Were you claimed as a dependent?
in 2018 yes but I said I won't be in 2019 but my dad hasn't filed for 2019 yet
on the actual form I looked at though there's no distinction between CAN and CLAIMED despite what the TurboTax filing had me believe and on top of that the IRS website actually says just checking CAN will disqualify you even if you're not actually claimed, unless I'm not understanding it right
I should have just fucking lied
fuck the IRS and fuck the government
refresh the page and edit the html
DID YOU FILE FOR 2019 they only use 2018 if you didn't file for 2019 already
>18 now
>was 17 last year and my mom claimed me as a dependent
does my mom atleast get $500 from me being 17 when she last did taxes? or am i getting fucked?
I filled out the stimulus form on TurboTax for 2019
I've never done taxes before
then wtf lol you were never eligible then. The only thing the government is doing for you is giving your parents an extra 600 dollars. The only critieria for getting the 1200 is not being a 0-24 y/o dependent and filed before I believe. lmao get rekt my dude. no index 4 u.
If you didn't fill out taxes for 2019 in any way the extra $500 will go to your mother
>is a stupid fucking idiot that can't even follow simple instructions
This board is for video games. Since your post is talking about government administration matters, you're probably better off asking on Yas Forums
not him but isn't filing taxes really confusing?
t. hasn't filed taxes but probably will once i get back to work in a year or something
No cause I imagine 90% of people use turbotax which makes the process painless. You'd have to be brain dead to not be able to do it.
so am I getting $1200 or not
what's the point of TurboTax distinguishing between CAN be a dependent and actually BEING CLAIMED as a dependent if there's only one checkbox on the actual fucking form
I'm glad my high school teacher taught me how to do taxes
So if I file my taxes every year and get my tax refunds through my bank I just wait for them to send it? No forms or anything?
Not every year just if you did it for 2018 or 2019
If you're a wagie, it's super easy. Just follow the numbers on the w2 with the numbers in turbotax.
It's like those matching games in kindergarten were meant to teach you something.
If your last tax(2019) was direct deposited and you havent changed banks, then you get a direct deposit.
Well nice. I thought we would have to fill out more annoying forms.
>still live with mommy
>no license, mommy drives me everywhere
>only pay her $250 a month
>file as a dependant
Thank you for the big money, Papa Trump.
>file as a dependant
im pretty sure that your mommy with be getting the money, and it'll only be $500, unless she is giving that to you
I'm 20 and have had a job before but have been unemployed for a year and have since been a neet. I never paid taxes before because I live with my parents.
So am I eligible or not?
Fuck my asshole, I meant independent, or whatever it is.
If your mom claims you on her taxes then you're not getting anything.
also im pretty sure you gotta be under 18 to even get that $500, so unless you were 17 last year then tough luck
Is there anything funnier than wagies who live paycheck to paycheck? Or how happy they are about getting a fucking LOAN while the other 90% of this package is free money for big business?
I honestly think some people deserve to be slaves. If you're too stupid to understand the system you're living in, you deserve to be exploited by it for every penny you earn.
Unless you get SSI or paid taxes in 2018 no
Trump is literally the only president in my life that did something good for me
I don't think people are worried about that they're just trying to survive
I am 24 and want my fucking money back to dump into my shitty savings.
Have to be 16 or younger
Better hope your parents didn't claim you on their taxes.
The fact they live on credit and need some of their own money back to survive is the joke. If you don't have enough money to survive for half a year, you are a literal retard.
not even a mutt and even I know you need to have filed taxis within the last two years to get the money
I just got my claim back on the 8th. I get 500 bucks fortnightly. Om so happy. But I dont know what vidya to get.
>tfw paid taxes in 2018 for part time job but couldn't find a better job and had to move back in with my parents
>parents probably put me in as a dependent on taxes in 2019 so no bux for me
It sucks but at least I don't really need the money and not in dire financial circumstances like some people are.
and you speak as what, a basement neet?
>bank closed my account because of a 170$ overdraft that i didnt fix for 2 months
>do my taxes yesterday, wondering how the fuck im gonna get my return and stimulus check
>it gives me an option to get everything on a turbotax debit card
>chose that, no longer have to re open bank and pay back overdraft
>get zero(0) dollars if you make over 100k
This isn't fair. This isn't justice.
Wait did I have to actually do something to get a stimulus check? I filed my taxes a while ago I thought that was all you needed to do and they'd just send it out.
>19 y/o college freshman
>need money to get to my classes
>Have a job but not working cause quarantine
>Claimed as a dependent
>12$ to my name
fuck drumpf and fuck the Biden burden :(
Wait, has the gubmint started sending money out? I want my neetbux!
as long as you filed taxes you'll get the stimulus check by whatever method youre getting your tax return by. so if you're getting a direct deposit for your return then you'll get it that way.
Sweet. thanks for the clarity.
If you need a single dollar with a 6 figure income, you’re a verified retard.
That's all you need to do. If you put your bank account on your tax forms they'll send it to you that way, otherwise it will be by mail which can take a long ass time.
god bless corona
>19 y/o college freshman
>12$ to my name
>claimed as dependent
>have job but not working cause corona
>need money to fix car and get to class in rural school
Fuck the Biden burden and fuck drumpf :(
>13k dollars
let me hold a 20 bro.
>not a dependent
>filed my taxes
yeah, im thinking trump is based
I could lose my job user.
It's not as much money as it seems.
haven't worked since october, so i can't wait to get my hands on my coronabux. feels good, fellas.
it’s exactly as much money as it seems, that’s how numbers work, the only unknown variable here is how much you’re spending
It doesn't matter. If you don't get it now, as long as you do actually qualify, you can claim it next year when you file your taxes. Surely you're not actually so financially insolvent as for that to matter, right user?
Why isn't it the candaian dollar symbol
>file taxes for 2018
>got direct deposit
>still haven’t felt like filing my 2019 taxes
Am I getting muh free check via direct deposit or am I fucked?
You're getting it
>clapistan: handouts are evil
>also clapistan: free money for everyone!
Why do so many NEETs worship at the altar of libertarianism and capitalism when they are the ones who would benefit most from UBI?
Jannie needs to start banning a lot of the underage in this thread lol sooooo many little kids that don’t understand they won’t be getting money but their parents are because of dependent claims Jesus and American education still hasn’t created a mandatory finance course for high school
is that even legal?
I don't get it, do they pay 13K or only at 1600?
also what does the highlighted part mean?
whats the "skin to skin after c-sec"?
>$1200 tax return
>$1200 from stimulus check
>Got laid off, so I get $308+$600 a week
Shit, at this point I might end up making more money than I did working my actual fucking job.
want to hold your newborn son? give us 40 bucks.
The absolute fucking state of burgerstan. Your best hope was unironically Bernie winning ages ago.
Because they're fucking man children. They've also already displayed they have no interest in improving their station in life
do you get more money if you're already on neetbux
>wah wah i dont wunna work wah wah
If you're on SSI or SSDI you'll still get paid.
Wait how do you apply for this?
Holding your newborn child, our medical system is fucked up and will slap on charges for literally anything.
The US tax system is so sad.
okay, now explain that, what do you even do to have it be THAT expensive
as I understand american healthcare, you pay for insurance, and then the insurance “negotiates” how much you’re gonna pay, so it can be anything
in that case, insurance covered half the cost
This bitch had 79 c-sections and only had to pay $3106.
It's not hard, if you paid taxes or on SSI/SSD for 2018/2019, you get it. If not tough luck, you're either underage or leeching off your parents and this stimulus is not meant for you in either case.
Bernie was never going to win even when he was polling ahead of everybody else, the DNC would rather have four more years of Trump than do anything to make the lives of its citizens better. That's why they pushed forward Biden even though he's an out of touch retarded Boomer who still thinks it's 1980.
It's because they'd rather live shit themselves as long as niggers and faggots have to live shit as well. Fucking pathetic. The absolute state of Amerifats.
lmao I thought it was the price of getting your belly stitched back together after
not sure which is worse
It's basically three-way jewry between drug/tech manufacturers, hospitals, and insurance companies, with each jacking up their prices to jew the others, except the patient gets footed with the massively inflated leftover bill (and those without insurance are just fucked)
>electronic stimulus submission
is this for people who didnt file taxes?
Of course I know he never had a snowball's chance in hell of winning.
Get a dictionary, bro.
>we waste time while dooming innocent people to certain death isnt our healthcare system grand?
They're just temporarily embarrassed millionaires!
Their superior intellects will grant them massive wealth in meritocratic capitalism as soon as kikes, holes and faggots stop putting them down!
oh haha economy crashing and people losing jobs but $2000 dollars is going to see me through the next 5 years hehe haha funny as fuck hehe