There's blood. There's blood in a Nintendo game.
There's blood. There's blood in a Nintendo game
No, that's ketchup.
has there ever been a nintendo game with legitimate swearing
like it would probably fit in something like metroid or twilight princess
Play Fire Emblem 4 for a balsy Nintendo game. It has incest, child sacrifices, and they literally pull off a Red Wedding midgame.
Compare that to a franchise about saving the world from the space pirates from outer space lead by a retarded looking purple dinosaur.
Eternal Darkness
>grabs your head
Yeah but characters just fade out when they die.
Graphical limitations which will be solved in the inevitable remake.
yeah but thats like saying bayonetta is a nintendo franchise
nintendo itself didnt make eternal darkness and the studio itself made otherthings outside of nintendo
there's also a dead baby by the end of it too
i hacked in the word "fuck" as the only sound effect into Super Metroid. I can upload it if you're interested.
>the baby
this game was pretty damn good for a nintendo game. It was also M rated.
Metroid fags are a whole new level of autism
i was testing our my codec and i know a thing or two about the inner workings of the game. super fucktroid made me chuckle
better and way higher quality play of This game slipped by way too hard thanks to gamecube's flop.
I've never actually played it are there no swear words in Bayonetta 2?
I just know it's full of sex and shit.
2 has a few lines here and there. It's rare in both games really.
lol yes please.
japanese nintendo games
In Star Fox 64 i think they say "shit" or "bastard"
That's just a translation of "kuso", which is a nonsense word that people of all ages use.
Nintendo developed game or franchise
ask and you shall receive.
it works best when she somersaults and fires her gun
damn, that looks cool
How the fuck did they get away with it?
It never gets brought up once.
Were the X-nauts hanged here for war crimes after TTYD?
OOT had blood in it
Why does nobody on Yas Forums know what autism is?
that's not a nintendo game you dolt
well its obvious you're an expert in the matter
Unrelated, but Game Freak managed to release official art of their main character(Pikachu) fucking dead and nobody ever batted an eye simply because the picture looks funny.
post it
Xenoblade series
he's not dead you autistic retard
Because all they want to do is insult people, so they just grab a random insult.
Mother 3
Give proof of your statement.
Burden of proof is on you
>love Metroidvainas
>tried to finish super Metroid 4 times
>get to the part with the grappling hook and then become bored and don’t finish It
This sucks bros
X _ X means dead, you dumbo.
Not necessarily
japanese don't have swearing.
Isn't that short for "kisama"?
>metroid 4
no one calls it that.
First Party? Doubt it, but Travis says Fuck a lot.
Originally yeah, but it all got removed in the remaster.
The fact that they have consistently used swirly eyes for fainting/defeat since they started posting art/the anime and use X eyes only for things like food and so on? Not to mention X being used to represent death as a smiley face, or generally used in a few anime doll design when the dool is creepy or something. Not mentioning that SM is the game that shied away from mentioning violence the least.
This one actually got censored while it was still on the N64. Later prints of the cart had Ganondorf coughing up green ichor instead of blood.
>oh, my Kool-aid
Still waiting for proof
Only thing even remotely close to a swear in a first party Nintendo game I think was Admiral Dane saying damn in MP3 and even then they censored it out in the Prime Trilogy for some reason.
"kuso" is a rude word for feces. It can mean something as mild as "poop" when used by children, but it's usually translated as "shit", but is still not really comparable. Japanese has words that are rude, but hardly anything is comparable to English swear words. Usually words dealing with sex or genitals are the most vulgar and taboo. Like even in porn they don't like to use words for genitals which have always been taboo in Japanese culture.
But do consider that NoA cleverly toned down a line that literally says "Your father's waiting for you in hell"
"You'll be seeing your dad soon, Fox" is top work as far as keeping it menacing while also not outright saying hell.
Where's that DAMN fourth Lifehold core?!