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I liked it.

There were just two things I didn't like, the LGBT shit, there were like 3 dykes in the game, and the fact that Parvati seemed interesting at first and you could even flirt with her but then she turns into

And how shitty the character creator was, I can't believe this was the whitest character I could make, and in game HE LOOKS FUCIKNG BLACK. It's so annoying when in an RPG they don't care what the character you ROLEPLAY AS looks like, it's important to me, why give me so little room to decide how he looks and never let me see him outside of inventory?

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It wasn't though.

It was managed about as well as a trainwreck. They cut most of the game and it still worked out to be an unfinished mess. Everything past the first planet is markedly lower quality. Everything from Monarch on is noticeably bad. The final planet is just a huge waste of time that they slapped together in the final month. The final boss is a joke and I seriously doubt that was what their storyboard called for.

Basically, the game gets exponentially worse as time goes on.

Another thing. The game is low budget as fuck. You start getting bored easily because asset fatigue sets in: the boxes in the final level are the same boxes from the first level. And the railings, and the enemies, and the guns, and... You get my point. The game is simultaneously too short, and feels like a slog - because there isn't enough unique content to keep you giving a shit.

This game sucks balls and I have zero faith in Obsidian. It was already in the shitter after Pillars but this just seals it for good. Obsidian has become completely incompetent and has no redeeming qualities anymore.

It wasn't it was just short and shallow. With more money it could've been GOTY but as it stands it was a pretty good demo of what they're capable of

the hairstlyes were definitely awful, every single one was hipster-sidecut homo bullshit

It might be one of my favs of the gen

Made by women who made a point of virtue signaling instead of making the best game they could.

Everybody got deluded into thinking that it would be New Vegas in space

Very good post. Obsidian is fucking dead.

It was alright, just forgettable

Everyone expected the second coming of NV but we got a mediocre RPG

>all the females have short hair and look like they fell into a vat of testosterone

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>made by women

Your answer should’ve stopped there

I haven’t played this, it got shilled quite hard when it came out as being a sci fi fallout type game which was actually good unlike 76 then it got forgotten 2 weeks later

Is it worth buying on discount or is it too pozzed?

It is not worth it at all, but if you must absolutely try it for some reason, at least pirate. That way you won't feel like an idiot for giving those incompetent fucks your money when you eventually drop it.

The game proved all new Vegas ass kissers wrong, their favourite company is as bad as Bethesda, big fucking keke'd.

I didn't play it. The dialogue convinced me not to.

Needed a third-person camera and to not try to be so much like games it was taking inspiration from (even if they developed those games)

Ah thank u fren


I mean it's been a literal decade since new Vegas, a lot of the old staff have moved on.

Honestly the L in the LGBT shit is the one I've the least problem with. I don't think you even should bundle them up with the G, the B, and the T. When you say for example, "game X has a lot of LGBT shit in it, you better stay away from it, user", what I imagine is insane sodomy and faggots everywhere, men with their dicks chopped off, etc, but it could be as mild as a couple of dykes being loudly about their lesbianism, in which case I wouldn't be nearly as opposed to it, and in some cases even encouraged.

Shoot the carpet munching fags.

Most importantly for a game like this, I've been told there's no overlap between the writers.
I didn't confirm it myself, though.

Go read this book. You just proved how effective their campaign is.


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>made by women
Couldve stopped here tbqh

Interesting how the book itself reads like a manifesto unlike the title.

>Leader MAN pisses off important worker WOMAN and she leaves the town making it go to shit
>she actually finds a solution to the problem
>Security Chief is a WOMAN

>Pajeet MAN is doing his best managing a town without board support with his very competent WOMAN assistant
>Other white MAN leader actually is the cause of everything, is very incompetent
>His WOMAN second in command constantly disagrees with him, she tells you to kill him and then she runs that faction, because she's better
>Her old employer's review says that she's the most perfect, best employee ever
>If she runs that faction, you can come to a peaceful truce solution with the Pajeet MAN, otherwise not possible
>Sublight boss is a WOMAN, the MAN working for her is a massive fuck-up, you end up killing a white MAN for her so you can take his factory

>Both of the supposed MAN leaders are not actually in charge, the WOMAN who is the chairman's right hand is, handles all important business

>Chief is a WOMAN, Security Chief is a WOMAN, they have a bad MAN rebel in the lower levels, Sublight Chief is a WOMAN
>Board Representative is a white MAN who is very incompetent and later gets killed quietly and replaced by a black MAN
>Medical Chief is a WOMAN, her clerk at the front is a brown skinned MAN

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This is some sinister shit.

But of course you could only say it worked if I'd felt more lenient towards fags after accepting their lesbian counterparts, which isn't the case, or at least I hope so.

that's because it is
it's them openly stating to the reader "This is what we're going to be doing to your societies and you can do NOTHING to stop us".
This isn't really intended to be read as a 'how to' manual for subversion, it's agitprop designed to anger and demoralize the demographics being targetted by the normalization and institutionalization of homosexual degeneracy.

>This game sucks balls and I have zero faith in Obsidian. It was already in the shitter after Pillars but this just seals it for good. Obsidian has become completely incompetent and has no redeeming qualities anymore.
It really is sad seeing how far they've fallen
Their name used to be associated with quality and now they've gone and pissed all of that away for Twitter virtue signal brownie points and actual socjus subversion.

Because the entire game is just the BioShock vending machines

The game has a very interesting and unique setting and does nothing interesting with it about 95% of the time. The leveling system is uninsipred and has no interesting skills. The characters are generally bland and boring. You're gonna see almost all the enemy types the game has to offer by the end of Edgewater. Oversaturation of loot everyone to bloat game time. The only thing the game does well is the gunplay, it feels nice to play.

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this, the only characters i enjoyed were max, the robot, and the dyke from the trailer. Whenever I had to pick a skill upon leveling up i just went with whatever seemed like it would be the least useless.

I feel the same but with the G being the good ones.
Gays just die of aids on their own, at best they try to force you to bake a cake and end up losing the case and have to pay you instead. I'm sorry if a gay lisp triggers you so much.

Meanwhile your beloved L are the ones responsible of places like this:
The L are the ones who want all men dead. The L are the ones responsible for sayings like "Death to the patriarchy" "Kill all men" etc and all because their dad molested them or their boyfriend broke up with them.
I know in your disgusting porn all dykes are hot and love men and want them to join in... That's not dyke culture bro.

I dunno who brainwashed you so much to think lesbians are ok when they want all men dead, gays want nobody dead, literally gay culture is all about rainbows. I'm sorry if being happy until you die of aids is a concept that makes you mad, it makes me more mad having dykes tell me I deserve to die for being a man.

So keep being a retard and kys, dykes don't wanna sleep with you, they want you dead, please don't say any more retarded stuff like what you just said and just die.

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Meanwhile Fallout 4 had just yes, no, sarcastic and angry Outer Worlds has like 9999 dialogue choices.. despite in most dialogues offering you just 2 choices.

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It's mediocre and forgettable in every conceivable way.

The gunplay isn't even that good, I much prefer New Vegas and Fallout 4's combat to Outer Worlds.

The atmosphere is boring as fuck. It feels like they cherrypicked some planets from No Man's Sky and added some stuff to them to make it their own. The story is bland and has no real kick to it. The characters all have the same quirky personality which takes any sort of seriousness right out the window even when they want it to be more so. The world hub idea is lame and makes everything feel disjointed rather than something organic. The enemies are set to certain predetermined spots so if you figure out what invisible line to cross, they turn around and leave you alone.

The game feels like they slapped together a mod, waved it over a copy of Fallout: New Vegas and called it a day.

It's what happens when a shit developer like Obsidian finally run out of excuses.
No publishers to blame, no time limits, not creative decision blocking, nothing.

And the end result is Shitsidian fanboys had to admit their game wsa total shit. The only reason New Vegas was even good is because Bethesda kept them on a short leash and forced them to work on things

Is there a good game that has ally of quests and a open world?

I can agree with you on Fo4 but not vegas, everything in Vegas feels like a fucking BB gun. Also the nature of old gamebryo physics making dead bodies move in a way that doesn't seem like flesh. I always played melee in Vegas to avoid the gunplay.

Revolvers are the only weapon that's good in New Vegas, cuz even melee combat is whacky.

To be honest I kind of skipped right through Byzantium. Quite boring.

They do better when they use Bethesda's assets. F:NV saved a lot of work by reusing FO3 stuff, and was able to build cool dedicated assets like the rocket centre. They should do the same with FO4 shit and concentrate on what they do best - recycling Van Buren design document. F:NV, for the record, is my favorite fallout game after FO1/2. But I know Obsidian simply doesn't have enough resources for a separate game - OW is like KOTOR2 in this respect.

I had this thought as well. There's not a single male figure in the entire game that's truly likeable and masculine. The doctor has his appeal, but you also barely engage with him for most of the game.

Honestly the biggest things I hated about the game besides that were the MMO style range of aggression for creatures where you just run away slightly and they sprint back to their initial spawn area with full health, dialogue skills giving combat bonuses, combat being too easy, and the final boss being a complete joke. Seriously, this shit pissed me off more than anything. They were so lazy about finishing this game that they gave you 10 ft tall robot in a massive arena to fight...and it takes less than 30 seconds to kill.

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Its like the obshitian devs keep getting more woke they finally made a irredeemable woke piece of shit

Haven't played it but it looks like a game that exists purely for the purpose of existing and not to bring anything new to the table.

The armor in Fallout is brilliantly simple and iconic. The armor in The Outer Worlds looks like what would happen if you told someone to draw a some "science-fiction armor" with no other information. Just bland and purposeless, meant to be played once and then discarded.

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Stop seething, child.

She is an "asexual" dyke too, which is a fucking amazing concept. Vicar Max's arc is literally him being "educated" and descending into degeneracy.

It's not bottom of the barrel yet. They can 100% do worse. And will!

Unironically because they didn’t use GameBryo. The engine itself is a clunky mess that needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, it offers a level of interactability and immersion that other engines can’t. TOW feels plastic. The environment feels artificial because you can’t interact with anything, and it makes the world less believable as a result.

Also, the writing is terrible, the characters are ripped straight out of Firefly (and had their gender/sexual non-heteronormative preferences cranked to 11) and the whole game completely falls apart after the first planet.

If I recall correctly, Parvati's original writer (male) was fired not too far into production and replaced with another one (female). This explains why the transition of personality is so abrupt.

I'm sure he didn't "fit in". Avellone needs to either start his own shit, i.e. a studio, or go full artist with an indie project. No one's giving him any major involvement in anything ever. He's a living billboard at this point.

The writing has the depth of a puddle. It's trying to be New Vegas but factions have no depth, no backstory or anything. Compare House to the Board. House is a cold-blooded Capitalist that will gladly kill for the sake of his business but he still treats others that do business with him nicely because there's money in it. Meanwhile the board is "haha capitalism evil time to go kill some of our workers because that's what capitalism does haha". One is a businessman that will kill for profit, the other is a comedy villain that values killing for fun at the cost of profit.

obsidian are talentless hacks

Not sure about anyone being fired, but I think they did switch writers. And it ended up being a ASEXUAL female who was even adamant on reddit how happy she is that all asexuals finally have something to relate to. She literally self inserted herself in there - made sure the player is a good boy who's helping out a girl who not only is not interested in sex with anyone, she's romancing another girl. With no reward for you. I hope someone has the screenshots of her posts and her photo.

Obsidian still had some semblance of good writing during the PoE1 days, but it started getting worse with Tyranny and by PoE2 their writing turned into a trainwreck, and Outer Worlds was made around the same time of PoE2.

www.katedollarhyde.com/ - this the one? NO SURPRISES HERE.

Jesus Christ just look at all those women

He's writing for Dying Light 2 now, at least.

It was so enraging watching you idiots think this was going to be another New Vegas. Obsidian isn't Obsidian, this isn't the people that made New Vegas. It's shit because it's made by dykes with blue hair

some pozzed sjw shit obviously

but more to the point it was awkwardly paced, a lot of the weapons felt like trash, the slowmo was stupid, the plot had zero direction which would be acceptable if there wasn't an obvious set path before you, and it was too easy even on the hardest difficulty

Yep, yep. That's the one. I found this image online, this is the one I was talking about earlier.

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The most depressing part to me is that fucking Fallout 4 has multiple faction routes and endings, while OW has a small Board of Directors route and an awful alternate ending that's retarded.

>finished up her writing= make her entire arc about getting with some woman she met 15 mins ago
