squeenix shill.
Let's be honest, this game is bad
I'm sure you're hoping that's as brutal and damning as you want it to be
off to page 10 with you, everyone's playing the game
Son. You are the time janny.
So if you're playing this game normally and you got to the point where the Time Jannies start doing their bullshit, would you still have time for the refund?
Yas Forums will never get over Nomura printing money.
>the graphics
Stopped there
They are though. The characeter models are great but the textures are abysmal. Looks like to completely different teams worked on this, it's jarring
No. The erfund department is Hard Mode for the next 2 weeks. Just roll with the punches and enjoy your FF7 media
>T-time Jannies
>guys time jannies
>r-refund guys
>guys cmon
>guys remember we made the time jannies joke two days ago
I disagree, but it's definitely worse than it should be. It's clearly half baked like everything Squares put out in the last decade