What's your favorite Disney game?

Kingdom Hearts doesn't count.

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Aladdin on the SNES. Genesis cucks need not apply.


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Kingdom Hearts 2

Tron 2.0, of course
why even ask

Probably not my favorite but fuck it, it's not bad and this is going to be filled with capcom disney games anyway

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Is this the one where the final boss is the Horned King from Black Cauldron?

I'd imagine so given the Horned King lived in Cinderella Castle at Tokyo Disneyland.. for some reason.

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The haunted mansion level was peal soul

either toy story 2 or bugs life, both on ps1
aladdin is cool too though

>Kingdom Hearts doesn't count.
Like hell it doesn't.
Kingdom Hearts 2 is my favorite

I don't need to apply because I never liked that stupid overrated game.

Here's my favorite Disney game on the Mega Drive.

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I liked World of Illusion. It was my first true co-op game. I mean like Sonic has "co-op" with Tails but it's not TRUE co-op, y'know? I used to play it with my cousin as a kid.

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probly Mickey's Runaway Zoo

Hello, Based Department?

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Kingdom H-
>Kingdom Hearts doesn't count
Probably Mickey Mania.

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goof troop, if for no further reason than the soundtrack

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this masterpiece

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STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order(tm)

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this, the best coop game I ever played

I have a jungle book game for sega Genesis. I remember that being fun

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Am I forgotten?

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aw ye
played this with my brother an immense amount
first time we got to "THAT PUZZLE" on the ship we couldn't do it.
I did it alone by myself the next day but still.
also this

a bug's life ps1
hercules ps1
the lion king snes

These games were fun, kinda like Animal Crossing and Tomodachi Life but set in Disneyland

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Seriously, this one too.

Especially for co-op playing.

why would you play these as an adult?

The Lion King falls apart in the second half of the game, when Simoa turns adult. It's like they gave the developm to a different team.

Seriously, every adult simba level is shit and worse than the previous one.

Because I was 12 at the time?

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I remember the first one being a grind fest, and only being able to decorate the restaurant was disappointing.

the 3ds isn't that old
get outta here kid

was this any good

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mediocre crash clone
not terrible, but not good either. dont go out of your way to play it

>3DS is 9 years old

Disney is a shit company, fuck them and fuck their games. I hope Ten-Cent buys them out like rumors say they are planning so I can shit on them more.

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what do they have against Bagheera?

Mickey Mania is alright.


Tales spin

Legitimately my favorite Tetris game. The soundtrack is a banger too.

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Turok 2008

Joke answer but it was published by Disney.
>Turok is a first-person shooter video game developed by Propaganda Games, and published by Disney Interactive Studios (through its Touchstone Games banner)

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Anyone else play this trash? Never beat it
That Hide and Sneak game I saw while getting this pic looks terrible as well
>The soundtrack is a banger too
Extremely good taste

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>crtl+f "adve" - no matches
>crtlf+f "magic k" - no matches
Come on now.

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This is the one. There was something about this game