Squares vs Hexes

Can you still defend the use of square tiles in games? Or are hexes just undeniably better than squares?

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squares work fine in Pike and Shot Campaigns
hexes work fine in Civ 4
In my opinion they’re both fine

I think we can all agree square hexagonals are much better than hexagonal squares

squares with diagonal better

There are no hexes in Civ 4, it uses squares.
Squares are fine.

>not settling a city on the canal tile

absolutely disgusting

Except that creates a problem where moving diagonally is twice as fast as moving horizontal or vertical.

hexes were invented by an autistic faggot who couldn't just roll with diagonals being the same distance using square tiles
using hexes creates more problems than it solves

reminder that with squares you have way less directions to move

If you have multiple movement points per turn you can always just make it so that moving diagonal takes 1.4 points instead of just 1.

This. Pure retardation not to give your civ the panama canal.

>reminder that with squares you have way less directions to move

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A unit has 5 movement points. It wants to cross 3 tiles that have a movement value of 2. Does it make it to the 3rd tile or does it get stuck on the 2nd tile?

it makes it to the 3rd tile but needs to spend 1 mp to move out of it

it gains a rollover bonus movement point that must be used the next turn or it expires

If it's like 4 can't you just build a fort there?

Stuck on the 2nd tile, last bit of movement is wasted.

Octagons are the true master race


stuck on 2nd tile. The last movement point is put towards moving to the third tile, so the next turn moving to that tile only takes 1 movement point.

That's a fair divide. A person can be attacked on 4 sides but 6 sides do a better job of simulating an infantry platoon

Octagons with little squares.

I've honestly never seen tactics game with hexes, usually it's a grid or "movement circles"

Okay idiots since you think youre smart I drew it for you.

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Hexes only have 6 adjacent tiles whereas a square can have 9
We can both see which is superior

>playing Civ for the first time because quarantine
>Civ 5
>research bowmen
>have to be next to the person I'm attacking, can't be 1 square away
it's a fucking RANGED unit isn't it? this game is fucking stupid

No? With a square you can move in 8 directions. Example: Queen or King piece in chess.
With hex you only have 6 directions. Example: Each side of the hexagon.

you fucking Retard

??? pretty sure you can attack 2 tiles. but more importantly in civ games, archers are more about initiative and lack of "counter attack"

I think you're doing it wrong.

I wish Age of Wonders switched to squares for its tactical battles, we could have beautiful Into the Breach style fights...

Hills or trees are blocking your line of sight, dummy

you can't have your vision blocked by hills/trees

Have you played a civ game? You cant travel along the lines of a hexagon. If you wanted to travel exactly right in civ you'd have to travel down right then up right. Thus two tiles of movement. Name one game where you can do that.

>it's a fucking RANGED unit isn't it?
A ranged unit doesn't have to walk into the tile that it is attacking, that is how it is differentiated from melee units.
Also bowmen do have 2 ranged and don't have to stand next to the enemy if the terrain allows it.
In your case you're probably on flatland with a hill in front of you that you can't shoot over.

You name a game first before I kill your fucking dog.

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That's fucking retarded. Bows are able to shoot over things IRL

You're discussing the theory of square vs hex, the practical application of them in civ games isn't absolute.
Moving along the diagonals in a square system isn't an inherent part of the system, and not moving along the diagonals in a hex system isn't a part of that system.

yeah remember when arrows could fly over hills

>I'm just pretending to be retarded
You can stop posting, you're just embarrassing yourself

Yeah there's no games that let you move along the lines in hex based games

Stop your idiotic baiting.

Ironically, hexes are (situationally) better precisely because you can't do this. Hexes can be better for representing actual movement of forces which is why you see them in major autism games like Grigsby's. Being able to just sidestep bad terrain or an enemy for no cost as you can with squares is nonsense. Square tiles are better for something like Sil or Nethack when they represent movement on a very precise, small scale.

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Why they just remove the grid and let you move in any direction? Geometric shapes are a remnant of low computing power.

I'm not trying to imply square > hex. Im just refuting his claim that hexagons have more movement options then squares. That's it.

>city just three tiles away from eachother.
Either this is AI built or the player is retarded.

because it's a nightmare to design one without them and there's a lot of uncertainty when you're new and playing with such a system.

Depends on the ruleset governing movement

The screenshot is from 2010.
It would've been meta.

Not exactly. Rts and Tbs coexist at about the same time. Tbs focuses on micro managing as they allow you time to meticulously go through every detail where in an rts you are constantly in the moment.

Its the difference between LARPing and Playing Dnd

As always, depends on the game. Advance Wars and Fire Emblem would’ve been a mess with hexes, and Civ 5 added movement options while getting rid of stacking. It’s all about balance.

Name one game where traveling along the line of the hexagon is allowed.

hexagonal chess

>shitty nip games exposed by a fucking tile shape


I like hexes ever since playing a lot of Fantasy Wars.

>hexagonal chess

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>there's no vidya in prison, Stayvun

AW would be much better with hexes.

Fuck you're right. Well I'm out then.

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What the actual fuck?

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Depends on how mobile units generally are.
If the average movespeed-per-turn is 1 to 2 tiles and a lot of abilities don't incorporate movement.
if the movespeed is 5+ tiles, or 3 tiles and abilities provide additional repositioning

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>Advance Wars and Fire Emblem would’ve been a mess with hexes

>thinking in hex based 4x games you are allowed to move along the line
Was just aboust to point out how yo ucan't go straght west or east was a flaw, thansk for making a diagrams why squares are better yourself. the only real complaint about squares is that moving diagonally is farther than horizontally.

unironically superior to squares for that
you sjouldnt be able to magically go diagonal and avoid an enemy

retarded games that nobody play don't count fagtron

also to add to this, if a 4x game did allow you to move across the lines it would be twice as fast as traveling tile to tile

>Name a game

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