>and this is my son’s room, he’s really big into video games
And this is my son’s room, he’s really big into video games
Other urls found in this thread:
>No Sorcerer Battler painting
Every time I see this I have a hard time believing anyone could be such a massive fucking faggot
they can't even put their legs under the table to play PC more comfortably.
more "friends", dad?
Fucking blast from the past man. sysadmin was based
>And here's our son's -er, I mean our....daughter's room
made in abyss is a literally flawless masterpiece
How the fuck do you sleep with fucking porcelain dolls in the room?
>live alone during uni years, have an apartment
>uni ends, no job
>move back home with mom for a few years
>save like mad, buy a house
>dad lives in another state, about ready to retire
>offer to him to move in with me since he is just renting (divorced from mom)
>he takes me up and moves in, pays a bit of rent a month but I never forced him to
>starts acting like I'm 10 again, wakes me up at 8 on the weekends, always wants to hang out and go places (hardware store, second hand shops to look for old electronics)
>won't leave me the fuck alone always wants to hang out even when I had a long day at work he's knocking on my door while I play vidja and talking about random shit
What tf do I do now, lads?
Rape him to assert dominance
what the fuck?
Enjoy the increasingly limited time you have left with him :(
kill him
>and this is our son rooms...
jesus it's been a while since i've seen that
>is it fitting son
you have an actually cool dad, go spent some time with him you massive faggot, maybe he actually leave you something in his will
just read the post you wrote to him and tell him to stop; ezpz
God i wish that were me
Enjoy the time with your father user just be glad he’s making an effort to love you and isn’t some deadbeat
Comfy as fuck
he can stay how he wants, but the poster for men is coming down.
Better than having a dad who is distant and only communicates with you when it suits him
heres our little gamer
I wish I had a dad like that, I haven't seen mine since I was 10.
looks comfy but
>where da video games
My dad is awkward as fuck and only exists as a slave to my mom nowadays since she is a hypochondriac and thinks the only way she can get attention is to have medical procedures done.
He's also in shitty health so even if he had time we can't go golfing or do all the normal father/son shit that adults do. The only conversations we have are about my family, how my mom is doing, and the books he's reading.
Enjoy the time you have with him and stop being a fag
stop posting
You ungrateful cunt.
Struck a nerve, eh tranny?
I'm muslim and this is hilarious
why not? dolls are cute user
i meant to reply to but it's alright i forgive you
Find him a new hole.
Tell him he can bring his holes over
>TFW no petite small girly boy with a soft butt to fuck
Imagine the smell
same here lmao
You're a grown man. Tell him how you feel, but don't be a dick about it. Something "I don't really feel like it, but maybe later?" or "Please stop waking me up so early; I'm not a kid anymore". Grow a backbone, dude.
enjoy him
based skycorp
Spend time with your dad you fucking degenerate.
If you're actually THAT guy, I hope you're doing well, man. Stay safe as always.