Is it better to wait until its ALL released and or comes to PS5 or is it better to buy now?

Is it better to wait until its ALL released and or comes to PS5 or is it better to buy now?

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it's better to buy now. there will be likely be a collected version towards completion, but that's a pretty large time sink if you want to wait that many years, long after discussion has dried up.

It's better to play through the original, superior game instead

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Play a better game instead

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>or comes to PS5
PS5 releases this year. And with part two not coming until 2023 and part three in 2026, you will HAVE to buy a PS5 to complete the series.

aeris(th) and zack live because of time fuckery

Which Persona game is that? Sorry, I can't read moonrunes

Yeah. Play the superior time ghost game.

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I'm gonna wait a few years for the "We're Sorry" edition of FFVII that's the whole game done 100% with all the upgrades/feedback from each successive version of the game included in the full experience. And then I probably won't like it very much because the combat looks like ass

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Don't be an idiot. Just wait for the PC version to come out and pirate it

Wait what?
Why the fuck is a remake of a game from 1997 going to take 4-5 years to come out completed?
Why the fuck did it take 10 years in the first place?
Where does this first release end?

and mod tifa tits to be bigger and barefoot mod



the funny part is that this one is also unfinished and requires another seven games (also unfinished) to better understand the plot

you mad cuz I am right

>Why the fuck did it take 10 years in the first place?
Because SE didn't want to invest money into remaking it. They knew it was going to be expensive and only did it to shut up the fans who kept on demanding it for years and years. Had they not made that damn PS3 tech demo, this Remake wouldn't have been made.
By splitting it into parts they can recoup the costs easier since tards will pay for it again and again
>Where does this first release end?
The end of the Midgar section.
And it's also not a remake but a reboot.

with the reunion mod for maximum accuracy. fuck you native language fags, I'm not replaying the game in 4 years when I've gotten gud enough at Japanese to make sense of what I'm playing.


The next reboot will happen before they finish this one

I'll wait until it's ALL released on PC.

This remake is better

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Wait. You won't want all the time jannies subplots ruined until they've fully matured. I have to use that word loosely, though, because Nomura.

Best to play it now in case you decide you don't even want to continue to the next one.

why wait and pay 1/3 of the price when you can pay $60 now and have a depreciating asset! Don't think just consoom bro

Wait until it's all released.

Right now the game ends on a cliffhanger so big you'll regret even playing part 1

obviously you fucking retard i'ts full price for a padded out butchered (((remake)))

>long after discussion has dried up.
discussion will not dry up for a while. there will be multiple FF7R threads on Yas Forums for majority of the year then when it comes to PC conversation will just start again.

>Right now the game ends on a cliffhanger
that's being kind

it ends on a fucking retarded nomura fever dream

>wait until its ALL released
It'll never reach that point. Get this one, enjoy it, and then file it under "sequel never" next to half life and mgr

If you want to play it, then play now. If you don't, then don't. Hope that helps you.

>it ends on a fucking retarded nomura fever dream
>nomura cry babies are all over Yas Forums
hes not even writing the game its nojima you smooth brain

I'd say wait, but it definitely won't feel like one huge game.

I'm waiting for the PC version, it looks like shit on PS4.

it's going to be like 10 years or more until this is finished

It's straight out of KH it doesn't matter who wrote it.

But okay, you autist. A Nojima fever dream.

Looking at his stream right now and Caleb to see if it's really good.

Don't know, so far the pace is something.

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I'm confused, what is this time traveling stuff that supposedly appears in FF7R?

>Letting streamers play the game for you.

You're getting cucked user.

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>top streamer for FF7R is a view botting e girl

AC Sephiroth appearing all over midgar causing time police Heartless to appear, ruining cutscenes and satisfying people interested in SephiCloud homoerotica

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I want to know what I'm getting my money worth dumbass. I don't blindly buy games because nostalgia.

He's doing fetch quests that took years to make, and they made them strictly to justify milking the fanbase for the next 10+ years. If you do all of them the game is around 30 hours.

Time Jannies soon in his stream.

Hopefully he doesn't faint.

Nevermind, this autist is going to do all the quests.

Get Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition/Persona 5 Royal instead, wait two decades for the final part of FFVII remake and then buy them all.

What the fuck was Sony thinking, the last time they did this the Lighting series fucking sucked.

Boycott this desecrated shit, and watch it on YouTube with the rest of the PS4 exclusives.

is he really that dunce? just do it later and then next playthrough do a 100%.

oh yeah, heavily jaggied pixelated feet turn me on oh so much.


Damn you why did you open up old wounds with MGR.

>My money worth

Poor nigger detected.

I bet you're the same faggot that would watch CAM Rips from IRC, then tell everyone that you went to see the movie.

I'm sorry your a blind nigger that buys everything off the spot like a 14 year old

>Seething poorfag

Go back to jerking your little dick to streamers while you donate your food stamps to them you fucking homo.

Wait then pirate and laugh at how awful it is.

Seething spoiled nigger,
Go ask your parents for cash like you spoiled faggots are.

Agreed, its kino.

>that artstyle
wait a minute....

At least I know my parents you Third World Cumstain.

Nigger your psrents adopted you and your true parents don't love. Sorry about the truth.

wait. if it's good, then that means you'll have a minimum of 6 years longer to wait.

who plays games just to discuss them on Yas Forums? pretty pathetic.

Adopt a fucking dictionary Pedro. A few more lawns should cover it.

Dude. You can't just kill mongrels like that. It's not humane.

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Nigger I'm not even a spic. I live in Eastern Europe where your degeneracy of faggotry is not welcome. Have fun with fags lol. Your nation practically worships faggotry.

Bitch ride backseat huh?

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