Reminder ALL this ask belongs to Rean and his gorilla dick

Reminder ALL this ask belongs to Rean and his gorilla dick.

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Can I get a quick Reandown?

>he wants the quick Reandown
Haha, guess it's time to not hold back...
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
>final student of a legendary swordsman
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but also the men
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
>wields a tachi (a better and cooler katana) and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in Trails in the Sky
>grows up to become a teacher, can romance his underage students
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred curse that appears at the last second
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
>can get with and utterly dick down any girl of his choosing
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua, Tita away from Agate, Tio away from Lloyd, etc.
>now a version of himself from an alternate timeline is trying to kill him because he's too chad
>tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought his franchise to the spotlight,
>made it so that the majority of the franchise's games are about him
>is the writer's favorite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing

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I want to bite those fat asscheeks got damn

Gorillas have tiny penises

CS3 is kinda trash, why did you fags lie to me? You told me nu-class VII was better, but then all I see is Juna and Musse gushing themselves over Rean and Kurt and Ash being irrelevant (except for that stupid retcon in Hamel), and god help anyone when old class VII shows up with their insufferability, which is often. Other than that, it's just CS1 again, which was mediocrity incarnate. You'd think after how many games shit would be going places, but no. I sure feel lucky that I didn't have to pay for it, at least.

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Women are not objects you can own, have sex incel.

Obligatory haha


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>gorilla dick
Gorilla's have tiny dicks, like literally 1.5 inches.

Can anyone tell me what game this is?

trails of coldsteel 3

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hair down>not hair down

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they know.
it makes them feel powerful about their own 1.5 inches dick.

Are these games good, or are they just waifubait?

CS3 is comfy as fuck and instructor Rean was based AND redpilled

The waifu side of it is actually kinda shit, but as far as turn based JRPGs with excellent world building go it’s hard to find better.

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above average jrpg if you like world building, NPC dialogue that changes constantly as you progress and political maneuvering

Well, judging by how many pictures of swimsuit Juna there are here, it's safe to say that gameplay is not this series' forte.

I want to fuck those. Can I fuck those if I start playing this haha franchise?

The main appeal is that the overaching story covers the whole series of 9 almost 10 games so far

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where should i start?

Said the mindbroken Reanfag

Lies, humies just say this to cope with BGC

trails in the sky 1-3. dont even touch coldsteel until you finish those 3

>dont even touch coldsteel
Should've just stopped it there.

>old game good, new game bad

more leg shots please

whats the difference between the psp version and the steam one?

see release order for the full experience, though zero and ao are jp only at the moment. you would have to settle with a fan translation for those.
sky is rather archaic in its design, so if you want to skip to the more modern ones coldsteel 1 would be the place to start. they give you the run down on the major events in the story, but you miss out on some important things. I wouldn't recommend skipping though.

also ignore skyfags

ALL this ask what?

Ah, the rallying cry of the newfag zoomer with no taste. Back to eating haremshit isekai garbage with you, it's people like you that caused this series to degenerate into what it is.

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Pretty sure the steam version has a bunch of new dialogue in it or something. All I know is that it includes more than the psp version.

thx anons, ill check that out

do you spew words you don't like and hope they stick to the thing you don't like or are you just retarded

Polished up script, higher resolution portraits and shit, turbo mode and moddable jp voices


>noooooo I can't handle dissenting opinions from other fans
I certainly feel retarded from speaking with your kind, but that's the point we've come to.

What if we had the entire cast sit around and scream REAN one after another.

kinda weird how such a small, niche game has a divided fanbase with skyfags mostly being the toxic shitters always trying to turn newcomers away from the franchise. You idiots are almost as bad as FE fans always bitching about awakening/fates fans

i don't consider someone who can't argue in good faith worth having a discussion with. don't be a needlessly combative asshole if you want to actually discuss these games. and while you're at it stop using kevin for shitposting.

I don't believe for a moment you aren't purposely getting it wrong.

Make me faggot. I like the whole series.

CS1. Ignore the Sky and Crossbell games. They’re isometric and look like shit, and none of the playable characters are as chad as Rean.

But Cold Steel is definitely worse than Sky. I am not someone who tries to get people away from Cold Steel, I think that if you play Trails you should try and eventually get through them all. However there are also the opposite people who claim that Sky is worthless and you should start with Cold Steel and that is just unacceptable. The Sky games ARE better. The story and characters are so much better than the bloated Cold Steel games. I still love Cold Steel, but it is a complicated relationship.

>skyfags mostly being the toxic shitters
What, for having standards of a decent baseline level of writing and characterization that the series was known for?

Holy shit. Peak performance body.

>Love Sky
>Love/Hate Cold Steel
>People constantly bitch back and forth between the two

I doubt that, when all the different arcs are so diametrically opposed to one another in terms of aesthetics, feeling, and demographics that to like them all, you've either have had a strange timeline of consuming nip media or just have had a very high tolerance to all sorts of anime fuckery, whether that be classic or modern.

>download demo of CS3 because of these threads
>some army is attacking some castle
>bunch of school kids run into castle trying to do something
>spend five minutes on the battlements talking about following ‘his’ plan, meeting up with ‘him’ shortly, all the girls seem to love ‘him’ and all the boys grudgingly respect ‘him’
He is Rean isn’t he. The memes are true. Don’t know if I want to go on but I want to haha... post

No for claiming their shitty 2D games are better than Reans

Never, not when we had something good going on, and then CSfags came in and ruined it by it pandering to them. You do have the ability to harbor basic expectations, right user?

Did you play the 1 and 2? He jobs so much that its actually nice to see him finally getting some respect. I dont get the hate for Rean, he constantly gets his ass kicked and hes slowly getting stronger while still having flaws.

Kiseki doesn't even go that far with anime fuckery. It's very well within my limits.

You can't even discuss one series properly because Cold Steel turned everyone into haha memers

No someone told me to start with CS3

Keep embarrassing yourself with posts like these, Senfag, it only can help us.

I managed to enjoy all LoH games mostly by avoiding the community. You ass holes are either spoiling shit or arguing over who's game is better. Its mostly the spoilers that I find unacceptable. Feel free to post more Juna's ass though.

can we stop beating this dead horse

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>doesn't even go that far
You've never played Sen, I take it?

Trails in the sky sucks

Sure have. I'm eagerly waiting for Hajimari, in fact.

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You're joking right?

Isn't that implying that horses, or anything much for that matter, can die in Kiseki?


Osbourne is Rean's father. The main culprit is an alien blob that is obsessed with Osbourne who is also the reincarnation of the ancient legendary hero. Arianrhod dies, Millium dies but comes back and gets married to Jusis, and McBurn is Irish. Duke Cayenne comes back in Hajimari no Kiseki.

Must've grown up during the ecchi battle harem era of anime then, because I don't see how old fans are supposed to stomach what the series has been turned into for newer fans, even though that's supposed to be the main draw of the series.


Alright Im out. Never coming into a LoH thread ever again. Fuck this dog shit fanbase.

Enjoy your Sky character rehashes, I guess.

I've honestly been turned off of starting the series due to rean posting making it seem like the past games don't matter at all compared to his games but that could be shitposting for all I know. I'll probably bite the bullet anyways and start them since i've heard it's a good series overall and it has been in my backlog for ages.

Also how big of a deal would knowing some spoilers be in terms of enjoyment? I don't remember any off the top of my head but there is a good chance I would remember some with relevant context.