Webm thread?
Webm thread?
Uncharted PC collection with multiplayer fucking WHEN?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?
Now THIS ladies and gentlemen is a videogame. Fuck, Uncharted is such a great series.
holy fuckin based
Oh God I couldn't even count the amount of times I've juked the enemy team on that specific part of the map.
what the fuck is this?
uncharted and tlou multiplayer is criminally underrated and it's disappointing.
user's big night
I would kill for that.
2's multiplayer was one of the greatest of all time, one of the last simple multiplayer game before loadouts and killstreaks took over.
damn, if only we got a game like this on pc
i feel like the dark souls webm's are the sole situation where DSP is in the right
this and the mimick one are completely undefendable
Holy fuck I gotta download this. Uncharted 2 and 3 were some of the most fun mp experiences I've had. Pump it taught is the greatest taunt up there with Dudley's rose.
>Pump it taunt
Been using it since 2's multiplayer lol, it's the ultimate "fuck you" to douche bag players. Even better than Halo's tea-bagging
Is MP still active? Haven't played in years.
must be like playing tomb raider?
Also 4 is free on PSN right now so the multiplayer is thriving
a different time... You couldn't have such a glorifying animation for innocents these days.
>That webm
Holy shit I'm dying lmao
Also yeah since it's free on PSN it got a good boost in player-count.
Some playlists are hard to find a game but TDM is always almost instant
Oh man you know what was even worse? Doing that shit with Donut Drake.
Forgot all about that until this thread, gonna get the boys together for this one.
>Donut Drake
Genuinely hilarious.
Still pissed they got rid of him in 4
>doesnt make her eat eggs
i cant believe this game looks so shit
>nO wAy FaG
>No way fag
Is this bitch in heat or something? fuck
Fuck I miss Severance.
Man, those were the days.
I fucking love this game.
wow, atleast the environment around you is real and not a shitty skybox
love how it flips him around so it can play the backstab animation.
How so? He attacks without taking distance into consideration. Then, when he's actually in range, he turns his back on the enemy and lets a fucking AI backstab him.
>playing nude mona sax mod when this first came out
ah, good times.
Ive seen the webm for months now and never got the source
she wants some
Is this what living in Europe is like?
wow why doesnt she stop being such a bitch
Try out the Payne Evolution mod on Moddb. Adds alot of QoL features to the game
Surprised they weren't black
i dont understand how people get off to plastic looking dead eyed 3d models
People actually play shooting games on consoles.. I totally forgot people with standards this low exist.
max payne 3 mp on console was pfun for me desu even with auto aim off, but in general i feel you