck epic, fuck ea, and fuck niggers!

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The solution for cheaters is to match them between eachother without telling them at all

i remember back on source when people were scared of vac bans at the beginning and you'd see vac bans in game very often
until they turned to some lax anti cheat and it went to shit
source is where the HVH kiddies came from

unironically play on console and pray for custom firmware fags/JTAGs to be banned

>You don't. Cheaters ruin multiplayer games which is pretty based to me. Multiplayer games are the cancer which are killing actual good games. Fuck jews, fuck valve, fuck epic, fuck ea, and fuck niggers!

.t launches a MP game

Make it illegal to cheat and punishable by lethal injection. Easy.

>people complain about botnet anticheat software datamining for hacks
>literally make IRL botnet

How is it only blizzard has made a real anti cheat? Warden is still by far the best anti cheat on the market but they don't license it to anyone or let anyone else integrate it


Nuke everything. Cheating is the video game equivalent of being a pedophile, dont you know? No more cheats in anything ever. Moralfaggotry reigns supreme

Best is subjective. I like Valve's approach of using your account to establish a baseline and pursuing the players who are statistically more likely to cheat

blizzard has never licensed another game to use warden
people still think call of duty uses fucking warden which is false

Yes, and? Think about it as a gated community where the trash stay outside and where you can enjoy your video games in peace. That's a small price to pay.
Unless you're the kind of garbage that would get banned but i'm not sure you're not like that user.

nigger warden anti cheat stopped every single person botting in one day of it's release for wow... the fuck you on about, it's considered the best anti cheat.

unironically social credit

VAC is easy to bypass warden is not

>anti-cheat to be intrusive thus rendering it fucking useless (God damn morons).
They should just have separate servers for people that want spyware installed on their computer and people that don't.

It has one of the best working anti cheats honestly. The problem is it doesn't make cheating that much harder.

At least not 1/4 of the playerbase like in Tarkov are cheaters.

The thing about warden is it also has ExtraWork (Warden's secret update tool) which updates without your knowledge, but at the same time it also detected things like pixel bots (this is impressive)
VAC is skids copy paste code compared to warden

There is no cheating problem in single player games.

>It has one of the best working anti cheats honestly.
fucking retard, it only takes signatures from known cheats like a public community made anti cheat.

Blizzard's programmers are the last bastion of quality in that company. Props to their QA team too.
A pretty decent way to stop most cheaters is being able to share replays, and watch your past matches from your opponents' PoV. It's obvious when you're spectating a cheater

Having said that, Blizzard's anticheat isn't perfect. t. overwatch cheater who hasn't been banned in two years

Function comes at a cost, that being spyware features. So I would rather my games not use it if they don't have to. And there will always be cheaters of some sort even with the most invasive measures.

overwatch doesn't use warden you moron.

Ping segregation, yes.

Literal fucking malicious government oversight, no. Kill yourself and die.


shut the fuck up cheater

Give everyone cheats, so they're all on equal level

>While the game is running, Warden uses API function calls to collect data on open programs on the user's computer and sends it back to Blizzard servers as hash values to be compared to those of known cheating programs.[1] Privacy advocates consider the program to be spyware.[2]

Your link doesn't support your statement

>as hash values to be compared to those of known cheating programs.

Read the shit you post, retard.

It honestly has a very good working anti cheat. You get banned for impossible shit. Simple as that. No game has better anti cheating software really. It's all manual bans.


Maybe trust factor works well for silvers, but every second game at DMG+ has a crosshair on the floor slide to a stop no counterstrafe player topfragging. VAC and trust factor are fucking useless.

>You get banned for impossible shit
No you don't you asspie.
>It's all manual bans.
No it's not unless it's overwatch you asspie moron, you cant even send in proof to VALVE since they will tell you the anti cheat will deal with it.

So they literally know every single application that you've got running on your computer. Not that I would care, I don't play WoW

Yeah Tarkov is hilarious in how inept it is at detecting cheating.

You're a retard if you go labs because it's full of hackers.

Why do people talk about stuff they don't know anything about? Blizzard has never licensed warden to any other game except star craft/WOW
overwatch uses a stupid anticheat which is usermode
If a game uses warden you will spot warden.sys on your PC

Why should a game company have to spend money and time fighting cheaters instead of adding new features to the game? Do you know how hard it is to make an anticheat? Think of all the things that could be added to the game instead. The best way to combat cheaters is legally, with lawsuits and threats.

Hahahahahahhaha dude are you out of your mind.
Oh man, good man.

What do you mean? Blizzard got so many millions from lawsuits that the number of bots in WoW is ridiculously low.
I heard Epic doing something similar too.
It's the best way.

The anti cheat is very shit, and very non intrusive. This is why most bans on that game are in the form of manual bans.
It's shit like VAC (Except VAC don't manual ban)

Retard, the anti cheat alone wiped out every botter.

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you can't cheat on vac secured servers

>leee haha look mat me make a meme im sure i'll catch someone hahaha lmao im funneh

I'm honestly against it. It's really dangerous shit. Cheater are a smaller problem than what this bullshit will get us.

you're just afraid of playing online. it's always that with your kind

>muh warden
lmao, you retarded cocksuckers seriously believe that?
there were multiple *public* bots for wow that warden couldn't do shit about for ages. glider, pocketgnome, honorbuddy - they were all shut down by blizzard's lawyers.
d3 never had a sizeable banwave, even back in the days of RMAH
I don't know much about oversoy because there's no money to be made, but I saw plenty of semi-private cheats for sale

i miss punkbuster and seeing the hundreds of threads of people crying how they got GUID banned and cant play any other game that runs punkbuster now

>Let me pretend i know what I'm talking about
-glider, pocketgnome, honorbuddy - they were all shut down by blizzard's lawyers
See; Dumb fuck, that was the creator who made a thread and stopped it all after the release of warden anti cheat.

Don't effortless wins get boring after a couple times?

dont play on the platform 12 year old kids play. Simple fix.

The sheer delusion these fuckwits present themselves with - whether they believe what they say or not - is astounding. That image makes me feel so angry I actually wish I could kill everyone involved.

Yes, I went ham in tarkov for a month before I got sick of it. I made double the money back, but it's not a stable income or scaleable in any way.

You have to realize, people cant handle losing and want to be the best in a pub game. Lots of people hide cheats more than i see them going out aimbotting everyone.

I cheated on random tf2 community servers with a name changer just to see the dipshit admins ban themselves and spinbot as sniper. Then Valve fixed the speed hack so i stopped.

i actually feel sorry for the coder he got ravaged by the anti cheat and had to pack up and go work in a meat factory for ends meat

You misunderstood. I don't do it to win, I do it to piss you off.

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cheating was so bad valve fixed speed hack, name changing, no spread, no recoil etc... but still loads of cheating especially in TF2 people just use the sniper class now

They made a few hundred k, no meat factory for them. Just new games

>sitting for hours on your chair, smelling like BO, unshaven, unwashed, cheating for hours on end to "upset" someone who will simply leave within seconds of spotting your lard ass
lol great life you have

Women are fucking whores and naturally will cheat.

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Probably a few million honestly over the years desu, just 5-10 buyers a day are enough depending on the cheat

a weird bug with the speedhack if you played medic you had instant uber so you could really fuck with a server and no one would be the wiser but you need a close friend who would vouched for you that it's a script.

>Probably a few million
you are out of your minds

>join server with detected cheat or some shit cheat that cant proof it's self
>instant ban
>not 2 weeks later like valve which leaves you with time to destroy hundreds of servers in that time span
i honestly saw less cheaters on punk buster despite the hate it got for being terrible than i ever have on VAC