Hey, you! Yes, YOU! What did you think of the last game you played?
Hey, you! Yes, YOU! What did you think of the last game you played?
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CIV VI, its okay. im new to these type of games so it is weird.
Its fun, but man people do some crazy shit on there
>Winter War mod for Rising Storm 2
It feels like Red Orchestra 2 lite. And honestly, that’s fine by me considering RO2 is getting old. I missed combined arms with tanks.
Resident Evil 6. It's mediocre.
Fun although getting crashed by some faggot with the crash gun avatar is boring.
no u
Tried replaying Dark Souls 2, it still sucks
same, as a sorcerer and it is honestly extremely boring. Cool environments but it still kind of sucks.
I know right
After all the retards here saying its the best in the series i gave it another playthrough. Its just fucking bad man. Never trust Yas Forums
Played RUINER, was pretty nice, all style and no substance, just as I like my cyberpunk.
I just started FFIV. Kain is my bro.
>Master levels for Doom 2
Some wads are 10/10 some are 1/10
Playing ds3 again. Some user said that it was frustrating to play because all the enemies fight like they're in bloodborne but you character has the same crappy roll from ds3. Really opened my eyes going through it again I can see what he meant
I don't play video games
fire emblem three houses is fun, i put the difficulty to normal because i'm a literal brainlet and can't do strategy games but it's way too easy, i'm going to turn it up when i do the other routes
I'm playing the Spyro remake trilogy and it's been pretty fun. I forgot how good Spyro controls and it will be nice to finally play the third game.
>Apex Legends
It's a decent BR with lots of nice QoL additions, but Respawn can not balance e anything of their life depended on it
Did they stopped with that retarded 3 persons party only?
It was fun. Best kart racer I've played
RE3 Remake
Is not nearly as bad as people say here.
>metro exodus
it's shit, same bad gameplay as the older ones but without the metro setting which made it cool
>Black Mesa
It was great! No regrets!
Ive been watching vids of it. can you make yourself any character or is there a list?
everytime i see this rat i chuckle
the last game i probably played was M&B II, it's alright.
bannerlord. Its actually pretty fun
>Dominions 5
Refunded and later pirated it.
Danganronpa 2 is one of my favorite games now
You could take the time to make your own character sprites, but there are plenty of character packs available. The game comes with a default bonuschars.pak that includes 30 extra sonic characters, but I've seen all kinds.
>this rat has probably died 5 of its kind's generations ago
It has bad aiming.
I can't believe you cant sneak around while crouched in MGS3, it goes straight to slithering around
It's really annoying
its charming, fun, and has a great ost
It's actually fun and the people complaining about it are mad they can't get drops from watching Summit.
i’m also replaying it right now,you get used to it eventually but it’s a pain in the ass when you missclick it ,and then he drops so you need to press it two more time
Technically yes, the game has duos as a permanent option, but i dislike duos more than the default. It's built around team play and it shows.
Ori2, the ending was stupid
I don't remember what it was.
Can't remember the last game I played.
Bannerlord, like Warband, is a roleplaying game, and I'm not capable of roleplaying, so I don't like it.
Patapon 3
The game's fun but it's made artificially long by pointless grinding that is not even enjoyable, they made class skills with the idea that youd play the entire campaign with every single class to unlock them all but id rather stick with one team i like and can properly upgrade equipment for.
Last game I played with GTA: San Andreas. I finished it, was fucking around with the minigun in Las Venturas. Very kino game - definitely based on the redpill. This is my CJ.
I started playing again because of the quarantine and I'm fucking addicted. This game isn't even fun. I spent all day training agility running around in a circle.
mah nigga
>wow classic
i want to enjoy this game but the grind is just too fucking mindless and boring
for games like OSRS, at least you can grind at a semi-afk level, as all you have to do is click once every 30 seconds or so
wow classic is an extremely long grind that also requires you to pay attention the whole time or you'll get killed eventually
>toggling autoshot and sending my boar to go kill a mob for the 10,000th time
Okami actually gripped me and was a breath of fresh air. Feels like you're in a Japanese folk story and I don't mean in an anime / weeb way. The aesthetics are fantastic and full on traditional Japanese style. The story, world, characters, and crazy demons all compliment each other excellently. The brush techniques are also so imaginative. I love how the game's dungeons feel natural and like they belong as opposed to for the sake of it. There's some good humour in there as well. It's just a great game and I'm glad I just went for it and got it - what a blast it's been.
>Pathologic 2
Slow, tedious, frustrating, really weird, but also really interesting and well polished for what it is.
Just finished it, would recommend a playthrough for anyone who is not ADD-riddled. I'd like to say that it's criminally underrated and it's a real shame the game found no success, but I understand why people are not interested in it. they're retarded
Rain world
Fun but hard, then I learned how to deal with predator and how they react or hunt
Now it’s mostly easy
>No version where Ryder doesn't betray you
fixed in the 3DS version
I really tried playing it but it was so fucking abstruse. I couldn't get into it at all.
D-dragon ball fighterZ
Now i wanna play need for speed high stakes or wild 9.
>civ 6
should have started with 5 as it's cheaper, and more simplistic gameplay wise
>Ao no Kiseki
Really enjoying it, currently in between chapters 2 and 3 where the crew take a few days off to go to the amusement park.
But holy fuck the Chinese PC port is pretty bad.
pretty cool, doing scarlet spear while chilling with my friend in the background
>ring fit adventure
Genealogy of the Holy War is pretty darn solid so far, but this thread reminded me I didn't actually save before exiting out.
It's literally a paid gacha. The only fun I have is talking on the /vg/ clan chat but yeah I spend most of my time clicking on the same fishing spot or going to the bank booth, taking steel bars, smelt them into cannonballs, repeat x1000
coolness overload, then autistic rage because of the saving glitch,then coolness overload again after I figured how to fix it.
Smash Ult is pretty fun, i enjoy playing as a lot of characters, and is one of the closest things to a fighting game that I like.
>From the depths
A fuckin' headache thats wot
Started ESO during quarantine.
Gave into nostalgia and got the Morrowind one. So far it's been neat but they fucked up the Redoran armor style and pretty much almost every armor since the game has adopted a part of its aesthetic from WoW. Bonemold doesn't seem to exist in this game's time period either.
But once that song "The Road Less Travelled" started playing I got the feels. But I like how this MMO feels more like a solo rpg in an MMO world. Similar to SWTOR
>Stronghold HD
Mission 2 of the economy campaign is bullshit and i'm, not having nearly as much fun as i thought I would. The bandits that show up periodically are wrecking my shit and take way too much damage to kill.
Pavlov? It's trash, I hate VR so God damned much. Pure wasted potential.
>Savage Vessels
It's kicking my ass and I'm not through Chapter 2 yet.