So what's with all the hate?
So what's with all the hate?
Not available on PC. Why do you think Bloodborne and BOTW still get daily seeth threads?
Yas Forums found something memeable in the game and ran with it. In this particular case, the shitpost you're gonna see in every thread is TIME JANNIES
Everything at the end of Midgar and beyond is Nomura's oc story about changing fate.
>Not available on PC
Holy shit dude, how many times are you gonna spam this thread within the same hour? Shills out on full fucking force.
For some reason a group of people still thinks that remakes, remasters, enhanced, whatever are games made for the people that already played the game or for "fans" (people that actually knows the franchise, buys games or related products, etc). They never understand they are not the target audience.
It's actually a stealth sequel
Yas Forums mad people are having FUN.
FF7 incel fanboys are the worst toxic cancer on Earth.
They also drove an innocent and cute Asian girl to tears when she was cosplaying Tifa and some boomer manchild fuck started bitching aboit her belt not being correct and that ahe should show moe midriff.
getting rid of this cancer is the only way forward
Yas Forums needs something to hate or people to parrot
they messed up the story
>They also drove an innocent and cute Asian girl to tears when she was cosplaying Tifa and some boomer manchild fuck started bitching aboit her belt not being correct and that ahe should show moe midriff.
Kek source?
It's trash
>white knighting a mentally unstable zoomer thot
jesus christ
Retcon ghosts ruined the story. It's just another shitty SE JRPG like XV outside of that.
it's not ff7
Normura thinking he can tell a story better than Sakaguchi ever could.
Tifa is absolute babe tier. Story becomes shit towards the end tho
FFXV gameplay loop(doing pointless monster kill quests for quacky NPCs) and Kingdom Hearts bullshit ruining the classic FF7 cutscenes. And a lot of retcons.
why does all the music sound like it belongs in kingdom hearts now
>7.1k streamers in PS4
Goddamn not even MHW had that many
>story changes that basically turn 7 into Kingdom Hearts
>janky as animations like Cloud sliding across the ground to open a chest or activate a switch
>visuals/graphics going to absolute shit after leaving the demo area
>Sector 8 looks okay but the slums have some of the worst textures I've ever seen
>game looks EVER WORSE during daytime segments
>awful facial animations most of the time and NPCs look like absolute trash
>generic fetch quests all over the place
>no new areas to explore in Midgar
>just area from the original padded out into hallways
>no upper plate exploration - the only upper plate action is maybe 2-3 story missions that involve a fight in a giant square arena with nothing of interest
>voice acting ranges from decent to dogshit
>Sephiroth shows up within an hour to tell Cloud he killed his mom
>the underplate before Reactor 5 is beyond padded out and nearly put me to sleep
>music for Air Buster fight is the only boss track that stay true to the original - you never hear it again as it's back to orchestral shit for that boss theme
>ghosts showing up every 5 minutes to remind us about muh fate and destiny and other KH shit
>party AI is absolute dogshit and there isn't even a basic gambit system
>sewers and train graveyard are another example of shit going on for way too long
>some stupid ghost subplot at train graveyard that goes nowhere and makes no sense
>pillar fight was pretty cool but Japanese melodrama happens when characters have to talk for 10 minutes before signing out
>wall market is probably the only good part of the game but even that moved slow as fuck
>the wall climb is probably the ugliest part visually of the game
>then you reach shinra hq which actually looks really good so it's beyond jarring
>more boring slow padding with The Drum
>Zack is back too now because why not have another MC to make a side game with
ATB is filtering 90% of players
But the story for this "remake" would be for the people who already played the game. Why would you make a whole new story for new players and reference stuff from the original?
Because it's basically a Kingdom Hearts game.
This'll become more apparent the closer you get to the end
those aint the first ghosts to drive apart a interracial couple i tell ya hwat
literally a fucking kingdom hearts cutscene
you are absolutely going to meet sora by the end of this
Because they were about to go out of business and now they're just greedy. People have been wanting to play a FF7 remake for nearly 20 years, even people who never played the original.
They didn't want to make an actual remake though so they decided to scam all of those people by half-making one and then cramming in a bunch of other bullshit they're more interested in(like Kingdom Hearts and nu-FF shit ie 13-15 crap)
>story changes that basically turn 7 into Kingdom Hearts
I can't wait for Cloud to grow a demon wing by the end of the second game!
I wasn't interested in this game until I heard that they changed the story a bit
you already meet heartless fuckers and sephiroth is talking about edges of eternity and darkness and nothing else, it's straight out of KH
Time jannies
>Kingdom Hearts with all the Disney crap stripped out
That sounds great though.
Anyone else watching Caleb slowly get disillusioned with the remakeÉ Heès starting to point out more flaws 12-13 hours in now
is that literally a heartless?
They didn't change it a bit they ruined it to set up whatever garbage we'll see in the sequels. It's definitely not the kind of change you're imagining if you're now interested.
>"find my cat" "kill those rats" fetch quests
>"fuck your lore" cutscenes adjustments where spooky ghosts fly around attacking or resurrecting characters
it's just stupid.
it's the bad incomprehensible KH stuff
Yeah he’s getting mad at the railroading
this just sounds like ur mad because its not ff7
Understandable, maps feel kind of small and linear
Not really. Can't blame Nomura when the problem is dickheads on Yas Forums muddying the waters with bullshit about time travel.
>the FF7 remake isn't FF7
No, there's no problem here. People bought FF7 to play another game after all.
What about Bike Dude? Shouldn't the timeghosts erase him from existence?
they don't have that stupid symbol and stiches in the original game.
who cares, people will love it. your dream game is dead.
this actually looks like an early ps3 game
Ok, I can tell you. I posted this in another thread a few hours ago, but it didn't really go anywhere, so let me lay it down right now. This is gonna be a big rant, so get ready.
Let's start with the fact that Final Fantasy 7 Remake is not a remake, it's a convoluted sequel involving an alternate time line where Sephiroth tries to change the future and a bunch of magic time ghosts show up to stop him. The inclusion of the time ghosts is completely baffling, as it effectively removes all agency from all the characters. Any time the characters excercise some common sense or free will, any time the game tries to take an original turn, the time ghosts show up and and stop it because it's not what's supposed to happen. Their motivation is unexplained and their actions appear arbitrary; they fail to be compelling or interesting. The very plot of FF7R seems self-defeating and stupid.
As in why would anyone come up with this retarded shit. There is time travel, it's the only way they could come up with a way to ruin the story.
It doesn't count. And even if it did it's a boring sandbox
Almost makes me think time ghosts weren't there initially. Just adding new stuff first and then decided to put in ghosts but didn't think of integrating it with the already new shit they added
you're on Yas Forums, son. what did you expect?
Why change a beloved story only to make things more confusing and call it a remake when the point of a remake is to take existing content and fix and/or update it? The Shadow of Colossus remake is a remake; same characters, same plot, same elements, same setting...The only changes include a graphics overhaul, a remastered score, slight balance changes, and a few easter eggs. Final Fantasy 7 Remake not only changes the presentation, but the gameplay as well, and worst of all, it doesn't even try to tell the same story. The decision to change the Mako Reactor bombing scene so that Shinra blows up their own reactor and blames it on AVALANCHE is cowardly. It removes much of the moral ambiguity from the story, painting AVALANCHE as incompetent at best for planting a dud bomb, and completely babyfaced at worst, to the point that they are nonthreatening, all to make the already-evil Shinra even more evil, because squeenix thinks that a story about a morally-compromised protagonist group is too much for customers to handle.
hip hop de chocobo is based tho
Remake apologists and fake fans will try to spin it so that it was always that way in the original, but that is, in fact, not true. Before the Remake, there was no doubt that the complete destruction of the Mako Reacor and the resultant collateral damage was intentional. In fact, many fans agreed that the scene where the alleged heroes kill countless innocent people was a daring, striking, and memorable scene that helped make Final Fantasy 7 unique and interesting, but now that the Remake is coming, it has people re-examining what was a straightforward scene, trying to reconcile implications that did not exist. Deniers have even said that there were no casualties, but many lines of dialogue in the original FF7 conradict this.
>People wanted FF7
>Nomura makes like half a pretty decent FF7 remake and half Kingdom Hearts 7.7 Final Re;Mix
>Why are you mad?
Nomura KH bullshit is why it's getting the hate. The "actual" 7 parts are pretty damn good. I don't know why he had to shit it up with his autism ghosts.
>Everyone bitching about Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts is a way better game than this weird mess. I'm convinced that Square had absolutely zero creative control as a company anymore and just lets their directors do whatever they want.
It’s literally called “Final Fantasy 7 Remake” has been hyped up and marketed as a remake of beloved classic Final Fantasy 7 on the PS1, but it’s actually some completely new shit that Nomura and Nojima decided to make, and every faggot hyped for this was fooled by Square Enix into buying it
Tetsuya Nomura also pulls a George Lucas by allowing the outside world to influence his writing by increasing the profile of the main antagonist. Sephiroth is a fan favorite, but the Remake robs him of his mystique by shoving him in the face of the audience, when Sephiroth's elusive nature was integral to his appeal. Even if you say "Well, everyone already knows about Sephiroth, no point in hiding him," that doesn't make it acceptable to tell the story out of order, and there are people who will be playing FF7R without having played the original because they don't realize that the supposed "Remake" is a sequel. Staff members who had worked on FF7 even said themselves that one of the reasons why they like Sephiroth so much is because he has little screentime. In the original, the player spends much of the game in Sephiroth's shadow, chasing after him while in awe of the destruction he leaves in his wake. Indeed, Sephiroth is as much of a legend as he appears to be to the characters in the story, which makes him more threatening and makes the story more compelling and immersive. Sephiroth was cold, not having much regard for Cloud to the point of not even knowing who he is for much of the game, instead seeing him only as another puppet to manipulate.
let me just stop you here if you aren't done nobody is reading that shit bro.
still too much buddy
You need (you)'s before dumping more of they'll just gloss over it
I'm impressed how they did every single thing they could to ruin the story.
you lower your expectations yet nomura still makes garbage that's 100x worse than you could have imagined.
Now, not only does Sephiroth hog the screen and chew the scenery, but he is obsessive about Cloud, to the point that he's completely out of character. Scenes like the fight against the green dragon or discovering the zolom skewered on a tree will lose all their dramatic weight because the player will have already seen firsthand how destructive Sephiroth can be because he completely destroyed Midgar, which is just one more thing that didn't happen. There's speculation that this is some kind of hallucination, but regardless, it totally throws the pacing out of wack, overblowing the miniature climax that comes at the end of the act in Midgar so that the rest of the game will seem boring.
Go on, I'm reading.
There's no doubt that Final Fantasy 7 Remake have already changed the landscape of gaming by its sheer amount of quality the combat, the gameplay, the story, the level design, the music, the graphics, the spectacle, and the Cinematography that puts everything else to shame. Let's not forget the renowned director of all time Tetsuya Nomura. Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a masterpiece and whatever game comes forward is obsolete this is the greatest game of all time.
I did, nigger. Get back to shitposting and shitty one liners.
>people want FF7 remake
>Square Enix announces FF7 remake
>it’s not actually even a remake
>lol why are you mad bro
this is the dumbest post I've ever seen on Yas Forums
As for other things that did not happen, Cloud didn't try to kill Reno in their first encounter. Hojo didn't tell Cloud that he wasn't a soldier until they reached the north pole. Sephiroth never stabbed and killed Barret. AVALANCHE doesn't fight Jenova in Midgar, and they don't see visions of the future (and by the way, recycling footage form Advent Children is pretty lazy), and there's no scene where the Cetra civilization is shown to the characters or the player. Aeris doesn't tell Cloud to not fall in love with her, which ruins the love triangle aspect of the story by making it rushed and forced. There was no blonde mystery SOLDIER, there were no magic time ghosts, and the insertion of other elements, especially elements of the Compilation like Project G and Geostigma, are uncalled for and irritating, since the majority of fans have made it clear, on no uncertain terms, that the Compilation is unloved and unwelcome and stubbornly trying to force it into the canon is disrespectful.
Yeah. I can't even remember what I thought would be wrong with the game because this ended up being so much worse.
Just to add to this, in the original, on screen sephiroths first words to cloud when he sees him on the boat are 'Who are you?'. He never offered cloud head constantly through midgar.
What's japan's obsession with retarded looking, completely functionless night vision goggle shit?
>It doesn't count.
it actually does, because it doesn't even require me using the emulator as a form of booting up the game anymore;can literally just launch from a short-cut, and it boots the emulator which boots the game. even easier than what it was before. stay mad tranny.
At this point, many Remake apologists will doubtlessly say "If you just want the story, then go play the original," but it's not just about the story; it's also about the way that it's told. A remake is a way of taking a classic and paying its due, telling it with new technology and new insight to improve it, or at least, that's the ideal. I know that remakes often don't work in practice, but as a fan, it's nice to feel vindicated, to see your favorite story shine in the spotlight all these years later, to know that the story you love has stood the test of time and can entice people from a new generation. Instead Tetsuya Nomura has run amok, using the legacy of Final Fantasy 7 as a springboard for his own original story, all under the guise of a remake.
Except there’s no fucking target audience for this you retard
thats literally it
To be fair, if she wasn't showing enough midriff, she was probably wearing one of those high-wasted things, wich are an abomination to the female form.
Now he warns him about Aeris' death
It's patently false advertising and a slap in the face to fans everywhere, who now have to watch first-timers get tricked into playing a game that is not the least bit representative of the real Final Fantasy 7, get confused and disappointed, and then take it out on the original, dismissing it as convoluted and not worth their time, and they will buy it in droves. It won't be until years later that the initial hype wears off and people realize that the game they waited so long for was actually a piece of crap, again, much like what happened to Star Wars, twice in fact, and it's happened twice to Final Fantasy, too. Compilation of Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 15 sold well and were initially beloved by players, and now it's going to happen again.
>mad because its not ff7
it's suppose to be a faithful remake
Keep going user you're telling it like it is