I hope to fucking God that Square doesn't rape FF6 with a shitty """remake""" like they did FF7

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Chrono Trigger remake next.

How can they even rape it in the same way they've done to FF7? Have Kefka show up every five seconds?

That would improve the game though

Don't worry, I doubt they even remember it exists.

Nomura or his bootlicker said they would want to do V or Parasite Eve next.

>Celes, when we're done...I want to go shopping with you! *giggle*
>Terra, ...we'll do it! *giggle*
>Terra giggles back
>they continue giggling

didn't you know, user? FF6 already has time jannies.

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Even if they did, it wont stop the original from existing. Enjoy the original for what it is and let a remake be what it is, a remake, aka not a 1:1 adaption to the source. I don't care if FF7R is the best or worst game ever, the original is still the original which matters the most to me.

They'll ruin it by just changing the fun gameplay. Why did the first things that come up on you are the characters/story? Fuck plot.

They might as well stop trying if they couldn't come up with a better gameplay design. Imagine having a worse gameplay than some outdated SNES era Wizardry clones.

I haven't played FF7R so I can't speak for its combat, but Square and 3D has generally been boring to me but I can't really blame them for sticking to it since people suck it up so hard. And whenever they do something more classic they get a ton of bad press and kids crying about ancient shit deign.
And even though they have stuff like Bravely/Octopath, SE doesn't have the balls to go all in to make a triple-A title in that style anymore.

What the fuck am I looking at? Did they really add the second panel to the rerelease?

Don't worry. No one cares enough.

Too late, they got to Chrono Trigger too

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The biggest offense to Chrono Trigger wouldn't be a shit remake anyway, it's the retarded plot of Chrono Cross shitting all over CT and lack of a followup from it.

>time jannies get added to every final fantasy re release from now on
would be special edition tier bullshit but would be funny as hell

What even is the deal with Parasite Eve anyway? I heard SE let the rights lapse years ago and the original author hates their guts and wants an exorbitant amount to renew the licensing deal. I think they can use Aya in whatever they want but not the actual PE name, Mitochondria Eve or anything stemming from the book itself. Apparently they had to work out a deal with the author to even release PE1 and 2 on PSN so who knows how a remake would even work.

Kefka gets zapped by the statues and turns sane and joins your party and starts spouting stuff about how life is worth living as scour the globe to reassemble your team and you fight the reanimated statues as the new endboss.

You know that's exactly what they'd do.

Nah, Cross is fine. Cross isn't Trigger 2. It's a totally new game.

just some OC someone made.
celes jumps off that cliff if you fail to save cid. she is trying to commit suicide (although the original English translation fudges it to something else since they thought suicide was too intense for young players) but she washes up on the beach instead of dying.
I don't think the game ever explains how she survives but I could be wrong.

You play as Kefka as he slowly descends into madness, kinda like the Joker movie.

>story focus entirely on Terra, stuff like Celes and Cid are only text files or small flashbacks
>early game mentions Terra is half sper
>opera house goes full mode and becomes a 30 minute video, no choosing lines or battling Ultros in the top
>Shadow joins the party even if you don't wait for him
>Gogo and Umaro are DLC, Mog is preorder
[spolier]the ending explains everyone can use magicities because they are "Terras from alternate realities"[/spoiler]

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I relaly hope they don't.

>implying SE gives a fuck about FFVI

I love Terra

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Unironically happy they don't since they'd fuck up anything having to do with it

I read up there that they want to Remake 5. Watch as Galuf lives and Krile dies instead.

Kitase is Nomura's boss, not his "bootlicker", and wrote the original game.

The old dinosaurs are all retiring or leaving the team, the new guys don't give a fuck about the SNES era games.

Don't worry, we're safe because Square doesn't give a fuck about the pre-PS1 era, so it's shitty phone ports for us forever
I hate that's now a positive

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Let's all love Terra

They won't, somehow FF7 was far more popular than the other games despite there being several better ones in the series.

You leave Terra alone Nomura you faggot.

>Kefka doesn't poison Cyan's home

>He uses time ghosts to transport Sephiroth into the FF6 universe


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post more terras guys

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>Parasite Eve "remake"
>They'll shoehorning shit from the 3rd game while fucking over the plot with whatever magic "fuck destiny" button they decide suits
Fuck that noise, and fuck it hard

Nah, it seems like the other way around given what he let Nomura get away with

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Don't worry, it'll take them another decade to even finish FF7R.

>time ghosts to transport Sephiroth
As batshit as this game is shaping up to be I'm absolutely hype for Sephiroth to appear in FFXIV with this new development.

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Or it could be that not everything is Nomura and solely Nomura's fault, and that Kitase, Toriyama and Nojima all also had a hand and supported these ideas.

You're ignoring all evidence just because you'd prefer to paint Nomura as the evil overlord who controls everything by himself.

Being a "bootlicker" does not absolve responsibility user. Kitase sat on his ass and basically just spouted marketing speak while letting Nomura and Nojima fuck everything up.

Of course they all had a hand in it, it's just some were deeper than others.

I really don't see this whole thing as bad. I didn't want them to tamper with FFVII anyway so this being something else makes me happy.

can someone explain to me what they did to ff7? what the fuck are time jannies?

Kefka saved her because he thought Celes failing even suicide would be hilarious

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Spooky ghosts that interrupt scenes of the remake to force things to play out as they did in the original 1997 game.
FFVIIR is a stealth sequel

Kefka already shows up every five seconds in the original.


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Yeah, Cross just made a joke villain kill the main cast for no reason

It would be kinda cool if they remake it using the Octopath engine

FF6 has already been raped. This is the only remake your shitty game deserves.

Every FF game from 1 to 7 had an upgraded version, but 6 had this. Top fucking lel, worst FF confirmed.

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V was the same. Why the fuck did they have to stop the chibi DS games at IV?

There is no upgraded version of 5, or 7 for that matter.

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That's not a remake, it's just a port with ugly sprites. The rest of the game is the same, so people just stick to the SNES or GBA version.

her dress is dumb

Kitase is Producer, Nomura is Director. Directors has actual control over what goes into the game. Producers, just oversee as in, make sure shit gets done on time and within budget and shit like that. Only way he's bossed Nomura around is just making sure he don't spend 8 years and half of Square's money for each part again.
I have no idea, just that it's what either Kitase or Nomura said.

They already fucked it over with the shitty IOS / Steam version

>You'll never wander aimlessly around the dystopian world created by Kefka until you reach Mobliz and collapse only to be nursed back to health by Terra then stay with her and the children since you have nowhere else to go and help her raise the orphaned children while falling in love with each other and having children of your own
Why even live...

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How can they aprove this?

>Square releases a FFIV sequel
>It shits all over the original game's premise
>Square releases a FFVII sequel
>It shits all over the original game's premise
Final Fantasy games should always be stand alone

she got her fashion sense from a literal clown

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why would she need help from cloud when she can wield swords bigger then her in her own game?

Fuck you, nigger. FF6 with PS5 graphics would be pure kino. Imagine walking around not 1, but 2 worlds in luscious 3D.