4AM thread

Stu, what are you doing?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's been so long since I've seen one of these threads but I bet it'll just get deleted

I've lost control of my life

all threads get deleted constantly. The only type of content allowed on Yas Forums is nothing.

What are you, my mother?

Hoping to die as usual.

I've been on Yas Forums for 15 years and shit like this just reminds me that I enjoyed it for a long time, but now I don't. But it's a habit now.

its 2 am retard

Same I wish I had something else in my pathetic life to keep me away from this shithole

Just chillin. What's it to you?

but it's 10am

Here's your (you).
Wanting to die as usual.
Save me, emshen.

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What games are you playing rn boys?

I figured the oldfag culture will die off someday, but it's 4AM and nobody's waking up early for work rn

any thread that isn't one of the same 200 we have every day is probably gonna get 404'd for off topic
its pretty sad to be honest

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I've lost control of my life...Again

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Just having another nice lil' c-coom hahaha...

Once again, I did nothing but browse this shithole all day, heh...
I love the q-quarantine hahahaha....

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Just looking at the screen with nothing to do, I don't wanna go to sleep because I've got shit to do tomorrow.

I have plenty of stuff to keep me a way. A job, a gf, several hobbies, but by the end of the day I'm always back.

I naturally drift towards a sleep schedule where I'm in bed for almost all of the time the sun's up and am awake for the night
It's why I work night shift, but now I just have nothing but the emptiness of 4 AM

I just finished going through that old Yas Forums content that still makes you laugh thread. Gonna listen to Okkusenman and then think about how to change my life.

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How do you browse all day?

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That takes me back

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I think I'm going to find something vintage to jack off to

I'm just gonna go ahead and dump some stuff.

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played some Stardew with friends, some Hearthstone, and a little Red Steel 2.
waiting for someone to shoot up a hospital and paint "CORONA WAS HERE" on the walls

These threads bring the most depressed kind of people LOL

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holy shit i listen to okkusenman when i'm having an existential crisis too, the song really speaks to me as i had a really good childhood friend that changed my life who i've completely lost contact with, we loved mega man too

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>2010 was a decade ago
Where did it all go?

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This. Mods are newfags. Like the majority of this board.

I totally get that. It still hits me the same way it did back then, though I guess it's more relevant than ever.

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gave up on sleeping so i sat on the pc and saw this thread
cool vibes

I've been listening to this album recently. For some reason I didn't even know it existed when I was a kid but fuck now that I have listened to it I can say it's one of the best LP albums. .

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ever seen this version


I don't know man, I only hope this next decade is better.

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Of course they are. The gook's replacing them with mods who'll actually give up their birth certificates and state IDs.

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Not in ages, man!

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Finally saw the Protomen last year. I can't believe there's STILL no Act III.

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I've been sitting here listening to music and contemplating if I wanna continue to read this board for a little longer, take my project out of hiatus and attempt to work on it again or save that for tomorrow and just go to bed.

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My December is the best.
With you, points of authority,place for my head. Paper cut are top contenders. Whole albumb is dope.
Runaway has a great opening with it water sounds and description of grey skies.

They used a lot of ambient sounds that brought the nu to numetal, and was able to bring in some atmosphere you'd otherwise lose with traditional metal.

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I'm going to fail another school year because this quarantine has killed the little motiva^tion I had left. fuck this gay earth

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Remember, the people who donate to streams are so unlike you and I that this dynamic is something akin to being an old man watching rock and roll take off. The old man in this case appreciating the music itself, just not the culture (and drug use) around it

It's 2:30AM where I am.
What should I do with the rest of the night?

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My first 4 am thread in fucking 3 years

yeah the ambient sound they used is dope.I've never heard anything like it at least in the metal genre. It makes you feel so nostalgic for some reason.

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You can light it up or hold it back, your choice

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think about suicide

Trying to beat Nemesis on Nightmare. Fucking cancer fight.

Playing FF7R wishing I was playing ToM

Not the same user but thanks for reminding me to take a nice puff of my CBD vape. Might help me decide to get creative or encourage me further to go to bed.


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I haven't posted here in years because of jewgle but I've increasingly become careless about it.
I miss the old times dearly, but I want to escape now, image boards aren't what they used to be and never will be the same, it's sad to see, These threads were some of the best.

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I have no idea what to do with my life. There's a few things I'm kind of good at but I have no feelings towards any activity.

I'm upset that Square just updated their models for the FF8 remaster and called it a day, just like the Grim Fandango remaster. I finished the latter recently with a guide because I no longer have the patience to fuck around with puzzles for hours. Still a good game even for brainlets like me. Speaking of laziness, when is Super Mario Maker 2 going to get some new shit, like triangle blocks and a SML theme?

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play some hearthstone

went from that album, reanimation, in high school to the OST to Metroid Prime for its ambience. Legit burnt a cd with my December to play after phendrana drifts.
Metroid Metal was also up that alley.

oh boy i sure love to browse Yas Forums at 5:47.

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Man, I used to listen to Stemage all the time. The Underwater theme from Super Metroid was my favourite track they did.

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Splitting up Yas Forums into 4 different boards and the jannies being more prune happy with what's left really killed it for me. Generals are not what I come to this site for, they're just reddit tier shit. I mostly shitpost on Yas Forums now, because at least there's a $ interest in shilling and funposting there