Why do zoomers love them so much?

Why do zoomers love them so much?.

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because they POOP and FART

hey look, another boomer smoothbrain moment

>user hasn't been playing their games since the 2D overhead games on PS1
Hi zoomer. You guys are the ones that don't play the games and instead just shoot people all day in the boring as fuck GTAO. Your complaining is probably why consoles don't have free aim lobbies anymore too.

zoomer here games suck besides max payne 3

maybe if you weren't getting old and lonely you'd realize this, but alas, you have no one to socialize with besides Yas Forums, kek fucking loser boomers always being dumb





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28 year old boomer here, this post is the truth...

I'm not a zoomer, I'm a millennial. Face it, asides from manhunt, the warriors, non HD gta and bully, everything else they've developed is zoomer trash.

they make the best open world city/vehicle games.

i bet you're one of those retards who thinks saints row or Watch dogs is better

32 year old boomer here, this post is false...
>tfw you make around $30k a month as a contractor so you only work a few months a year
>everyone you know works a full-time job
Its not like everyone else just sits around the fucking house all day, so I need something to do to keep me entertained while people are working.

Saints row is also zoomer shit. Watch dogs isn't that bad. I really enjoy the original GTA games, manhunt, bully and the warriors. Every post GTA game they've made appeals only to zoomers tho.

rockstar is loved by both zoomers and boomers im afraid

>Watch dogs isn't that bad

>RDR is trash
You can fuck off with that opinion. RDR2 on the other hand... I mean did their entire company get replaced with brand new employees?

>non HD gta
So are you saying SA and after are all trash? Even with this new craze from faggots that think GTAV was bad due to being popular, SA should still be accepted as a good GTA by most people. Its only problem was having too much empty space.

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First RDR was great. Second one is terrible.

wrong, they are both great.

Sorry, I meant the HD GTA games. I got mixed up there. I love the originals (3, vice city, San Andreas)

Not him but 2 legitimately isn't that bad. The overall aesthetic is pretty cringy but the game itself is genuinely really fun.

>muh niggers
>muh guns
>muh gang activity

One thing that pisses me off is how RDR builds up his crew to sounding like a bunch of cut throat badasses that don't give a shit about anyone, then they design the second game to punish you for doing anything "fun". Based on the first game, being an outlaw should be the natural choice in the second game. Also, they seemed like they put effort into each character in RDR while anyone that isn't fucking Arthur or Dutch just kinda get glanced at every now and then. I can't even remember people's names in that game this soon after release while I will never forget Seth and Nigel's name from the first game. Hell, I actually had to look up Dutch's name because of how many fucks I could give about that loser too.

This is what a millennial thinks criticism is.

I love all of their single player catalog. Only good multiplayer was Max Payne 3

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Because zoomers are hyped up on black 'culture' such as rap, and in these "songs" they talk about stealing, raping, and shooting, and other shit that is illegal. So they think they're cool because apparently not thinking long term is a good thing. So overtime their braincells die and they become nothing but wiggers. They want ACTION EXPLOSHIIINS AND COOLERINO CARINOS with basically no real content besides that. It is effectively one of the most shittiest games of all time. (Although I have to admit gta iv, and sa are the best in the franchise.) Despite that though, fivem is good to troll on.

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Also I am not saying all games with action shit in it is bad. I loved max payne 3

>I meant the HD GTA games
>lists 2 non-HD, and 1 HD game
Nope, you are still confusing user. HD resolutions are 720p and 1080p, aka PS3 games like San Andreas, IV, and V would be HD games. SD resolution is 480p, aka PS2 games like III and Vice City.

Yas Forums is mad at RDR2 because people WANTED IT to be full blown SJW propaganda so they could victimize themselves.
Back when it's cover was revealed everyone here was going
almost as if they wanted it to be that way.

When the game only had that one level with the feminists where Arthur even tells them he doesn't give a fuck, everyone here clinged to that level for dear life.

Then again, I guess the epilogue about Marston working hard for their family also triggered them hard since millennials hate the idea of having a family, working and are in some stupid type of gender fight.

Yas Forums's criticism is absolutely worthless.

I wish Max Payne 3 was BC for xbox x

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you mean anti sjw propaganda? To be honest if it was anti sjw propaganda it would be based because everyone back then hated niggers

>tps mechanics are shit

You millenioids only see entertainment media as
>who's propaganda is this
You creatures are nigger-tier in how anti-art you are.
You literally couldn't give less of a fuck about anything but politics.
Which is why all governments around the world should simply take away the right to vote from everyone born between 1985 and 2000.
Would be fun seeing what you do then.

Get out.

i stopped reading at "art" video games arent art

Gta IV and V are considered the HD universe. I was referring to them. The originals are everything before that.

They could be, you prevented them from being that when millennials started working in videogames and did nothing but create worthless garbage.
Mass Effect Andromeda is one great example of a millennial videogame.

user, san andreas originally came out for the ps2 and original xbox, not ps3, by definition it is not a hd game.

>tries to insult people
>throws it out the window with "anti-art"
You tried I guess... I stopped reading at that point.

Yes, the only way you can possibly argue is decide when you want to stop reading, I guess.
Not a surprise seeing that even what you dedicate yourselves most to, which le ebin political debate, is literally consolewar-tier niggerism.

I mean the last game I played was bannerlord. Its a good game but I wouldnt consider it art (yet).

But I guess if I HAD to consider a game that is artistic. It would probably be the first deus ex

>Gta IV and V are considered the HD universe
You are the first person I've ever seen refer to them as the "HD universe", and why would you try and create your own lingo that is completely ignorant to what HD means? If you want people to understand what you are trying to say, then use correct terms please. Or would you rather people think that you hate the shit out of San Andreas?

Technically any media that can evoke feelings is art.
Whether is good or not is something different.
He's correct in that focusing on media's political message is literally anti-art, that's not a feeling.

Because it's literally redit the game
>funny social commentary
>quirky characters
>le cynical gritty edgy writing that takes itself too seriously
>cover shooter
>over 9000 lbs of cutscenes

zoomers don't play video games. they watch e-celebs play them, instead

Not him, but HD universe is the nickname given to the post-GTA SA GTA universe.
It's used all the time in GTA forums and the GTA wiki.

I wasn't walking through quicksand with John. John remembered to cock his weapons before firing too, that way I wasn't pressing R2 twice just to fire a shot. RDR2 is the epitome of bad game design. People that criticize games like the Witcher or Days Gone are proof of that. Rockstar gets "that" pass. Any other game would get shit on. The cliche cast isn't an excuse either.
The game wants you to play a certain way. It's just giving you the illusion that you have freedom. For example, killing somebody on the road up on a snowy mountain leads to random witnesses spawning out the ass. Then you have to deal with the broken bounty system. If this game didn't have a manual save option it would be borderline unplayable.
I mentioned one game from Rockstar that I thought was good.

>boring empty map
>abysmal online features
>game about making money but people keep buying money instead

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I'm not sure if you're being deliberately obtuse here. That's the official term used to describe the new games.

>The cliche cast isn't an excuse either.
Yas Forums pretends now to hate cliches when this place ate up Metal Gear?

>Yas Forums is one person

Yes it is, specially nowadays.

Oops my mistake. I knew I fucked with the game to see wtf the hot coffee scandal was all about and thought I never hacked my PS2. Shit, it seems so long ago...

Sorry makes a bit more sense now that I realize SA was PS2. The jump in graphics and controls from VC to SA didn't help with that either. Really should have realized this since I got platinum in the PS2 classic version not too long ago too... Also it seemed to me like the fanbase for the games went to shit with SA (but more noticeably so with IV), so I don't interact with the normal fanbase anymore. Its usually just when the games are brought up in different threads for whatever reason.

>game about making money but people keep buying money instead
>tfw you are too old to ever understand shit like this and watching other people play video games
I honestly wish I could understand. I hate when I don't understand something...

RDO is like GTAO in that it's about making money, but you can pay microtransactions to get money instead.

The problem is it's American style 'politics' where 90% of the effort is put into ensuring one side believes the other is in some grand conspiracy to impose their worldview and values on them through some secret plot. Not 5% of the population let alone the mouthbreathers here could tell you a single policy of either one of the 2(!!!) relevant parties at a federal, state or even county level without looking it up that hasn't been spoonfed to them by the shouting faces on their tv or computer screens.

Ultimately all art is 'political', especially story-driven narratives. Someone has a point of view and a message they want to portray and if it's well made, it will be interesting and engaging even if you don't agree with it.

I don't know how RDR2's plot is political, it's about a bunch of outlaws getting caught up by the times.

have you not played GTAV? everything is crude, over-exaggerated social commentary and it basically takes place in los angeles. zoomers love that shit. they think shit like GTAIV is "olden"

Smart people with lives just avoid the game in general. Grinding for hours fighting bullet sponge enemies isn't worth it. Buying meaningless, virtual money to fight some 12 year old that gets a shark card or gold bars every week is retarded.
There are better games to play and better things to do.

it feeds their "cute aggression"

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Yeah, that zoomer Kojima getting depressed after comparing MGSV to GTA V. Fucking zoomers always praising R*.

Or those fucking zoomers over at Nintendo, who are using Red Dead Redemption 2 as inspiration for Breath of the Wild 2.

I don't know. After GTA IV, V, and RDR 2 I realized I'm sick of the way they make games. It bores me. I find myself getting bored midway through and almost dropping them. Doesn't help I'm not at all interested in the online shit they do either. I think it's time for me to move on.

Rockstar makes games for two kinds of people — The very young person who is brand new to video games (GTA, Bully), and the very old person who feels that it's shameful for an old person to still be playing video games and wants to play a game that plays slow and tedious (RDR2, LA Noire).

Zoomers, like all gamers of generations before them who were new to the video game industry at one time, eventually come to play other AAA games made by other game developers and quickly realize how crappy, boring, and shallow Rockstar games are.

>The very young person who is brand new to video games (GTA, Bully)
>the first of which is older than I am
Lets be honest here. Bully is probably older than you are too. Quit trying to pretend to be a grownup user.

What the hell is this guy going on about, trannies are all far left and all watch anime.

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.... jesus christ. its just a game, dawg. this board truly stands for Yas Forumsirgins and this thread is the ultimate proof. kys

LA Noire was made by Team Bondi, not Rockstar.
Rockstar just published it.

Bully is literally their only good game. Plus, it's a game that came out during a time millennials would have been the target demographic. Most zoomers have probably never heard of bully.