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i'm looking forward too seeing whether or not people that shat on KH's story will shit on this one since its the same brand of ridiculous

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>he doesn't know about the time jannies yet

The replies to that tweet are infuriating

Such as?

Dude he literally doesn't he's been avoiding spoilers :(

Justifying slowed down walking sections

plagued with KH autists and "you just hate it because of nostalgia!"

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The nostalgia part is correct, though. FF VII is a shitty game.
However, this remake is somehow even worse.

Poor fella

That's what I mean, he's gonna flip when they come into play

Also he said he MIGHT record his first playthrough and edit it later, not confirmed though

Oh man I can't wait to watch all these people see the time jannies

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KH autist here. I don't want KH fuckery in other games. I play KH purely for that and don't need it elsewhere

If you just want ridiculous retarded plots, play Xenosaga. One of the main characters is seriously actually Jesus and another is a quote "Mary Magdalene Battle Android" unquote.

>twitter screenshot threads

This is what people don't understand. Everyone loves a trainwreck, but they don't want their entire life to be one.

story fags loooooooool

After KH3, I'm good for fuckery now.

FF7 was always overrated slop that ruined JRPGs

Imagine feeling obligated to record yourself playing video games you don't even want to play

I just wanted an updated retelling of 7 as I never played it. As a KHfag, the action gameplay looked inviting.
Guess I'll just go back and try and play the original. Bit over turn based RPG's now though

Wait, who was Jesus?
I only remember KosMos, KosMos' glasses-human and some 10 year old rich kid that pissed me off for some reason

Good oney and crew are faggots

How exactly?
I'm curious as to your reasoning.

what is so good about ffvii? why does everyone dickride it so much? is it because it was the first big jrpg on 3d? the music is great I'll give you that but the story sounds like something a 10 year old would find amusing.

It's truely "The last of us" of its time

Absolutely based

First 3D and really accessible for younger audiences. Most people's memories are of playing it as a kid. Game was a straightforward RPG.
That has always been Final Fantasy's appeal, it's straightforward nature

>stretching the game out to justify the selling price because it's only 1/3rd of a game
>just nostalgia bro

In my ideal world, I would have gotten real sequels to KH1 as well. Even within KH there are victims to the wild ride bullshit.

>is it because it was the first big jrpg on 3d?
essentially yes. it was the right place at the right time, with a huge marketing budget. nothing to do with the game itself.

>only time Oney has been positively excited about a remake/reboot
>it's shit

I feel like people saying "just play the original" haven't done so in awhile. Like the games mostly fine. It's turn based combat, not much to improve. But shit like the mini games and general movement outside of battle suck ass.

Funny thing is that he's only complaining about the padding, can't imagine how they'll react if he starts shitting on the plot.

Why isn't Zach doing his own lets play? Oneys views spike when they have zach in them anyhow

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He can't/won't set all that shit up for let's plays. He did some with Lyle I think

what are time jannies?

If you ignore the post credits letter in KH2, then KH, CoM and KH2 make for a good trilogy.

It's damage control by fanboys. It's the same automated excuse for every remake/remaster.

He has a show to work on, if it gets a season order expect him not to show up on Oneyplays for a while.

Remake is fucking with the plot, alternate timeline style. These ghosts show up "from the future" to try and keep "the original timeline" in track. It's truely a mess and anyone going in blind to the story of 7 will be confused as fuck

Cracks were already starting with Apprentice Xehanort and Keyblades starting to be handed out like candy. But yeah, I can tolerate up to the end of 2.

>Perfectly paced

the fuck
are those the dementor things shown in another thread?

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>events of original game are canon in "Remake"

How is it even a remake then?
Figures they would literally put the word "remake" in the title of something that isn't one.

Yup and Sephiroth shows up.
He's one of the biggest culprits of trying to fuck with time which makes people think this is a sequel and it's AC Sephiroth going back in time.
Also Zack could be alive.
It's all over the show

It's not, it's either a reboot or a sequel, depending on how this will all tie together. Try telling that to the fanboys and shills though

the dark skinned white haired boy was jesus's miracles but jesus himself was just some guy
also kos-mos has mary magdalene's soul but her body is used for a separate robot called t-elos
xenosaga is fucking dumb

Welp, atleast im disappointed now and not after investing time in the game.

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Don't you get it?
They're "remaking" Final Fantasy 7
It's Genius!

Of course the game is shit.

people are going ham on him for not linking the game

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Baten Kaitos is good

You're welcome. I'm gonna wait of the typical Square repackage a year later for half the price
More like Genesis
I can't wait to see how he plays into all this shit

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>market game as a remake
>it's actually a reboot
And people will eat this trash up.

at least their newer games are pretty

Baten Kaitos Origins is good*

CompliationChads keep winning

No, they genuinely fucked up this time.

For awhile, it'll get hard backlash after awhile like what KH3 did. This will split the fanbase hard

>I'm gonna wait of the typical Square repackage
specially if it's a repackage like FFXV. The vanilla version and Royal are like 2 completely different games. A shit ton of new content, a shit ton ton of improvements to the combat... There's so much new content and changes it could be considered a remake.

It's ANH all over again, people right now are blinded because it's back again after 20 years and can't see past the horrible plot rewrites. Thankfully, if SE follows the footsteps of their overlords, they'll fuck it up so monumentally much in part 2 that people will begin to look back and see this was a mistake.

this worthless eceleb is plaguing both Yas Forums and Yas Forums
Where are the new jannies.

So what? he is right.
For the wrong reasons but still right.

my mistake, sorry

It's called Remake because the main characters kill the time jannies associated with them, freeing them from the chains holding them to the original game's plot, allowing them to REMAKE their own destinies.

Isn't Nomura so smart? Aren't you glad that he tricked you for five years straight for a single subversion?

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I don't get the "just play the original lmao" shit. They don't even try to defend what's being criticized, so are they just admitting that it's bad? Why remake something if you're not attempting to improve upon it? If you want to do something different just make a new game instead of forcing yourself into a situation where you're inescapably going to be compared to one of the greatest games of all time.

Taking a shit game and making it good isn't so difficult. It's hard to improve upon a game that's already a masterpiece, in fact it's nearly fucking impossible. So don't change shit unless you REALLY know what you're doing.

Exactly, they did it to KH3 too. Square always fucking milk their fans for all they have and personally, I'm fucking sick of it

>Nintendo games

It's basically "move over gramps, this is not for you"

Hope you're ready for part two to be called "Re:mind" and it will feature Noruma's new of Yozora.
This is all part of his plan to make a Square Enix Kingdom Hearts because Disney has most likely pulled the plug after 3

Is anyone close to the time janny shitshow yet? I want live reactions.