Jackbox thread

sorry Jannies, I know these threads are a bit of an eyesore.

Anyway Jackbox thread. We got all da packs and right now we're playin tmp2 going to move onto msm afterwards.
We have a full game so you might not get in but thats okay sit back and watch and have fun with Yas Forums

Twitch stream link in the next thread.

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twitch tee ve slash dumbdigger





quiplash if you have it

mad verse city or riot

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>flamewars good
>videogames bad
this is janny mentality

After this I believe

Every time I play this game the black guys have a gay orgy

>tfw even in videogames nobody wants to date you




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what fastfood should I eat?

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Chick Fil A

homemade turkey sandwich with grilled cheese and mustard

panda express

Mickey D's


I'm sorry Niko

hey, a burn's a burn
i had to paste anyway

Hey you buncha fags, what are good (maybe party?) games to play with more than 4 twats? Besides jackbox and uhh drawing ones

pummel party, secret hitler. town of salem if you have 10+ people

Survive the Internet next please

fibbage if you have it

actually i dont know if you can play pummel party with 1 copy of the game like you do with jackbox, might not work

maybe pretend you're xyzzy?

you cant

What's next, OP?

>twitch users only
Fuck you

>twitch login needed to play
Absolute faggotry. Go fuck yourself OP

push the button

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this. next youll want me to join your faggot discord to play. get out of here with that shit

next games wont have it friends.

no shit push the button sucks without some sort of coms

if only there were a chat that we could use to communicate...

yeah twitch chat


lemme know what yous guys wanna play next. (it wont require twitch login I promise)


Split the room was pretty good last time

Either Survive the Internet or Quiplash



digger, poda, and thunder are 100% aliens

>Someone voted no
Can we just get this shit over with

The vote has failed!

>made sure my nigga sent never got tested
>when he did I made sure his shit was hacked
Your all niggers thanks for playing.

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Hello anons I used to stream jackbox on mixer back in 2018 all the time and make threads and reach around 40 of you faggots watching. after this twitch faglord is done I might try, not sure though

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>Twitch login
You fucking liar

>we can't make our short names
fuck this

we could probably run two at the same time the way this is goin theres like 15 people spectating

I havent bought the newest ones (above 4) so Im still deciding, might just wait for the summer sale ngl

i have all of them
i could run a second stream

drawful 2 is free

pirate them


Can we play Quiplash now

quiplash next ill turn on the audience thingy too :D

that's the next game I think

Push the button is fucking stressful and I'm not good at it

thats what makes it fun friend.