This is not escapism
This is torture
This is not escapism
This is torture
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Just talk to a fucking girl holy shit you people
Yeah, but thankfully you can friendzone Makoto and avoid it
have you considered that OP might not be a Chad?
>Just talk to a fucking girl holy shit you people
And have their life ruined just like that?
Only if you still have any normalfag left in you
Do people just randomly start talking with strangers like that?
Are you people really that naive?
Yes, yes they do faggot.
>tfw makoto will never, ever be real
>talk to girl
>girl calls cops on you
>get indited on false rape charges
>get sent to prison for 10 years and put on the sex offenders list
>life gets ruined just so some girl could brag about yeeting evil whiteman on social media
I'm exaggerating obviously but this shit does happen.
>flirting with strangers when you don't know if they're busy or not
>flirting with strangers when you don't know if they already have a partner or not
>flirting with strangers in [current year] with all the #metoo shit
Yeah n
I love Anne.
This, I've abandoned all that long ago. Take the wizard-pill.
Even if she was, you're too ugly and stupid for her
It really is that simple. But for us for some reason it isn't.
>only Chad gets girls
Your ugly ass parents got laid, you can too.
Because you jack off too much and don’t exercise.
how did the UK become so cucked?
You're right.
Why the fuck do I have to spend the night with the dumb rat?
Different times
It's April 2020 right now, in case you didn't notice
The original font had so much more soul. Why did they fuck it up in Royal?
Not really feasible at this time, user.
Social distancing you cunt. Stop touching your face.
If there's a possibility of a woman ruining my life in any way, either by completely humiliating me internet wide, or having me being tortured to death after being framed as a rapist, I won't even bother considering taking any chances ever again unless I was some kind of immortal turbo human who can't die.
Mortality = Pain
Immortality = Eternal pain
girls hate talking to me. Im the last fucking person they go out of the way to say hi to, but if I approach them, its "creepy"
i can't fucking win, I'll always be alone
You'd behave like a Reddit faggot if somebody told you the real answer
If you fags want women so badly, lose weight, get fit, stop being a neckbeard and go be social. It isn't fucking hard you overgrown children.
>nearing 30
>tfw no gf
Do you truly believe you can only get a gf if you don't jack off? Do you think you all of a sudden you don't jack off when you get a gf? I can tell you never had a gf.
its like i have to learn new hobbies that are more socially oriented in order to have any hope of making friends. damn dude.
You'd be surprised. I do jack off, yeah, like any man does. But I do exercise quite a lot and watch my diet. I've had many girl friends (not gfs obviously) and I've been in jobs where I've exclusively dealt with women.
It's a mental thing and it's not simple.
We're all gonna make it
>tfw my hug pillow is the only thing keeping me sane
i just keep imagine her nose against my back
or i like to imagine her sitting on my lap reading a book while i play videogames, and every now and then i try to distract her by kissing her neck
So stop being creepy
>Nearing 30
>Friends I still keep in touch with are all getting married
>Haven't even 'romantically' talked to a girl since High School
I don't want to end up like my cousin who is 45, alone and never comes to family gatherings
this thread is bound to end up as the 3 guys with gf's acting as if they have any grounds whatsoever to brag and flex, but is persona 5 royal the videogame worth it?
a.k.a. just change your face bro!
ugly = creepy
t. self-hating incels
ok you got me there. but still, learn some new hobbies and lose weight. people will want to talk to you because you can actually stand on your own two feet.
Ann is the best grill in the game I dont care. Get fucked makoto, no CURVES
Why should I listen to a friendless incel? Your advice obviously doesnt work
Become more attractive
Hookers will take u fatty
my advice doesnt work because i dont follow it. dude. I wallow in my shit. i tell the rest of you not to.
It fixes a lot of issues with the base game, but I just finished the 3rd palace, and I'm starting to get burnt out. It's worth it if you loved or didn't play the base game, but maybe not otherwise.
Uglier people than you are getting laid right now.
Par for the course for an overpriced cashgrab.
>tfw actually have a decent track record with relationships
>can't start one because of the rona
>also moving this summer and I hate LDRs so I'm stuck waiting either way
I don't want to "get laid". If that was all I wanted, I'd go to a prostitute (I don't live in am*rica)
I want a wife and kids
Not possible currently, all women are worthless whores incapable of motherhood
I worked out for a year, ate well, zero change because I am a low test genetic defect. I barely put on any muscles
>better hobbies
What hobbies? Name just one
They're scared of me
are we still doing this meme
weve all been hurt bro. one day you WILL find love!
I did for years, they just get huffy and go on about their boyfriends.
its 2020
you can change your face
better hobbies include
painting, writing, music, exercise, book clubs, work ethic
idk man. come on. you already know youre better than this. dont sit around and mope, become the man you need to be!
goddamn, why would you link that shit, i feel awful now
>Kissless virgin
>"Just be yourself bro"
>Girls call me out on being creepy and not interested
>"Just have confidence bro"
>Go ahead and lift to have confidence in myself because of looking good
>Girls still find me creepy even if I'm good looking and my assburgers don't allow me to comfortably be on a group
>"Just get money bro"
>Have enough money for myself, but since I don't like wasting it outside I use it on my rent and vidya
I just can't fucking win bros.
I was actually getting more sociable, turns out I'm well liked, making a lot of friends and invited to shit, and was about to ask my crush out and then the fucking quarantine hit and they sent all the dorm/campus students home. fml
Get raped incels.
all i had to do was get a job and now 3 coworkers want my cock and one of them is a 10/10. Im in my 20s if that makes a difference.
Stop having assburgers
Why cant you people just have sex? Its really not that hard. Just go on match
>have autism
>end up a lonely as fuck neet
>no friends, never kissed a girl, have no useful skills
>can't even enjoy vidya anymore, just refresh this shitty site all day until it's time to sleep again
video games
Not cool. Not cool!
no I would rather play bloodborne
you have to basically learn how to manipulate people into liking you at that point. youre autistic, youre more than capable of twisting that into a positive neurotic psychopathy