Hello frens

Hello frens.

I have download and alphabetize all gb and gbc games .

Also how do I make a torrent to share n64 and gba games or is there a better site to share huge files.


Attached: Work3.webm (1600x1080, 910.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Did you also remove the darkening filter from them all? I remember a ton pf vc injects used to not remove them and it looked like shit


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Probably not . But the games looks and play okay to me .

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why are you black

Sticking around for N64 and GBA

I have n64 organize but I have no way to share it . N64 is 24.5 gb and mega.nz have an annoying download limit and space limit .

I not sure if ctorrent work on the terminal I made a test torrent but I can't download it .

So if anybody have info please share

Attached: work2.webm (1080x1350, 713.83K)

thanks fren

>a fellow brother

Thanks bruv, dont have time to download individually so this is cool.

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you can cut down the n64. A-G H-M N-Q R-Z

Yeah but mega.nz have a download limit I don't want you guys to wait days just to download all N64 games

I've had this for the past 10 years OP. It's funny how newfags on here STILL don't have the full collection of GB, GBA, GBC games in 2020.

That's cool so you have every single game , rom hack and homebrew. Please share

>almost a gig of dolphin porn
>broken up into Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean downloads
nice try, anonymous

Do niggers know how to torrent? Just wondering.

good lad

theres magnets on /t/

I assume a lot more people need to download my file for it to work .

I dont want to make a faulty thread

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not hard just people will have to download from you connection only. can be a little slow at first.

>Dirty 3DS
>no sheets on mattress

Also, on topic, does your collection have duplicates? Is it single title only, with regional exclusives? There are a LOT of fucking gameboy games if you don't trim them down.

Only one person, you, has to have the whole file until others have it. The torrent will stay active until forever. Active even if the torrent isn't complete. Also compressing it won't help, it is better to not compress so people can get whole files.

It looks like a rip from an old archival site. Can't tell if they are "no intro" or not. One file per game.

Nice dolphn porn

In (games in more) there may be some duplicates located in (Homebrew) & ( Handheld Underground ) there also could be some faulty roms . I'm austic but not austic enough to test out ever single hack. But the base gb and gbc have zero copies and all work 99.99%

>how do I make a torrent to share n64 and gba games or is there a better site to share huge files.
You go to your torrent client and select create a torrent, then it will ask you to point to the directory or files which you will make a torrent of. When you have created the torrent file, you can paste it on /t/ or wherever you want.

So you have no idea how complete your set even is, and what "complete" means in that case? Bleh. Pass. Sorry, G. Also, get some fucking sheets.

I replied to you and am not OP. I downloaded them from his mega. Get better internet retard and download them and look yourself. Will take 20 seconds in a second rate country.

Hmmm i could download some sketchy file off Yas Forums

or i could just download something from the no-intro repository on archive.org which has basically every rom set

There's this site if you want
with 20GB size limit
I'm not sure how good it is thogh.

You that retarded that you can't figure out stuff you download is harmful or not? This nigger isn;t smart enough to infect us with anything but smells and welfare.

based pirate

I gone through plenty of sites and extracted and patched 1000+ of games . I try my best to reach near 100% completion.

Why would I infect you I have nonthing to gain and I sorta have a rep on 4channel

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What is supposed to be under games and more? beta, Unl, proto, etc.

Rep? Ain't no nigger I ever seen before

To add to your statement I believe the only way to infect someone if they click on a .exe .

Games and more is a reference to Tr4sh . It has everything that is not the base vanilla game.

post up some samples.

I travel across many boards .
Know for my oddity and autism .

Ultimate nes



Kaizo mario

Random 3ds cia

Rare nds 100+ Books in french , german , and Japanese

Figure something out to get GBA games, even if I have to wait, I dont care.

Pic related

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>all those pokeman rom hacks

The english version are all complete there is only a few rare exemptions.

I was think of starting a youtube channel playing through rom hacks in different foreign languages.

Give it back tyrone

Why is your hand brown?
I'm concerned, did you forgot the sunscreen the last time you went to the beach or what?

>Playing gameboy games with a shitty blurring filter when they were literally built to be pixel perfect

Are you uploading those GBA/N64 roms somewhere?

Dare I say based?

It's loading
I won't be able to do gba anytime soon I just found a new site I got to dump and extract .

Whatever you're trying to do, the /t/ thread about roms did it better and has more seeds.

Forgot pic again

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Isnt gba smaller? why start with the larger one?

What an ignorant post.

Still waiting for that Book Review YouTube Channel Handnon

Just download the Good GB rompack. Its like 600MB and contains all GB/C games in all languages.


Surprisingly equal in size because of all the hacks and homebrew . I hate sharing imperfect collection. Even the n64 one is in complete

>Random 3ds cia
>Rare nds 100+ Books in french , german , and Japanese

>the same link

How do you still not notice this?

You forgot your
nigger tranny

but this dood has it all cataloged and personally curated. can you say the same about those?

Holy based. Thank you user.

>I won't be able to do gba anytime soon
you mean like days or what? i dont care if its not up to your autistic 100% completion

So what if /t/ has done it better? /share/ definitely did it better than /t/, that's for sure. And you're missing the fucking point you imbecile. redundancy is always good. to make sure that data is always available in one form or another.

Rare nds 100+ Books in french , german japanese + dlc

Thank you

I think I've seen you before. Have you posted any other collections or whatever in the past?

/t/ doenst have gameboy advance and thats what i want

Do you have MAME roms?

>All these retards praising a nigger for ripping gb and gbc games that have been ripped and available with a simple fucking Google search for at least a decade
Wtf is going on in this thread?

based black hand poster

In case people don't know you can also find no intro full sets on archive dot org.

you are fucking retarded

lol this I'm fucking flabergasted

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The fact that it can operate a computer is an amazing feat itself.

Did you even read the thread .

i'd have to dig to find a reliable "download all the games" pack from google, no fucking way im downloading each game individually and this popped up so i figure ill kill two birds
