>He's still sick
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He's still sick
Literally who?
fucking newfags i swear
Joel is a faggot and has ADHD.
how does someone who streams for a living get corona
his job is to sit on his ass and occasionally laugh for 2 minutes over something that wasn’t funny
It's an oldfag thing.
doesn't joel have diabetes or something. i swear i recall hearing something about him having some sort of health issues.
How do you know? He doesn't really use twitter or anything and he didn't say it on stream.
social distancing is a myth.
it's just so feds can lift people off to the slaughter without question.
manmade disease.
He has diabetes and he also has another part time job. Well he did he brought it up one time when he had that girlfriend for like a week.
whats going on?
He got the Cowona
And yes he's got the Beetus.
>he got corona
its fucking allergy season and he's constantly sick. its probably seasonal.
>how does someone who streams for a living get corona
Easy peasy.
Wagies that bring him his food can easily cough their lungs on his tendies, also he lives in one of the most cucked places on Earth where the government unironically decided to do nothing about the china flu and where minorities get jobs like bringing food to neets.
Basically Muhammed got tasked with bringing Joel his daily cheetos, without any protective measures and disregard for his safety and others, he brought Joel his cheetos smeared with boogers and shit.
Neets do not care about hygiene either, so possibly Joel ate the food without cleaning it first or washing his hands.
Now imagine dying and leaving nothing behind except a fad on siivagunner....not that he would be the first guy to go out that way.
Girlfriend what
No... he can't have corona. Not Joel. Not before another collab with Jerma...
>he lives in one of the most cucked places on Earth where the government unironically decided to do nothing about the china flu
he's next
>doing nothing about corona
but that's a good thing. the us's attempt to halt their entire economy is going to do lasting damage to the poorer classes of people. hospitals are laying off nurses, businesses are losing money and closing. herd immunity is 100% the way to go, along with just general hygiene. most of the hysteria is purely manufactured or from people who aren't knowledgeable.
how is worshiping anyone from vinesauce any different from a normal eceleb thread?
binyot is already dead, the virus would have no effect on him.
Go die for your masters, wagie. The neet shall inherit the earth.
honestly this
everyones gonna go out and get sick again anyways. ive been working this whole time its literally no big deal.
That would mean leaving their home, user
>got the diabeetus
he ain't gonna make it is he?
There is no immunity though
'Recovered' people have been reinfected or relapsed
once you have it, that's it, it will likely keep coming back and you will be contagious again
Sweden where they just thought ehhh fuck it let's see what happens like the Netherlands is doing.
Canada has a lot of lockdowns.
Go out if you want to. No one is stopping you.
>Implying literally anything has changed for me and most the other people on this site since the lock down happened
Nothing has changed for us, but this completely unnecessary bullshit is tanking economies, which means your tendies are going to go up in price, and if handled poorly enough, could lead to complete societal breakdown.
Any epidemiologist with 2 brain cells knew this thing was a nothingburger a few weeks ago. The death rate hasn't exploded, despite the true case number being 10-100 times higher than the reported one. This thing kills less people than the flu.
>Literally looks like Luigi
6% of the sick are dead and without this social distancing thing, so many more would be sick. The intent isn't only to keep people from getting sick, but slowing the amount of cases so hospitals aren't overfilled to an extreme and the mortality rate jumps even higher than it is.
i cant fucking stand joel anymore. ive gotten so fucking tired of him not being able to play the game and talk at the same time. and then the constant pauses where he has to show something unfunny on screen for 2 minutes.
holy shit go the fuck back
FF7R is already slowly killing him, then reviving him, then killing him more, it'll be awhile before it fully sets in.
Who else will do the funny scoot voice?
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
this is not the face of a man, this is the face of a crushed soul.
>implying he was funny before
>no immunity
Do you know how the immune system works on how our bodies handle viruses? You don't relapse back into it, it leads to other things. Ever noticed how someone who's prone to pneumonia continually gets it in colder months? Its because their immune system is working over drive, leading them susceptible to other infections, i.e another type of pneumonia. Eventually the body gets over it and the person either dies or is healthy. Most of the people getting "relapses," shouldn't even be facing alive in the firs place. They're either super old, or have UNDERLYING HEALTH CONDITIONS that even a small cold is like an uphill battle. A virus cannot die because it doesn't meet the qualifications for life. It can incubate itself and come out later, as this isn't a new thing its pretty common. Chicken pox did that and can lead to shingles later in life. Most of the infected probably are carriers, but it literally doesn't matter because it's only affecting a small minority of the world. Few remember 1918's h1n1 incident that killed almost 2% of the world. Covid will never reach those percentages.
Type 1 diabetic and he's a forklift driver.
the aliens are gonna get you joel!
Who the fuck cares about some e-celeb bullshit?
Hopefully Vinny is next.
No, this is incredibly idiotic. You don't think hundreds of thousands of people dying and the hospital system completely collapsing would tank the economy?
No it isn't you sack of garbage. Get the fuck out and take you e-celeb faggotry with you. You were never welcome here.
He lives in coronacity,so it’s a matter of time
>>He's still sick
stop replying to retarded Yas Forums bait
What did you say to get banned from chat user.
Called him faggot,which is the truth
Only virgins care about being oldfags
E-beggar board when? These fucking fags will never stop shilling their shitty videos.
I couldn't really give a shit about Joel. Luckily it's not too hard to ignore his content if I want to watch Vinny's shitshows.
you're a net negative to this board and should leave.
You have to be 18+ to work here. Grow up you absolute fucking cretin
Source motherfucker!
his offline chat is the source
not funny
not entertaining
his voice is like grinding your dick against a running belt sander
Literally who ?
Does he actually have corona? Source?
The ironic thing is just a couple weeks ago he said something like "corona isn't even a thing in Sweden"