Why does this game have such horrible deformed female characters? And why do Amerimutts like it this way?
SFV ugly wahmen
Long story short: They made most of the characters like that so players could easily gauge how much range punches and kicks have
I actually like the models. (Apart from Ken's hair)
I think the ragdoll cloth physics shit looks horrible though.
Dresses don't look real and flail around horribly at any kind of movement making it look like a cheap coomber game.
Also bikinis look shit but so do the DoA ones. I think it's hard to get right.
That's funny since everything has shit range in that game.
she looks so fertile bros....
who should i main in SFV
Abigail, Birdie, or M. Bison
i like all 3
a lot of the characters look like clay animation figures with thyroid disease.
Juri han looks good though.
i can never play as Chun, i get too horny
Maybe Dead or Alive's generic ass production line basic bitch models are more your taste, OP.
didnt the japs make this? how are americans to blame here
>low test, the post
At least theirs legs are normal.
Another motherfucking low test thread in a motherfucking low test board.
Knew it. Neck yourself.
i'll deeply miss sfv's women, really hope snk can pull through with kof15
DoA's model represent perfection. in SFV they look like tchernobyl aliens.
Easy there while you rage type to protect your animated blow up dolls, you fucking nerd.
I take it girls in your shithole look like trolls.
All DOA girls have practically the same proportions with different bust sizes. They’re like Barbie dolls
All the characters in SFV have exaggerated proportions. It’s the artstyle of SF. It doesn’t work as well in 3D as it did in 2D.
You coomer
Even Spaghetti Kumar is underwhelming in that regard.
>implying Street Fighter Girls were ever attractive
That’s because the entire meta revolves around frame traps way too heavily
Chun li is attractive in fanarts. But is a monster in nuSF games. Go figure.
I dont know why people complain it looks realistic.
You live in Mexico or what? Girls don't look like this.
you what mate? theres girls that look like this.
The problem is that it looks too realistic. Street Fighter is meant to be a more stylized series and they kept that style in the size and shape of characters but the graphics don’t complement that.
It should have been even more stylized
oh i agree SFVs models mostly look like ass. I just think muscle leg women look like competent fighters.
Hands, forearms, calves and feet are all made much bigger than normal in a lot of fighting games to make the animation more readable. It's a good idea from a gameplay perspective but bad for coomerbait.
The only girls who look like this are female bodybuilders.
I don't think any bodybuilder has calves as thick as their thighs
you don't go outside much do you?
It's the exact same proportions as SF3's sprites.
>ugh why doesnt this game look realistic
>cringe! yikes!
I want a Seth mommy.
I agree totally. I always liked the fact that SF women actually have visible muscles
post an example of a character you would find attractive, OP
Then explain why every other fightans have better art style than SF IV/V. Even the 2D SFs werent like this.
>he says this while unironically defending Synthol Fighter art style
The issue is how they’re representing the style. The style has barely changed since SF2, with the most wild departure in style being Alpha. I’m sure if SFV was celshaded or something, no one would bat an eye besides people who care about “muh realistic graphics”
Even with divisive graphics in 3D, it still has pretty great animation
What? 3rd Strike Makoto had feet and hands much bigger than head.
This, very vanilla
Chun is love Chun is life
Core values. Also
>someone posts picture of jacked female bodybuilder measuring her bicep
>click thumbnail to see what the tape measure says
>mine's bigger and I'm not even that swole
I hate SF4/5 dumb artstyle.
I hope they will go for something more normal for SF6.
it's extremely easy to scale down the hands/feet when using the models for coomer purposes so not a big deal
look at this fat ugly pig
You know it!
Beautiful toned legs > inhuman dumb looking legs on steroids
We both know they wont. Those days are over.
What? SFV is a coomers dream come true. The girls are insanely well built and beautiful. The question is how do they make them look better than DOA girls despite the girls being the main focus of that series?
sorry, I prefer women with human proportions rather than ogre proportions.
aside from the feet/hands look at those bodacious bods. Thick thighs, wide hips, defined muscular bodies, big tits, big asses. What am I missing here?
it's a bit much still. I respect your taste but it's still a niche. Like most to the right are very built, muscularly. usually a little muscle is no bother but like in the picture, it looks like it's just bordering over to man bodies with tits included. And that's coming from me who's into tomboys.
we definitely have different tastes then because I'm into fit girls and SF is the only one that really fills that niche.
Most of SF girls are not just fit, they are built like fucking (fe)males on steroids.