Why is everyone buying Persona 5 Royal?
Why is everyone buying Persona 5 Royal?
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Lmaoing at all the doom posters desperately trying to push the narrative that this was going to flop
>Combining the P5 and PSR to make it seem like bigger numbers.
Jesus fucking christ, can't you post the real P5R numbers only?
The last we know is that P5 sold 3.3m PS3+PS4.
If this 4.2m is to be believed then P5R only sold 900,000.
Which is an embarrasment when the original sold 3.2m.
So is persona considered normie shit now?
The original was at about 2 million just a year ago. Royal brought it to nearly 5 million here
Not even true, the 3.2 million milestone included the 400k Royal did in Japan
Persona re-releases always sell less than the original.
You have to be retarded if you think it would sell more than 2 mil.
This sold insanely well for an Atlus game and an Atlus remake at that. This is record breaking for the company, best rerelease by far.
Check your sources
They count P5 and P5R seperately.
Base P5: 3.2m
JP P5R: 400k
Which means P5R only did 600k in the west lmao.
The 3.2 million was from after royal came out in Japan, it used to be around 2 million
Persona is a good series
From atlus themselves.
Please cope more.
So P5R sold 3.2 mil?
In its first week yeah. That’s crazy high numbers for this series, the 400k in Japan was over two months. If you look at the graph you can see the series grew to 3 million over 3 years and this sudden upwards trend on the graph is very steep compared to the rest of it. Given 3 years it would more than double the sales that P5 achieved in its first 5 years
m8 they aren't counting them separately, try reading the title without using google translate
How do you fuck up this badly?
Even the image the article uses counts them both.
P5R released on Oct 31 2019 in Japan, we can safely assume that anything after oct 31 2019 are P5R instead of P5 so that means P5R sold over 1 million worldwide.
Because it's a good game, faggot. Being a poorfag contrarian doesn't make you cool or special.
>600k in the opening week of a niche anime JRPG is bad
Persona 5 only sold a little over a million after its western release in 2017. 400k + 600k is 1 million, so a remake managed to sell the same as the original in the same period of time despite all projections saying it shouldn’t.
>even in this guy's shitposting scenario the game still sold well
I don't know what the point is anymore tbqh
Imagine being this statistically challenged. You have to be 18 years or older to post on this site you faggot doom poster.
oh my. how embarrassing user
I agree, the OP was actually a parody of that shitposter spamming threads with the same picture asking why no one was buying it with no source. I had to set things straight.
Top kek
In the end it unfortunately wouldn't even matter how good it sells. Sega will still say it's disappointing even tho it's a fucking updated version
Doom posters BTFO
Yas Forums BTFO
it's a good expansion to a great game.
People are fucking retarded, the game could be trash and it'd sell because Atlus.
Suits are never happy with the performance of a company they bought because they are only trying to make money. They’ll never be satisfied with atlus’s output, even if they make as much money as fifa.
The few people I know who played 5 all say that it isn't worth it if you played the original which seems fair but thinking this was going to flop is retarded
>Another failed Yas Forumsitter Tortanic
This shithole can't catch a break, lmao.
How has a borderline niche company managed to swindle themselves into a Nintendo tier pass on their Jewish bullshit?
How can one user be so misinformed about a game and a company to come this conclusion
Just say you’ve never played an Atlus game at the beginning of your post so we can ignore you.
Everyone I’ve talked to that played it says it was worth it
The p5 players that say it's not worth it are either poorfags or mad that some part of the game didn't pander enough to them.
I usually have a :| face when I play games but seeing the new shit legitimately made me go :D
And I forgot some of the things that happen so it's refreshing to see them again
Is it dual audio?
It's a good and popular game
I had the same experience
This is the power of the pandemic. People need a meaty jrpg to play. I've done 30 hours this week with periodic breaks to wiggle the laptop mouse so Skype makes it look like I'm teleworking.
Just finished Kamoshida, they did a good job cutting the annoying areas out or shortening them. Were the other dungeons reworked like this?
Gonna grab it after I'm done with FF7R. Cheers.
>/v cares about sales of games rather than actually playing games
never change
>with periodic breaks to wiggle the laptop mouse so Skype makes it look like I'm teleworking.
Literally every entry since 3 has been a hit and it keeps getting more popular with each game released. How the fuck do they do it?
Atlus is the most based company on earth. They know what people want and they keep giving it to them with steady improvements each time.
Space Burger is still awful, unfortunately.
Eh it's ugly but I remember being stuck on the puzzle for ages, this time I got it done pretty fast
It goes by quicker this time
The euro-subs have boosted P5R sales.
Much europeans didn't buy P5 because of english-only subs.
Why is this game piss easy on merciless? Kamoshida is an absolute joke with slime
>all these re-releases but they didn't put p3 and 4 on ps4
unironically hard mode is harder
What annoying areas? The one with the staring statues? That was cool and they should’ve left it in
It’s nice to know more people from around the world get to experience it. I heard Ryuji is unhinged in Spanish
How so?
Apparently, you can perform multiple baton pass in a single turn without increasing social links.
Is it dubbed in other languages or just Japanese/English audio?
I know there are at least french and spanish subtitles.
For PS4 onlys it's either this or FF7R
Yes you can
In merciless when you hit a weakness it does 3x the damage. Same for technicals.
You do realize multi plat games exist right?
I guess it makes the game very easy, even at the beginning.
The idea behind this is it makes gettin personas harder since their weakness makes them die in one hit