Who else playing video games for 12 hrs straight today? 25 year old “gamer” living at my moms AMA

Who else playing video games for 12 hrs straight today? 25 year old “gamer” living at my moms AMA

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no i just browse this hell hole all day :)

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Same age, how in the fuck do you keep interested in a game that long? Haven't been able to sunk more than a couple hours into a game without getting bored since Skyrim when I was a wee lad.

25? why

I'm probably going to take some modafinil and play about 20 hours of sunset overdrive and Ori.

It's gonna be awesome. It's 6:30 am here so the day is just beginning, I can't wait to waste it all!

I took a week off of work and have no immediate obligations to fulfill. Literally addicted to fucking off my days it seems.

You're doing what you should be doing: staying the fuck inside.

I'm 31 and the last vidya I played was BotW back in mid-February. I simply can't find the urge to play anything anymore, it's so strange because I know if I fire up BotW again I'll play it for like 12 hours straight but I just can't summon any urge to play anything these days. How do I overcome this?

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AC odyssey is pretty fucking dope if you’re into that. World is beautiful as fuck. Playing wow pvp easy time sink yet nonetheless pointless time sink.

stop jacking off 5 times a day and see if that helps.

Literally on nofap and video games are much more enjoyable than when I’m not. Easier to play for long hours due to excess dopamine

What a waste of modafinil.

I rarely jerk off anymore, I was even looking at some porn tonight just kinda got bored with it and shut it off. Don't wanna sound tumblr but maybe I'm depressed. Not even adderall can get me in the mood anymore.

>not even the magic pills dr shekelstein gave me will help wtf guys

i have tons of the stuff, and once my mushrooms have finished growing they will be my gaming go-to

I have more freetime than ever, and I can't bring myself to play vidya or watch movies anymore, my 2 major hobbies. I noticed that now I tend watch more let's plays than playing games.
I recommend what user it's saying, my dopamine receptors are probably fryed.

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31 as well. Sounds like something is lacking in your life. Free yourself from distractions like Yas Forums and see what you end up doing. Turn off your phone for a day, turn off your computer or at least block Yas Forums.

I’m 21 how do I escape the NEET lifestyle

You absorb good energies from other people. Being stuck at home like this is a recipe for depression.

Start a small bussiness or become a writer.

You mke it sound like that´s a bad thing.


Forgot to mention I have untreated mental illnesses, have no motivation, and no creativity

I used to get up and walk around doing chores and other small things when I still had my pc but the motherboard got fucked a week ago and I have to wait a month for tencent to send me a new one. Now all i do is play on my gaystation all day playing games I don't like to pass the time. I feel like I'm losing my mind, guys how do I cope?

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dude i fucking hate being home. i was able to do that shit when i was a teenager. i live with my parents too so don't be ashamed over that. in hispanic culture the children typically don't leave the nest until they get married and have their own family. either way my parents need me as much as i need them. we are a family after all. i dont afford to live on my own and neither can they.

start improving yourself for yourself, unironically

Write about your life then, perhaps having a journal of your thoughs will help you. I reccommend doing small but fullfiling things. Also calisthenics.

lift weights faggot

It sounds simple and makes a lot of sense but for some reason I am incapable of doing this. Whenever I tried self improvement, it would always be for someone else and I end up crashing.
I like the idea of doing small but fulfilling things writing just seems useless though


I was the same way, especially with working out but what turned it around for me was actually seeing the progression in the mirror idk if that would work for you, gives you a new swagger

25 and also living with my folks.
The coronavirus is gonna make it hard to get out of here if I survive. Sucks because I had moved out once before. Fucking Republicans had to go ahead and ruin the economy AGAIN. I didn't vote for that piece of shit, why do I have to go through this

Some people write, some draw, some play an instrument. Having an artistic hobbie, it's a great way of making the brain recieve the sense of accomplishment that it needs to keep going, even if you suck by professional standards, your personal improvement is going to feel rewarding to you.

>didnt vote
thats yo problem, nigga.

Right now is a great time to build up your DS/3DS game collections if any of you are into that

Got out at 21, here's what I did
>got shitty fast food job
>not good for anxiety, quit
>went to staffing agency
>got job in shitty assembly line, easy and lots of overtime
>bought used Toyota for $3000, inexpensive repairs and cheap gas
>met decent guy at work who needed roommate
>saved up couple months rent and moved out
If you follow any of this just don't do what I did and overdo the drinking and weed. Watch your diet if overweight

Same here but 19 and looking for bf to love and take care of me instead

I did vote just not for the orange puppet. Electoral college failed us all

I tried browsing Yas Forums and Yas Forums all day today but there was nobody posting. Board was moving slow as fuck and any discussion there was was of crap. Eventually I got so board I fell asleep.

if you're a sub with a decent body i'll take u in
t. 28 y/o making 6 figures with network engineering

You'd be surprised at how hard i've been trying to find one and for how long with how many lines i've cast, user.

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But to answer your question, very yes to both. I'm told i'm very cute by a really big number of people.

26, just got pushed out of career as a teacher. Life is meaningless. Just indulge in catharsis.

where do you live and how needy are you?

I'm not needy at all and very far away from fucking everything but still in the us

I'm thinking about moving back in with my parents. I would save like 400$ more a month and it's not like I do anything different here then when I lived there. I'm 26 and my life is going nowhere so I might as well be one of those guys that just live with their parents until they die

24, live with parent who love me but have no idea what to do with me. I work a shitty full time grocery job for $12/hr. Useless bachelor's degree. I'm going to kill myself this year.

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>spent these last couple weeks playing P5R
>wake up early in the morning putting my time in Animal Crossing
>shitting on these hoes in MW, new season looks great
>Uniclr is fun love the new character
Fuck bros, its a good time to be a gamer

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You sound like my kind of guy and are a US citizen
If you're serious drop me a line and we can see how things will work out

Okay, why not.

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that’s kinda gay

I mean, might as well, right user?

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Sorry, the one thing I cannot stand is Discord fiends. I hope you understand. Maybe if I run into you on Yas Forums a few months from now and you've moved to something more desirable and less infested.

I just made a random one since I didnt want any of my real stuff on Yas Forums and I assumed most of Yas Forums used it.
Iunno user, why don't you drop something then

He is, it's called bait.

.. Yeah. Thats fair. Oh well.

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[email protected]
I made a temporary email where we can discuss without shitting up this thread, hit me up

This is just starting to look like a rabbit hole now user. Ill just look elsewhere i guess


Haha, alright
Though I imagine trying to find a bf who will truly care for you on Yas Forums or online in general will be a similarly strenuous process, I hope you find someone who goes through with it the way you like it

I've been playing AC Odyssey for the past few weeks. Logged about 75 hours so far and feel like I've only seen about half the game. And it's gotten me way into Ancient Greece. It almost feels like it was made for a quarantine.

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user you were the one being a fag about discord
look in a mirror

Are you in the US? I'm not. If I want death I have to find a good high rise or neck myself.

I'm US, yeah. I'm doing therapy and sometimes I feel like things might be okay, but at the end of the day I just feel like things will be the way they are till the way I die. I dread the day either of my parents die, because I'll have nobody left.

I'm a 30 year old NEET and my only hobbies are the gym and video games. Now that gyms are closed, all I do is play video games and shitpost. Today will be another day of Xenonauts.

I wish I could be bothered to do that. How hard is all that to set up?

>job is shit and makes me miserable everyday
>unemployment goes to 40% overnight
>already had a rough time finding a job before all this non-sense

honestly just want to get sick so my job sends me home

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honestly considering joining the military because my current cost of living is so damn high
how Yas Forums do you have to be to join the military? I can jog a few miles without stopping or walking and I'm not a fat fuck, is that all I need?

Don’t play AC Odyssey, it’s a horrible game for people with no standards

Move to california and be my bf.

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I've heard of guys not making the cut because of shit like acne before

Don't you fucking get near me tomoko i've heard stories about your ass

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