How bad is the shitposting going to be when the PS5 flops?
How bad is the shitposting going to be when the PS5 flops?
Other urls found in this thread:
through the roof
flop? we have
the best specs
the best controller
the best exclusives
and backwards compatibility
we will win this gen aswell bro
Unironically to big to fail. People will buy it just for formality at this point
bros the future is looking good
bloodborne 2
god of war 2
resistance 4
afrika 2
ape escape 4
horizon 2
uncharted 5
lair 2
castlevania (japan studio)
heavy rain 2
littlebigplanet 4
dreams 2
demon's souls 2
demon's souls remake
flow 2
flower 2
uncharted lost legacy 2
tearaway unfolded 2
ico 2
heavenly sword 2
syphon filter 7
metal gear solid 6
jak 4
nioh 3
playstation all stars battle royal 2
singstar 2
god of war 4
spider-man 2
motorstorm 4
last of us 3
legend of dragoon 2
gran turismo 8
Socom 5
medievil 3
tourist trophy 2
the order: 1887
journey 2
speed punks 2
siren 4
eyetoy 2
beyond: 3 souls
ratchet and clank 15
folklore 2
knack 3
starhawk 2
concrete genie 2
parappa the rapper 3
locoroco 3
super rub a dub 2
the getaway (reboot)
infamous 4
until dawn 2
white knight chronicles 3
croc 3
killzone 5
days gone 2
doki doki universe 2
buzz: the big quiz 2
persona 6
echochrome 3
deracine 2
everyboy's golf 7
death stranding 2
driveclub 2
p.t 2
8 days
wipeout 9
ghost of tsushima 2
mlb the show 2
dogs life 2
patapon 4
littlebigplanet karting 2
sotC 2
silent hills
twisted metal 8
detroit 2
sly cooper 5
Last Guardian 2
Gravity Rush 3
i don't expect either console to flop, but i do expect switch to sell more units than the ps5 in the end
I actually really like that controller. I wonder if it has an audio jack too.
I don't care about Playstation. I don't care if Xbox ends up flopping again or dominating this Gen. I just want Gears of War and Halo to stop being shit since Epic and Bungie left.
who's we?
>wishful thinking: the post
what do you think about the rumors of them totally redesigning the console once they realized its significantly weaker than the new ecksbex?
>No kingdom hearts
you had one job
I actually can't believe Gears is still going on. It ended kinda well.
None. They'll likely just release a PS5 pro if they're going to even bother with that
It does, was confirmed by some Sony guy
but can you shut that stupid fucking blue glow off? its mind boggling that the dualshock 4 never let you shut off the light bar
remember when console wars were actually fun back when N64 and PS1 were competing and how it's all such boring dogshit now?
you guys are comparing corporate marketing schemes that want you to believe that these things aren't just slightly different PCs. so who fucking cares? the important question in the end always will be if exlcusives get ported to PC or not.
>looking at your controller while playing
i always see the blue reflection in my TV when i play dark games
Imagine basing your entire identity around a product
Nobody outside of america gives a shit about xbox, ps5 will win the gen by default
>kingdom hearts
Pffft hahaha. Not a chance in hell
I'm European and I'll get xbox over sony this gen, after being sony for a long time
it's literally a flashlight user
i don't even own a ps4 but i played one in the dark once and it's horribly distracting
the damn thing doesn't even serve a real purpose
it's a valid complaint. I hope the light won't be too harsh. like, I bought a 3rd party switch controller and it's a decent controller however the lights on that thing really shine into your face while gaming and it's annoying as shit. now you know why they are at a different angle sometimes with many controllers. I mean the DS4 light bar was stupid but I'm more skeptical about the new one because it's on top.
I also hate the led pointing toward my fucking eyes when the lights are off and I have an xbone. I will say blue leds are more obnoxious though.
>blue light reflects off glasses frame
Yeah its fucking annoying
KH is the thinking mans game. You wouldn't understand
Nobody outside of america matters.
it's normie lingo.
at least the retarded share button is now the create button.
the switch's sales have been steady as fuck and it will only get better with the release of new games like BOTW2 and another couple mario titles. Oh yeah, and you can bet your mom's left tit that Metroid will sell big time.
nintendo is saving the next switch model (Super Switch) as plan B.
>the best exclusives
What games have sony announced for PS5?
>the damn thing doesn't even serve a real purpose
There are some games that make interesting use of it like Fallen Order where it changes the color and sound to match your lightsaber, or making it flash/dim to mimic a communication device. Wish it would be used more
this is pretty true
spics and yuropoops would STILL buy the ps5 even if the xsex were half the price with double the power
it's the same goddamn controller with a little more body for comfort.
you tools, it's going to be the same as always: PS will end up on top of Microsoft, possible only barely, and Nintendo will be in their own world per usual
How is that the same as always? The 360 vastly outperformed the ps3
That was true in 2007, not by the end of the gen though.
isn't blank posting illegal here
Xbros will be getting vengeance harder then Leafy got on Idubbz
They didn't announce any exclusive so far. But Gran Turismo 7 and Bluepoint remaster project is certain. Also Santa Monica coming with new IP.
The only reason people bought ps3s was because they were the cheapest blu ray player. The ps3 controller will go down as one of the worst of all time.
>KH is the thinking mans game.
Yeah because it makes you think about playing a better game
amazing and I can't wait, they already lost and it's going to be fucking hilarious
KH isn't exclusive anymore though
It's literally just followed the same disastrous dev cycle as Halo, except Halo is more popular.
Holy shit fucking destroyed
its going to be really sad coming to Yas Forums when xbox sells less than wii u honestly :/
lmao this is what Xbox Discord actually believes. Keep up the falseflagging and the damage control.
Brodudes prefer madden on xbox user.
Whats there to damage control over?
Xbox is getting the more powerful console.
Just like 2017. Oh wait, you got blown out then as well.
More like how bad will it be when multiplats actually run better than Series X and PC
Powerful console means fucking nothing. No one bought the Xbox One X.
>Powerful console means fucking nothing
>He says when no one wanted the 900p Xbox One and everyone got the 1080p PS4.
Oh user...
>Sega Genesis - More powerful - Lost
>N64 - More powerful - Lost
>GameCube, Xbox - More powerful - Lost
>Xbox 360, PS3 - Vastly more powerful - Lost
>PS4, very minorly more powerful, won because Xbox One flopped so fucking hard out of the gate
>Xbox One X - Vastly more powerful - Flopped
lmao sony is so scared of revealing the console now that the xsex is known to be more powerful
Source and official confirmation please
>Xbox 360
This is come real fucking cope.
The One X was a success.
So was the One S and the All digital One S.
sony consoles don't flop
nintendo and microshit on the other hand...
It was such a massive success they've already discontinued it and launched massive stock firesales.
Xbox 360 matched PS3 in sales at 85 million
Wii dominated 360 and PS3 with 101 million sold.
>The One X was a success.
Lol, what source bro?
it's gonna teraflop XD
Man I can't wait to play in 4k 60fps whilst PS5 gets Checkerboard 4k 25fps.
>one X was a success
>One S and All Digital - SAD
Y-yeah, success haha!
Yeah it's almost like if you reveal stuff at an event people don't need to go to twitter for the information. Maybe Sony could afford an event if they sold some games for the PS4.
am I a schizo for thinking these threads were made by falseflagging sonyboys so that they can dig it up and shout OHNONONONO when PS5 sells extremely well like usual? PS1-4 all sold more than 100 million units lifetime and only one xbox console managed to sell over 50 million
The reason for this is brand recognition, not specs.
Guess we will never find out.
That's not a source, Discord.
>A controller completely blew out all the paid for fridge "hype"
sux4u bro lmao
>Yeah it's almost like if you reveal stuff at an event people don't need to go to twitter for the information. Maybe Sony could afford an event if they sold some games for the PS4.
This is the saddest and biggest cope I've ever heard in the history of existence.
So all the people who follow Xbox, which is less than Playstation btw, just saw the announcement in their feed and didn't like it? Just bypassed it?
That's even more sad.
It wont. xbox will do well this time around but it wont surpass ps5
Snoyroaches are the same type of people as Apple faggots.
They don't care about anything but the name and brand.
Why do you think they all came buckets to a fucking logo.
It won't flop though. The PS4 shat all over the Xbone. Everyone who bought a PS4 will buy a PS5 because their games will be BC with it and they can continue their library. The opposite holds true for Xbox fans. People who made their choice this gen probably won't be switching.
SOURCE!! I NEED A SOURCE? No no it’s not true my piece of plastic sold more than yours. Please stop responding to this faggot. The XSX is more powerful in general. But the PS5 will sell more by brand power. Are you happy faggot? Does it tickle your dick that Sony makes money you won’t see?
sony sells because of spics and yuropoops
those retards will buy anything playstation because it's all they know, and in some cases, it's all that's available.
If it's information you already know why would you focus on it. It would seem irrelevent don't you think?
>Nobody looked it up
>Nobody cared
>nobody sought out info on twitter or online social media feeds
That's really sad.
I dont' care about Sony at all. I care about delusional fucking shitposters who ignore sales and statistics.
Yes you are. Xbros have been desperate for a comeback for a decade and usually crawl out of the woodwork when they get a sniff of blood.
Every time.
then why the fuck is everyone thinking the PS5 would flop?
what's the point of this thread? giving sonyfags ammo?
I'm not even sure what you mean by this.
What does that even mean?
>sony sells because of spics and yuropoops
You absolute flaming retard. You literally came in this thread crying about people not favoring Sony.
>delusional fucking shitposters who ignore sales and statistics.
Xbox doesn’t sell in Asian countries, everyone already knew this. Portugal is spice like the other user said, and eurofags also prefer the PS. Xbox is the biggest in the US.
Xbox 360 did okay in asian countries. Because Microsoft wasn't fuck retarded during that gen and actually made a good console with good games.
>Nobody looked it up
>Nobody cared
>nobody sought out info on twitter or online social media feeds
What need is there to look on twitter for a tweet that says nothing when you already saw it. You're a special kind of retarded.
You are absolutely retarded if you don’t understand what you just typed.
>delusional shitposters who ignore sales and statistics
Hmmm it’s almost like... they’re shitposters or something? Yet you swoop in to whine about Sony and claim you aren’t a fanboy faggot
Gaming is too big to fail. Nothing flops anymore. Not making a profit is one thing, something Sony will never have to worry about. Having these kinds of threads need to be against the rules but until then. Cunny
as much as I hate Sony because they love gaslighting consolewars they are never going to truly flop, the brand recognition is too strong, to the point where buy the console even if its absolutely shit, and developers will make a shit game as long as they can release it on the Playstation , even if rhey can realize their dreams better on another console.
also Sony has the media on their side as usual.
Are you fucking kidding me?
A tweet about a fucking controller has 5x the amount of likes about Xbox's entire new fucking console moron.
What the fuck are you talking about? Where did I whine about Sony?
The award show should have created hype on social media outlets which is the point of debuting it at an awards show. That is the point the starts the hype and the discussion on social media/twitter/retweets.
Clearly it did not get the hype that they wanted it to. The tweet announcing their new next gen console was a god damn flop.
>bigger numbers = bigger good
the "road to ps5" video on youtube has millions of views yet it's a shitty science presentation about ears with a terrible like to dislike ratio. It told us barely anything other than microsoft is ready and sony isn't.
sony has done nothing but embarrass itself so far, so now they're playing it safe and not saying a thing.
when the controller was revealed people were very divided on it's looks, because it looks like shit.
you know what's worse than sony embarrassing themselves though? You snoys vigorously defending them.
This is sarcasm