Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

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story: absolutely nothing
boss fights: needing to rely on 7 other players who are part of a community of mmo gamers with poor social skills
endgame design: it's a get your weekly currency and loot mmo

>boss fights: needing to rely on 7 other players who are part of a community of mmo gamers with poor social skills

what bugs me the most about this is they didn't even replace their social skills with gamer skills

they're absolute shit at both and waste everyone's time in every aspect

nothing, it's another two-year slog of naysayers and doom-and-gloom shitheads moaning for the death of the game and its most recent expansion
it's been like this since heavensward and the current hot fresh meme is that it's a bad thing the relics aren't an obnoxious grind to get your hands on

time travel

Lalafells, roes and hroths limiting the animations wol can do in cutscenes.
Coomiefornia servers.
Less content each patch.
Males ruining all glamours.
Asscapes and circlets.

You have cleared the new EX right lads?
Youre not a shitter right?

no i didnt, why should i, theres no reward

> Let's make an MMO where you spend 90% of your time run between NPCs solo and the remaining 10% of the time in 4-man dungeons.
Why even bother making an MMO at that point?

>Not getting the 480 AF4 gear thats obviously going to get an upgrade later on

It's a MMO, and worse, it's fucking WoW clone shit. There was never any chance of it being good.

So you can charge the sub fee. Duh.

Yep. Its a good way to gear up my rogue and dragon. 5 materia slot is a plus

Caters to much to autists in every regard

I mainly only follow player reviews on Metacritic, pretty much nothing apparently.

Yeah, those AF upgrades last expansion were really good, right?

Na, I had some sperg yell at me and remembered why I dont bother. Apparently super high dps take priority over staying alive. Even though we easily hit dps checks

If you're getting gear for anything other than glamours, you're doing it wrong

Is it a bad idea to do double pulls when your gear is only at-level for a dungeon?

Yes the Eureka AF Upgradeable gear were in some cases BiS. You needed Elemental +2 armour for best DPS in Stormblood.

oh shit RIP

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Literally my only problem with ff XIV is that it is a multiplayer experience. At least Monster Hunter let you play solo if you wish so

>needing to rely on 7 other players who are part of a community of mmo gamers with poor social skills
Sounds like you have poor social skills and don’t have a FC.

You can take around 15 mobs I would say without dying, but both you the tank and the healer need to use cd.

the game makes wowfags seethe so i play it

still better than ff7

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Does gear even matter in this game? It just seems like linear stat upgrades

Elemental+1 you mean. +2 had the same stats as +1 and a eureka buff.

Depends on dungeon, level, and type of healer.

It was one of them user. Its been a while.

Are you retarded?

elemental gear weren't from af dummy

Not yet. Saw up to the rotating attack the first lockout then I went to go eat and now I dont feel like watching a guide, so just waiting on friends to get done with their alliance raids so they we can all do it together

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Ranjit and the fact it ended, honestly very solid but now its over i feel like cutting off Sqaure's money funnel. Tasty bait btw

Yeah, unless you like doing shit damage and taking more than you need to.

Whoa fuck, is the old version of this tool floating around? I want to know more about this exploit. Sounds interesting.

But is all gear just +564 str +352 vit? Is there anything interesting about a max level gear set other than higher numbers?

search for version

Why would you need anything interesting on gear? What are you looking for?

Seriously, what the fuck was up with Ranjit? Everything else about the story was solid but this in particular was such a giant letdown. I expected better from Ishikawa.

The Fanbase is so fucking cringy.

Customisation, build diversity maybe?

Why would build customisation be needed? People will just go for the builds that do the most damage.

Thats why builds don't men fucking shit.

If the gear is boring, and the skills are preset with no builds then what the fuck is the point if raids and dungeons? Why would I care about loot if it's all just generic stat boots?

>Come back after Hiatus
>Try to start clearing EX trials from Stormblood just to get them done
>Everything going well
>Last one to clear is Tsukuyomi EX
>Everything going fine at first, get her to 47% before add phase
>After add phase
>3/4 of the party immediately dies withing seconds cause they didn't check their 4 stacks of moon debuff
>One (1) I wipe, and everyone just abandons

Don't act like you raged quit out cause of shitters, you WERE the shitters.

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You mean "look up the best gear some autist with a spreadsheet already set up for you"?
Or do you want the XI variety of " carry around 50 pieces of gear and use a third party mod to swap them around on the fly"?

Gunbringer as a tank and not a DPS, It's a shame we will never see it as mechanically complex as DPS.

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Is 5.3 getting delayed because of Corona-chan?

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No, not outside of what material you meld and the sub-stat you prioritize. Like you can do super fast BLM or super slow BLM but one of them is always going to do more damage than the other so I'm not sure why that matters.

Did they reused Yasuke for Nioh 2?

Wrong mmo for that. You are expected to be stacked the exact same was as everyone else, doing the exact same roatation that the autistic community has told you to do.
There is ZERO options for creativity or diversity in roles.

Since they're probably canceling the Fanfests this year, that means they're putting that budget back into the game, right? :^)

Fanfest is still scheduled to happen for now

People weren't joking when they said glamour is true endgame. Don't let raid trannies make you think otherwise

Then what's the game? Just playing it as if it were a FF game? Because it sounds like a shit rpg if there's no loot, build diversity or customisation.

Nigga, FF isn't until fucking October, shit is going to be fine.

It's pretty good.

How are you doing so much ki damage?
Games a prequel, everyones there

You have to remember little kids can play this game

Trump will fix things before then. Don't worry.

I’m gonna do it with my static

How is it a prequel, but William is there as well?

What's really bad about it is that you can solo later 4 man dungeons with Trusts. And it's better for it because ironically the NPCs will talk more than your group normally would.

RP and a decent story aswell as nostalgia bait fights.
It's the epitome of mmo themeparks. You que up to do everything, follow the linear track to the linear bosses and enjoy the ride.

Is it truly endgame when 90% of glams are mogstation

Prequel up to Williams story, duh.
I havnt finished yet, so I dunno how William plays into it yet. Think there could be minor retcons to get the player interacting with William

personally anybody who using mogstation pieces for their glam gets an automatic 0/10 from me

Because the end of the game is after the end of the first game

Ffs man. I really want an mmo but that sounds like everything I don't want. Are there ANY good mmos that are more sandbox than this?

Npc's use mogstation glams. True pros use ingame items

That just means the game is P2W.

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Probably not because they're gay and boring so there's no market for them. They worked better when the internet was still something of a novelty. If you want to gay RP as warriors with your pals then just play DND or something.

Im currently trying ESO, which appears to have more variety like it's single player counterparts. So it isnt huge variety, but it's certainly more than FFXIV.
I find the setting and story boring as fuck compared to FFXIV though

ESO has no OCE servers and the ping is 400+ apparently so i guess i'll give up on the mmo dream

Because they're generic stat boosts you didn't have before. Trust me, go back and try some of the older MMOs you're longing for, there isn't anywhere near as much build-variety as you think there was. Especially when the meta gets involved. Even FFXI's customization came largely from its jobs and sub-jobs, and which gear you had was just which sub-stat you wanted or which skills were granted by rare equipment.

>OCE player
Lol nerd

whats a good mmo if all I care about is exploring? (because the combat in all of them is trash obviously)

Guild Wars 2, it's the only good thing about that game.



Alt gear on
0-4 tank
5-9 nin

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Everything about is and improvement except they still refuse to take risks and make interesting boss mechanics and add any choice to customize your job's playstyle.

Little kids socialize and play better than these retarded trannies.

try a pre-big bang maplestory server like mapleroyals, job skills let you explore lots of areas you're vastly underleveled for