Snipers ruin games

Snipers ruin games
I dont know why every shooter needs to have a one hit kill weapon that has unlimited range
The only way to counter a sniper is with another sniper and its not fun to play against them
It doesnt take skill to stand still and click on a head when you have no chance of dying yourself

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Other urls found in this thread:

the simple balancing trick to snipers is to punish mistakes
letting the enemy know where you are by missing isn't punishment because even with a single kill your position is known
add much longer cooldowns between sniper shots and fuck realism

I think you forgot that dying isn't meant to be fun, for anyone. I didn't complain when I was still getting curbstomped at my 1000th game hour while any 500hrs soldier main can pubstomp if he tries.

Sniper is the peak of "big patience brings big rewards".

>longer time between shots
>lower max ammo (like 3-5 shots max) to force resupply movements, either to an ammo pick-up or spawn
>require a few seconds of standing-still to get pin-point accuracy, otherwise a bit of random spread is applied
>apply aim sway, can be stopped by holding breath but hold it for more than a few seconds and sway is radically increased
>slower scope-in/out animation

I'm always having a great deal of fun seeing these threads, I feel like it's time for a little reminder of facts.

1) Valve are aware of the state of sniper (as stated by a developer)
2) Valve has never really nerfed/hinted at a nerf for sniper

So you can wish all you want, not happening, especially not with those "I wish scout couldn't double jump anymore" tier nerfs.

Thing is I can counter a soldier or any other rocket launcher no matter how good he is cause he needs to be somewhat near me
I cant counter a sniper on the other side if the map

And that's the way it's meant to be.

So its fine to have a class that cant be countered?

I'm not saying it's bad game design, I'm just saying I hate it.

>the class that gets absolutely trashed at close range
>that can amke or break the game if you have a decent player using it on your team
>extremely annoying to fight against, constantly creates unfair situations
>easy to play beyond basic awareness and target priority

Damn who would've thought that medic was such a problem.

It's never going to happen, but this kind of re-balance the user said would be a lot more enjoyable for everyone else if TF3 were to be a thing. (imo)
I've also never seen someone make a post about removing scout's double jump. wtf? who's that retarded

>1) Valve are aware of the state of sniper (as stated by a developer)

I honestly can't tell if this latest sniper nerf craze is people genuinely complaining or two dudes replying to each other because I never saw this kind of crying over the class until relatively recently.
As much as I like to shit on Valve for being shit at balancing I'm glad it's them and not people like the post you replied to in your post that design the game.

The balance mod that's in the works for the tf.creators servers is going to fix all that and more.

Attached: higps balance mod.jpg (711x450, 69.37K)

Huntsman is the only way to have fun as sniper.

Not him, but someone went to Valve some time ago and Sniper came up in a conversation. The play testers were godly snipers and the devs joked about nerfing him. They're well aware of the issues Sniper brings to the table.

Snipers should be really immobile as well.
Games like Overwatch do the complete opposite and it's a joke.

lmao what a bunch of retards, I hope it stays dead

Can't be bothered to find it, I'm in bed and it's late, it was in a tftv thread that redirected to a late 2016 q&a with one of the devs/playtesters.

Reminder to read this

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A game exclusively about sniping would be neat

>no changes to the minisentry

Okay mate.

isn't there some meme game where you are trying to snipe a real person out of a bunch of bots from another building?

Like quake one shot rail gamemode?

Or more like tf2 svs?

Class based combat ruined shooters.

Spawn with the worst gun and collect pickups on the map.

But I guess it's harder to turn that into a skinner's box.

>can finally use demo and soldier disguises without handicapping myself
now we're talking

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And here, the reminder that maps were intentionally designed with sniper in mind.

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change quickscope shots so scouts and spys can't get one shot up close and we're golden.

There's a reason people don't play arena fps anymore, and "Stupid adhd zoomers" isn't it.

Arena fps died because it's repetitive, and 90% of the time, 1v1s consist of both twats jumping around the arena camping big health/armor whilst exposing themselves the least possible, then one of them fucks up and it becomes a game of cat and mouse for 5 minutes and then there's no point in watching because the player with the kill advantage will just play time and run around the map. It's not interesting to play/watch a game when the meta is pretty much set in stone and any attempt at innovation or creativity gets you curbstomped.

You can turn any type of game into a skinner's box, arena fps just died before the trend exploded.

Personally I just play Pyro and jet boost over to their position to rape them with flame.

Works 90% of the time, unless the Sniper is an actual god, or lands a random crit melee. The latter accounting for 9% of that margin.

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the first game to employ headshot as a mechanic was...
the sniper in quake's team fortress
neat. the laser point was actually a 3dmodel lmao a little testicle moving on the wall

>scout at close range
>can practically oneshot any sniper that took chip damage
>this isn't fair, please remove his ability to defend himself

Also spy has a gun.

>playing in servers with random crits enabled

Imagine being so bad at TF2 that even at close range you can't close out a kill against a sniper, as a scout of all classes.

>sniper lirerally places his third testicle on your face from 2 miles away

thats alpha

Medic can be countered even when uber'd


Nah, Demo and soldiers are bigger faggots.

goddamn there’s people this bad posting in TF2 threads?


Maybe he's just playing against God-tier snipers or aimbots.

This, the retards complaining about Sniper are awful at the game. The biggest problem TF2 has ever had is stickybomb barrages. A trap based weapon being able to be used offensively to the point where it outclasses the grenade launcher is poor design. The Scottish Resistance is exactly what the base sticky launcher should have been, it's obnoxious to fight against and requires something equally obnoxious like the short circuit to shut it down in mass teamfights. Soldier is fine though.

>valve playtesters
what fucking timeline

>the retards complaining about Sniper are awful at the game.
Or they're just playing against someone really good.

Said playtesters were actually so comeptent they sometimes had to be forced to play classes that weren't sniper or just not play at all so Valve could gather more accurate data.

are there really this many good snipers or are they just all aimbotting?
i legitimately cannot tell anymore

Change that Sniper damage to 120 on fully-charged bodyshots and quickscope headshots, and you're golden, in my opinion.

I don't think the Engie changes are really that necessary. I can't imagine the overall effects of jump or speed pads, but the teleporter change seems like an unnecessary buff.

That Spy change is quality of life and should be implemented by Volvo immediately.

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Sniper in TF2 for the most part is fine, since most of the maps are designed with flank routes to force short to mid range encounters. In games that have bigger maps say... battlefield, snipers are annoying because of the fact they can shoot you from that distance and there usually isn't a way to properly flank them.

>Battlefield snipers
Hell. there's usually not even a consistent way to FIND them. You're trying to deal with the 23 other enemies who actually play the objective, meanwhile at the top of the scoreboard is some Gregor in a ghillie suit lying prone on a hill on the other side of the map. Even if he doesn't equip a silencer, there's so much other stuff going on that it's impossible to pin him down. And since snipers are so difficult to see compared to other players, snipers rarely try to counter each other, preferring easier targets. .

The only game where I didn't mind snipers was Battlefield 4 since when you were being targeted you could see a flare where the sniper is and know you are and from where you are targeted, meaning you can do something about it and also sniping itself actually required more skill due to bullet physics combined with long distances.
In other games where sniping is essentially clicking on the head and you don't know if there are any snipers aiming at you.

Essentially in most games sniping requires no skill and has no counterplay, getting killed by sniper never feels like it was your fault.
There's nothing interesting or fun in getting suddenly killed beacuse you were in a wrong place at a wrong time.
You could just as well add an RNG mechanic that kills you for no reason after a random amount of time.

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>but the teleporter change seems like an unnecessary buff.
Setting up teleporters is such a pain in the ass desu.

TF2 Sniper does not become less dangerous up close, only more vulnerable because every other class performs better at closer ranges. The charge-up was a good call from Valve, but quickscope headshots can kill half the cast at any range, once every 1.5s.

Battlefield snipers can be reacted to, potentially before they land their first shot, because of bullet speed and scope glint. It's much easier to avoid them on approach, and every Battlefield class has decent options for relatively long-range combat in the ones I've played (3, 4, and 1). Fuck the sweetspot/range mechanic in 1; it's a big motivator behind me giving up on the series. Sure, a Recon can kill more easily at ridiculous ranges than other classes, but it's a lot easier to avoid his shots beyond a certain point, even on accident.

>not posting the whole document
fucking retard

Just make every sniper rifle act like Classic

Setting up anything and fully upgrading it is a pain in the ass. It's boring and often unrewarding because Demo, Soldier, and Medic are the top classes.

The only really frustrating thing about teleporters is having to walk back to spawn to deal with replacing one when a flanker remembers how delaying an entire respawning team is more effective than just getting one or two cheeky kills before dying.

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>low damage unzoomed
50 fucking damage at any range is not low

also fuck bodyshots being able to 1 shot almost any class, shits retarded.
>oh I can't aim, better just hit the body instead, still kills :^)

You say that but sniping in halo is nigh impossible due to the basic gun also doubling as a sniper, therefore the base game is just a sniper fest

Teleporters take the longest and are the easiest to destroy. They also, arguably have the single most impact.
I support the tele buffs because of the quality of life. Playing Engie is already enough of a migraine.

>Taking sniper fire from god-knows-where, no cover, almost dead
>Remember you're playing Fortnite
>Quickly enclose yourself in walls
>Pop some healing as the sniper switches to an AR and begins to shred the walls
>AR fire reveals where the sniper is
>Edit a ramp onto the top of your impromptu fort, and fire a rocket towards his location
>Suppressing fire stops as he's forced to move away from the blast
>Jump down and double-ramp-rush him, gaining altitude and cover at the cost of building materials
>Sniper realizes what you're doing and follows up with a rocket of his own, aimed at the bottom of your ramp
>You continue, knowing you built double-ramps so a single rocket won't be able to topple the whole structure
>Sniper switches tactics, drawing an SMG and building ramps/floors to trap you beneath him
>You pull out your shotgun and build around his builds
>Create massive tower as the two of you construct a 3D maze around each other
>Get a good hit on him
>He drops down a few stories and builds a box around himself to heal
>He doesn't realize that the ceiling of the box is yours, not his
>Edit a hole into the ceiling and pop him in the head for the kill
Fortnite fixed snipers on wide-open maps and none of you can prove me wrong. Plenty of tools for either party to close the distance and be more aggressive.

>No changes to mini sentry

Snipers who can land closerange headshots absolutely deserve them with the incredibly limited FOV that snipers have. The issue with Sniper that most people have is that the occasional game with an ultra god-tier sniper or aimbotter makes people think that every pun server has the same issue with Sniper as those incredibly rare situations, which they don't. Asking for Sniper to be nerfed so that closerange heatshots do 120 or whatever is like asking for the backstab hitbox to be shrunk; it makes sense until you think about it for more than half a second or actually play the class you're complaining about and realize how fucking stupid of an idea that is.
That is, unless you're trying to balance around comp modes like 6s or HL, and that's going so full retard it's not even funny.
>having problems with minis since they made them not heal while building

Minis are still fucking annoying.

Only if you're a braindead moron who runs into them every them instead of hearing the beep and backing the fuck up for you can figure out what actually needs to be done.