New skin and customization options from eye color to jewelry added to WoW Shadowlands

New skin and customization options from eye color to jewelry added to WoW Shadowlands.

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Alliance can go suck a dick.

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>black blood elves
>still have elf (white) facial features and builds

That is the dumbest looking thing I have ever seen.

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I eagerly await the noname55 porn with chocolate elves.

oh no no no alliance bros

I intend to make one of these and RP as an urban youth summoning watermelons and shilling my mixtape in Orgrimmar.

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Black skin =/= African

>Black skin =/= African

What else would it be?

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Well considering it's an elve, the obvious answer is drow. What it actually is, however, is literally just dark skin.

If you went out more you'd see Indians with dark skin.


>"Nah main, Ain't got no mana bread, wan some watermelon tho? And here, it's a link to Mix Scry, straight fire like Al'ar bro."

Some kind of elf

Why does the blood elf look like the D2 necromancer?

Have you never watched any anime?

Dumb cunt.

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Just one more race.

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can play as crip elves finally

Well considering Africa doesn't exist in WoW and Belfs have fair skin because of magic use. I consider it to be bullshit and pandering.

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>burger programming
Just because you're pasty doesn't mean you're not a mutt senpai

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>is exactly what hes making fun of
oh no no no weeabros...

Yeah this still looks stupid and looks like you're cookie cutter Jap fapbait pandering.


Why do people hate on Drows? Drizzt is badass

Dilate back to trannyera

>buzzwords and boogeymen

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>poor little white fox

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Blood Elves were always High Elves and now they can even look the part after they got purified :^)

>blood elves a nigger

belfs finally fit in with all the other horde races

You get blue eyes but at what cost

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>cries about anime
>posts disney Yas Forumsshit

dont worry some completely unrelated fantasy setting has black elves so its fine to rape wow lore some more

>Brown elves can't exist because they don't have fel tatoos

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>no new race
>no new class
>uninspired world design
>zero hype
>only new feature is playing as a nigger

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>orcs look radically different and have differing cultures
>trolls look radically different and have differing cultures
>humans and elves look radically different

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>not liking good Yas Forums material
Wanna know how I can deduce you're underage.

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I want a chocolate Gwen.

Different levels of melanin only exist on earth

>WOWdrones are so starved for features they are touting skin tones and eye colors

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It is a fantasy game so I am totally fine with them giving elves a dark complication.

However, the reason it looks strange is that dark skin, evolutionary speaking, is usually developed in warmer regions.

This would also cause other facials differences such as flatter noses with wider nostrils, due to the air not needing to be warmed as much, compared to colder areas with those that get lighter skin tones.

But this is WoW, where humans came from stone giants and elves, are just trolls that changed due to magic. So anything goes.

These look more Indian than tan

i know people were pissy over shantae looking white but this is a little overboard

What did you expect? One of the features is literally giving back abilities that shouldn't have been removed in the first place.

>New abilities.
>Every class gets abilities from the past back.
>New customization options.
>Pvp vendors making a return.

I'm going to fall for it again, aren't I?

Yeah, you are. Stupid wowfaggot.

didn't they literally just give both factions their own dark elves in the last expac?

>expansion is just bringing back all the stuff they took away and new skins

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This is a good point. Why do non-humans have stereotypical tribes that look and act different but nobody seems interested in explaining the deal with these very new-looking humans?

>Remove features in expacs and calls that doing gods work
>Re-adds these removed features in other expacs and calls that doing gods work

You people are worse than donkeys being drawn by the carrot in the stick.


The only problem I have with WoW to begin with is that they fucking ruined it; if they un-ruined it, and I still got new content every now and then, I'd be happy.

Why is earth magic so fucking rare in games

>Want X.
>Get X.

It's really not that complicated, nor need to be mean.

This desu

Wow even has enemy geomancers

It would be so easy to have a Geomancer class with a heal/dps/tank spec

>nobody seems interested in explaining the deal with these very new-looking humans?
I can explain it user.
You see, Blizzard is circling the drain because the people who run the company are social parasites instead of people who can design games. As their games continue to fall in popularity, the misguided staff use market research to determine that what their games lack is virtue signalling.

>no new race
>no now class
>STILL no new talent row
> big thing is just bringing back stuff they took away
Yeah go ahead and buy it you fucking shit eater blizz could take a shit on a plate but paint it like it's Vanilla wow shit and you would eat every last bite

Youre alright user!

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No one wanted to have their class' abilities removed day and night only to get those back later it's just stupid.

>It would be so easy to have a Geomancer class
So..another Shaman spec?

we wuz Scryers n shiet

they're irradiated trolls, not humans you dumb faggot.

>official forum threads about this are being pruned
>users are getting banned for "racism" when they ask where the fuck black elves suddenly came from

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Everything can literally be shrunk down to damage, heal, tank

Classes are just ability skins

This is actually happening? I'd check for myself but I despise the WoW forums community especially after Blizzard nuked all the old threads and changed the layout several times. Jesus what a bunch of sensitive faggots.

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Would you prefer them stay removed, then? You're not being very logical.

The bottom line is you wanted your abilities, and you got them.

Big thing is tons of new abilities for each class, not including all of the returning ones.

Everyone's biggest (and sometimes only) complaint about modern WoW is that the classes are too simplistic, so adding this many new abilities really is game-changing.

For a game that's lacked any sort of progression for a long time, there's nothing more important than customization and customized skill builds.

>Everything can be shrunk down to protons and electrons, everything else is just a skin.

WoW players dont qualify as people

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>all the new porn that will come from Brown/Dark Elves and Spirit Healers

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Anything for Tauren?

>trying to make blood elves look badass