Has Yas Forums ever played this game?

Has Yas Forums ever played this game?

If negative, why not?

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cant let this one die such an awful death

Fuck Stay Night
Thoughts on FGO LB5.2?

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Here's a haiku for you

fuck off I played it
Yas Forums isn't a fucking hivemind
just let this thread die


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It's shit just like everything else in this sunk cost fallacy "game"
And that isn't stay night, retard

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I haven't given FGO a try, I don't like mobile games and I'd hate myself if I ever were to catch myself spending money on it, all while playing it on my commute like a toddler.
Did you like it?

because I'm not a retarded weeb manchildren or a soulless insect to play jab shit
also die

This seriously looks like it belongs to a joke event. It looks so fucking goofy and undignified. Also what the fuck's up with her eyebrows?

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Who did it? Can we kill them?

We should have been playing Kirsch all along.
He's quite literally 7 times the master we are

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Fate/extra is better
Is that director Olga? Are you killing your alternative selfs?

I saw some videos of tournaments, looks really cool. I might emulate it one of these days and try to play with a friend.

I haven't played it because when I was interested in it, it never got a PSN release. Pretty retarded.

Never had the chance but I'd hope for a new fighter, and more balanced fighter to come out with the franchise.
2D of course

Indeed it is.

You can always emulate ;)

I would have been satisfied with zemlupus. At least he was a human being and not a walking talking plot device.

It's kinda too late emulate. No one is playing it.

>Is that director Olga
No it's just taking her form

It's a fighting game without online, there's no point in playing

If he was the protagonist, he would have been mute too.

>why not?
It's on PSP or some shit.

What the fuck is the point of playing a multiplayer game if your opponent isn't physically close enough that you can beat him IRL if he wins too much?

It's genuinely terrible. Look up gate of babylon's combo

Wait, so the Alien God is Olga? Am I getting this right?

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>so the Alien God is Olga?
No it's just taking her form

Marisbilly seems to have been more involved with lostbelt and alien shit than previously thought

It's somewhat broken but it's fun.
That's right, I mainly do it for my own amusement, even if I know I'm not getting to play anyone, it serves it purpose as a game I can play in practice mode for 15 minutes.

I'd like to think that he at least would be more proactive and wouldn't have permenant dumb naivete that still takes hold 12 singualrities later and makes you wonder if he has amnesia of all the times this shit happened before.

So it's fucking Olga. Wow.

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How does FGO do it? Despite its lows, as a masterpiece it maintains a level of quality far above any other series.

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that's a funny joke user

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Being able to hold onto human decency and kindness no matter what you go through despite everything is supposed to be a good thing in Nasu's stories. Still feeling pained when shit happens is meant to be a show of character.

It's alright but broken as fuck. I imagine only Fate fans would like it


Where can I get up-to-date chapters for this shit?

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It's a show of stupidity and a stagnating character that never learns or grows. Even Shirou, with his chronic hero syndrom, eventually becomes EMIYA when he has to face the realities of life. FSN had it right showing that brand of heroism for what it is, the sign of a broken person.

The difference between Shirou and (you) is that for (you), it's only been three years rather than twenty. Nasu has a hard-on for basic humanity. Only characters who are able to hold onto it deserve to be protagonists in his eyes.

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>playing gacha

On the contrary, still being a whiny bitch after watching countless people die is borderline inhuman. Humanity is jealousy, rage, hate, all of the ugly things that people like to pretend don't exist just as much as it is goodness. Denying either one makes you just as inhuman regardless of which it is.

>Four break bars
God damn it, am I actually gonna have to learn to git gud at this game?

Where do they whine? They don't even get that opportunity. They're a silent protagonist who only get the occasional dialogue option. If you hate whining so much, just pick the less whiny option. Frankly, you're the whiniest faggot here.

are the lostbelts any good?

You mean besides the part where your mc that stopped 7 singularities broke down and cried because a bunch of furfags were going to die and he wasn't the hero anymore?

Unlimited Codes isn't gacha, you fucking twat

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Markedly above singularities because it isn't entirely focused on us and gives perspectives into other goals and other characters.
LB1 might have had too strong a start though since LB2 is a bit weaker. LB5's 1st half was well received, jury's out for the 2nd half since it's only been a day

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The protagonist didn't have to commit genocide in any of those seven Singularities. There was not a single ethically questionable choice in any Singularity. Not one. Your enemies were all either undeniably evil or otherwise compromised in some way. You destroyed the evil villains and saved humanity. It was a black-and-white story of good vs evil.

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So what? You watched people die, and had to kill them yourself. You fought through numerous hardships and physically demanding trials and watched the deaths of those you cared for. You would think he at least wouldn't cry like a bitch whose never experienced death before.

So the Alien God has a sense of humor, right? This is SUPPOSED to be silly, right? "Look Chaldea! I copied your former commander's appearance and dressed her like a bizarre clown! Isn't that so funny?"


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So shes only week to the other Tamamos?

Zeus servant when?

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There's a massive difference between killing an absolute villain and killing innocent you dumbass. There is literally absolutely nothing wrong with killing Cu Alter or a Demon God Pillar. Nothing to hesitate about, nothing to be upset about. These villains are trying to destroy the world.

But in the Lostbelts, you're the villain. You're destroying these worlds, wiping out their inhabitants. It's one thing being able to kill Hitler without hesitation, it's another to be expected to kill a million innocent people who've done nothing wrong. You're pulling the trigger, it's your responsibility.

what's the gacha prize in UC?

>arguing over the characterization of what is one of the most blank slate main "characters" in the history of fiction

Oh boo fucking hoo. How many people did he watch die in each singularity? When they were corrupted by something he put them down himself. Even if he wasn't directly playing the villain, he's still killed people. He's still tasted plenty of trials and death, he sould have a tougher personality after it all then that.
