Final Fantasy 7 Appreciation Thread

Is a great game. Easy 9/10 from me.
For the one who just want to shitposts, theres 10+ FF7R shitpost thread exist right now.


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Other urls found in this thread: someone explain to me why the vitriol and hate for this game without crying that it isn't a/

If you appreciate this lame ass excuse of a remake then you don't appreciate FF7 at all.

10/10 for me
Aerith is my wife!

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Cloud loves Aeris

I haven't played it yet but to say that appreciating a recreation of something by the original creators is unappreciative of the original is bullshit.

0.02 has been deposited in your PSN account, kupo!
- From your friends at Square Enix

>boss-fights are now back to back bullet sponges taking 20-30 min to beat FOR ONE BASIC BOSS
The bosses arent designed to be bullet sponges for people that knows how to play.

Can someone explain to me why the vitriol and hate for this game without crying that it isn't a 1:1 remake?
I can understand it having terrible pacing and the OST is nowhere near as memorable. But the gameplay is legitimately solid, a lot more polished than XV. Story is a little wack, but still enjoyable.

Is it just hate for Nomura or what?

>appreciating a recreation of something by the original creators is unappreciative of the original is bullshit.
I mean it's exactly what it is; I'd say considering they're minor writers, and the head writer Sakaguchi had his entire plot shat on for a JJ Abrams styled time travel mysterybox.

>there are 10+
But I want yours.
How was fending off the Heartless? Did Cloud use the light in his heart to stop Sephiroth from altering his destiny?

George Lucas says hi

>Is a great game. Easy 9/10 from me

You didn't even play the game, idiot.

I'm still waiting for the damn unlock.

>The bosses arent designed to be bullet sponges for people that knows how to play.
>know how to play
you literally couldn't create a form of "play-style" if you tried in this game;everyone utilizes the same style, because no true guard/true roll;zero i-frames. it encourages you to get damaged, and to dish out as much damage with certain characters so others can be utilized as a support. Literally no difference in play-styles.

There's a difference between fleshing things out and changing individual lines of dialogue, and altering the most basic underpinnings of the story so that you can take a giant, retroactive, Kingdom Hearts fan fiction shit on top it.

Story wouldn't be wack if they didn't fuck with it and turn it into a sequel. It's well earned hate. He's a one trick pony that only can inject KH bullshit into anything he touches. Multi timelines, 'destiny' and he presents death with the lightest feather compared to Sakaguchi dropping a bolder on you and making you feel it for the rest of the game.

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I actually just bought the game digitally because of the all the hate on Yas Forums. Every time Yas Forums hates something it turns out really fucking good.

How'd you like Bioshock Infinite, Gone Home, Depression Quest, and CoD 6-27?

This is quite frankly, the greatest looking video game character that has ever been created.

This all sounds good to me honestly. someone explain to me why the vitriol and hate for this game without crying that it isn't a/

What the fuck is wrong with this autist? He got replies in the last thread.

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If you think bearing a resemblance to Kingdom Hearts sounds good, then have fun, although it's a shame your mom smoked and drank while pregnant.

Cloud loves his loli princess.

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>let me just nitpick to be an extra piece of anonymous shit

>pointing out that the only claim made in the post was retarded

CGI Aeris is fucking ugly

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*dabs on your plot*

>Only white character in the game
>turns asian anyway

Just fucking kill yourself you will make your family much happier.

Yas Forums hates everything, good and bad.

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go back

>the only time Cloud has a flashback without getting a PTSD attack is when he remembers the promise
What does it mean Yas Forums?

You're right.
I enjoy plenty of bad games.

pretty sure Yas Forums hates getting coronavirus how about you give it a go then

>You never had an experience like this

Attached: Screenshot_20200407-134333_YouTube.jpg (2556x1439, 822.09K)

Already had it and nothing happened :^)
video games

Just started FF VII Vanilla, what can i expect

what vidya gaem system is coronavirus for?

waifu gives laifu

>Animal Crossing
Yeah, sorry Yas Forums. You're 2 for 0 right now. Its not looking good.

animal crossing is for trannies and gay children which one are you

yep he mad

And it was created by an Italian

He is thirsty for cute and funny

>he hated them because he told them the truth
your family hates you bro sorry

>still mad

at least my prostate is happy

from getting fucked in the ass?

>Tifa has the same kind of bedsheets like the kids room in AC
Cute detail

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most of clouds "flashbacks" are visions of the future in this stupid game anyway.
the geostigma part where he holds his arm is probably the worst one.

no i finger my asshole every night to make myself cum the doctor says its good for my liver

It's fun

Shes absolutely perfect

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This shit is what happens when a game is overhyped and overblown since it's release. Even without the time jannies and Sephiroth, you nignogs would hate this game because it's not exactly the same word for word, and that there's an action system. Remake is still kinda trash but you can't tell me with a straight face that I'm not right.

Nigger I wanted a remake not a time squad sequel

nobody cares what you want :^)

God Max is being such a faggot, walking everywhere and fake crying every 5 minutes. Nigger just play the fucking game holy shit!

never post this tranny again

Someone just got banned for telling him to "Just play the game"

reminder shills are desperate to keep normies from knowing it's not a remake

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Kill yourself for being obsessed with this fucking e-celeb.

>Tortanic posters are Redditors

>that blue dress

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give me cute aeris wife user! yes!

>looking at horrible quality low res textures and environment models
>it looks like a movie yoooo
This fucking faggot shill is being paid by square for sure.
as the weird shit starts happening and everything plays out wrong until it goes completely retarded with the time travel shit. watch him immediately accept it and praise it because he can't say anything negative.

Maybe it's a Niebelheim thing?