Aaand dropped

aaand dropped

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It explains why it is looking so shit now and why nothing appears to be getting done quickly.

>diversity hires
a sure sign that this shit is compromised.

you’re mad that a fourth of their employees are women? or that they put out a statement that had the word diversity in it?

In polackistan they should share how much open bdsm is shared the office. We all know eastern europe is one big video

a while ago I saw that most of the devs that worked on witcher 3 left the company and made Ruiner, cdpr is a new company now basically

How is it possible to get this pozzed in 2 fucking years holy shit

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.


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Take your pills.

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whenever a company brags about how diverse they are i just assume they have to be the most sinister, evil fuckers behind the scenes
literally nobody gives a fuck about that, not even actual SJW loonies

By hiring Californians.


It’s over.

it was in an earnings report, so the only people they were really bragging to were their shareholders, and it’s popular in business to at least pretend that you care about diversity

i mean maybe they’re huge sjws i dont know, but i don think this proves it either way

Talking about women devs and diversity means liberal propaganda, which equals the game being an SJW Jewish shitfest.

You are such a baby.


I pee pee on my poo poo

>GC: Traditional science fiction tends to be strangely sexless and yet we see in the real world that that’s the first thing people think of when new technology emerges. But CD Project keep get themselves in trouble with the portrayal of gender and trans issues. Have you changed your approach to how you deal with those sorts of things in the last year or so?
>MJ: You know, we really want to make a video game that’s really inclusive.

>GC: I’ve spoken to a number of your devs now and it’s obvious to me they’re trying to do the right thing, but it’s such a difficult subject.
>MJ: Of course, if you tackle certain subjects then you will expect people to have an opinion about it and we respect that. And it’s good that people give us feedback. And our character creation menu, for instance, compared to the last demo we now give you so many more options. For instance, you don’t choose your gender anymore. You don’t choose, ‘I want to be a female or male character’ you now choose a body type. Because we want you to feel free to create any character you want. So you choose your body type and we have two voices, one that’s male sounding, one is female sounding. You can mix and match. You can just connect them any way you want. And then we have a lot of extra skin tones and tattoos and hairstyles. So we really want to give people the freedom to make their own character and play the way they want to play.


face the facts, CDPR got swallowed by mainstream pop culture and its sjw-infection
only real independent slav dev left is Ice-Pick Lodge

Excellent way to beat around the bush

>beat around the bush
>gave trannies exactly what they wanted
lmao yeah real 4d chess there hahahaha

trannies win again! since obama's second term there's just no stopping them

>Pandering opening generic "diversity is good for our devs" statement
>Doesn't list how at all
Really makes me think.

yuck what a land whale.

You still choose gender, idiot.
>You get a voice that sounds male or sounds female
The same shit with "body type"

>You still choose gender, idiot.

>For instance, you don’t choose your gender anymore.

the absolute state of cdpr shills lmao

It could still be good, right?

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if you’re sane, sure

Good for them. There, I said it.

Do white people actually think real people give a shit about diversity? I really am starting to think lefties are really infiltrating these companies and pandering to twitterfags.

>not dropping it after details about how shit the actual game is going to be started coming out
>waited until "muh idpol" shit
I'll bet you don't actually play video games

So this is the schizo thread?

26%!? Oh no, Incel Bros! We got too cocky praising CDProject Red for their pro-consumer choices!

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Are there any statistics to back up the fact that the more SJW a developer is the worse their games are? It appears to be anecdotally true but it's hard to quantify.

Oh no, what will they do without the profits from all 25 of you?

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actually seething
unironically cope

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I hope all you fucking losers
kill yourselves. Twitter is a
way better site then this
shithole. Hopefully you
election tourists learn
your lesson this year
don't fuck with us.

that's a valid point though. if this is a muh diversity issue, there should be a straight male option. diversity goes out the window if the only thing represented is alternative lgbtqwtfbbq people.

do you feel like you fit in yet?

Everyone is tired of you
losers. Anti sjws became
the biggest snowflakes.
Ironic isn't it? You will
never be successful at
anything in your life.

got any friends, bud?

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you really have no idea how to communicate like the people you're desperately trying to fit in with

Waaa waa can't handle a little criticism. it's ok Buddy

I wonder what the ratio of Yas Forums posters is on this board.

what is this formatting? genuinely curious.

How many nogs work at CD Projekt Red?

Seriously isn't Poland anti-diversity? They weren't allowing nogs from Africa or Muslims from Middle East entering Poland.

Christ I'm half Polish(my other half is Italian) and i feel very offended of what CD Project Red is doing with their company now. Hope they rot in hell.

They make a great trilogy with the Witcher and now they they make Cyberpunk 2077 and it is getting worse and worse during development and I hope the game flops hard.

Is this a new form of fag poetry?

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I checked out when they announced it was going to be first person only.

trans new roman

They got to big and decided to branch out into America. We all know as soon as anything hits our shores it goes to shit.

So you're pissed a game demo isn't the type of porn you prefer?
Do you expect it to be a hentai game or something?

>real people
See The paper isn't for real people, it's for European investors. They give a shit about this kind of crap, 26% is enough to not be accused of being a nazi or some shit (note that parity is 50%, it's a big buzzword in Europe, so they're far from being SJWs from a Euro's point of view.)

>muh merica boogeyman
Seethe shitskin

Americans are shitskins though.

>t. muttistani shitskin

Thanks to covid as it's killing off all our shitskins.

no wonder the vertical slice looked fucking shit. game is going to be DOA confirmed dont @ me

Calling it now-
The hype will cause this game to hit massive sales numbers but its gonna get shit on for being lackluster

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you're just saying that because it's what happened to RDR2, another overhyped open world RPG

>modern usage of the word diversity is equivalent to virtue
>imagine defending resource allocation via systemic sex and racial discrimination
It's that the hiring standards are now so disconnected from the product that it will inevitably go to shit.

Anticipation gone

Just like that. Take note future developers.