ITT: Filename thread

Attached: STR vs DEX builds.webm (640x640, 2.71M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1582857545059.jpg (750x756, 101.33K)

How do you balance
str vs dex? Lets split it into tanking/damage

How does the str build not always fuck up the dex build every fucking time

Attached: kojima pitches death stranding to sony.png (379x279, 87.62K)

Ranger is top tier STR/DEX

Attached: Go Go Gadget Fist.webm (785x427, 2.03M)

>you raped her! you murdered her! you killed her children!

Give dex a gun

Isn't what most rpgs do?
>Lmao dex is just str but better because you can use bows now.
And for some reason dex is a requirement to wield a club....idk.
I always hated how Souls always favored Dex builds in terms of weapon variety.

Attached: Shaka has entered the Future Era.webm (1280x720, 2.54M)

Attached: Stadia.gif (500x342, 1.72M)

it already is balanced. dex has WAY more stamina than str. problem is that Dex ALWAYS gets too cocky and tries to go in deep when they should be staying the fuck away until str in worn out to move in

Attached: OjsN.gif (500x281, 2.97M)

Attached: 24 fps.webm (1274x720, 2.97M)

You forgot to rename the filename to sword saint Isshin, bro

Attached: sekiro strategy guide.jpg (2400x2400, 645.45K)

Attached: Brazzers presents Commander Peen - A XXX Masters of Poon parody.jpg (350x233, 19.14K)

Attached: Inserting coin during game over sequence.gif (480x270, 1.99M)

This is that spear guy vs the mountain, right? Game of Thrones?

Attached: sony4thegaymers.webm (1280x720, 3M)

would watch

Attached: I took a calculated risk...But man am I bad at math.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

yo where is this from?

>Mordhau modded scene

Nice filename, troglodyte.


Attached: Ardyn Reviews FFXV.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Attached: Mass Efect Andromeda.jpg (736x549, 39.15K)


Attached: Sakura Sheepishly gives her opion on Dunkirk.png (1429x1075, 2.76M)

Attached: Gregor has joined the game.jpg (747x741, 111.74K)

>Every fight in Dark Souls.

smells like, aids


Attached: IT'S TREASON THEN.gif (320x256, 3.25M)

Dude in pink is walking like a Sims 4 character.

Attached: Bike.exe has crashed.webm (1600x640, 1.51M)

Attached: would you kindly.png (1558x360, 1.36M)

He has to constantly clench his cheeks or lose his soi latte

Attached: trailer vs final product.webm (480x360, 2.94M)


STR = HP and damage
DEX = armor class and accuracy

STR deals 50 damage every 5 attacks because he misses the rest. He also never dodges.
DEX deals 10 damage but every single attack, he often dodges so it's no biggie if he has low HP. Only unlucky rolls kill the Dexfag while STR dies by insistency.

>Gee, I wonder why everyone sees us as such massive degenerates?

I just got aids from that

Please tell me this is fake

what the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

I'll always remember how disappointed I was when I realized all of his shit was fake

Attached: Autobalance.png (522x417, 252.31K)


Attached: Kirby Localization.jpg (680x1008, 85.86K)

Oh my god that bird dabbed between 0:04 and 0:05


Attached: Denuvo.webm (534x360, 2.91M)

Attached: LV100 Thrown Weapons.webm (800x410, 861.42K)

It's real. Dude survived but was obviously hurt pretty bad.

Naw it's real, he had several riskier jumps than this one, don't know if his channel is still up. But it all came to an end when he tried to jump off of one building into a hotel pool next door and shattered his ankles on the concrete edge of the pool.


Attached: Pokemon Bikes.gif (330x250, 1.9M)

Attached: Sonic wins an action-packed trip to Detroit.png (1280x720, 647.76K)

That was the saddest part.
Justice doesn't come out on top.

Here's the jump that put him out of commission

Attached: BJ and Doomguy.jpg (500x375, 35.57K)

Attached: I could have a leg in one hand.png (478x685, 463.07K)

why not just tape 2 pieces of toast together?

Attached: Fred Durst presents Doom.webm (426x240, 2.45M)

Attached: Party member has been brainwashed .gif (480x270, 3.24M)

wait, what the fuck?


fucking kek

what is this from

Attached: Captain Falcon edgeguards Fox.gif (500x211, 178.89K)

Come on it was obvious. I mean think about it, every thing he does no matter how supposedly dangerous, camera man is always there to point it at him


Attached: I hereby award you the title of Big Boss.gif (300x220, 1.9M)

>Rape survivor
Didn't know rape was inherently fatal

Attached: PMD Max IQ.png (500x694, 268.26K)

Attached: Ambushed by Canadians with 100% camo index.webm (720x720, 1.8M)

dumb incel

Always a winner

Attached: Jeff Hardy lands on stack of PS3 exclusives.webm (694x388, 544.4K)

Attached: SGDQ Tactical Soda Retrieval.webm (1280x720, 2.11M)

my sides

You didn't know? Almost all of Bear Gryll's shit was fake. At least, all the survival parts. He definitely drank his piss
I mean, his claims make him sound legit. How were we to know he's nipping back to a hotel for a hot dinner every cut?

Attached: Reviewing Hentai Games.jpg (639x800, 115.21K)


Attached: Dobson talks to a woman.gif (395x288, 2.51M)

Please god someone reply

Attached: animal crossing.jpg (190x265, 15.81K)

Attached: senran kagura.webm (1920x1080, 717.24K)

Attached: ah greetings earth clan.jpg (1079x1076, 169.55K)


Attached: Formula Sheev.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

dex has poison and bleed

Attached: fallout new vegas slavery mod.jpg (1280x720, 93.53K)

Attached: d favorite album.jpg (600x300, 21.87K)


Attached: Finding friendlies in TF2.webm (852x480, 1.6M)

Attached: FNAF General.webm (720x432, 1.54M)

Attached: Theorycrafting Speedruns.gif (500x375, 711.18K)

What's a good file name for this?

Attached: 1561928402254.webm (640x640, 2.02M)

i wonder what if he thinks it was worth it

>Boxer ganged up on by PS3 and Wii U games


Attached: dean takahashi plays cat simulator.webm (640x360, 2.36M)

Upon landing, the toast on top would then have more toast than the bottom piece and flip over.

It's lowercase g, casual.

Are they friends or something?

Attached: last minute plot twist.jpg (435x690, 50.92K)

>virtue's last reward

They made a runestone for that guy

Attached: gITvjES.jpg (480x609, 48.09K)

Brutal beating by PS3 games

>samus disappearing when riding elevators

Attached: Bethesda rolls out a patch.gif (309x320, 2M)

Attached: Ace Attorney witness.jpg (900x1200, 131.41K)

if he was parachuting the how is he downing an aircraft?
also arent pilots out of their planes classified as non combatants?

man vs lasombra boxing

man enters Shaded Woods

what a tweest!

Attached: LIQUUUIIIID!.gif (450x262, 1022.53K)
