They not realize its this kind of shit that makes people hate them and not buy their games...

They not realize its this kind of shit that makes people hate them and not buy their games? Do they really think fags buy their games? Wouldnt it make more sense for the villain to be Muslim?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's like "spring time for hitler" but in real life.

controversy drives sales. Last Pokemon sold so much than it ever did before. Minus the GameBoy gens

Director of this game is a Jew and Jews killed God's only son, so... Why are you surprised?

>controversy drives sales

It really doesn't. In the pre-internet era this was true but since the advent of Yas Forums,twitter, and reddit its a sure fire way to shoot yourself in the foot.

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You can't say that user! Islam is a religion of peace. None of it's followers are remotely hateful and think that gays need to be wiped from the Earth!

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There's a difference between lacklustre due to lazyness and just plain SJW baiting bullshit.

Most fags want to be left alone.

Bullshit. They're using every form of media as a propaganda tool.

Umm maybe you're just not the target audience sweatie and if you don't like it you can not buy the game.(jk pls buy gaem)

It's ironic, because in a post-apocalyptic world, gays (who inherently won't reproduce) really are the enemy of mankind's continuation. Incidentally, this is why Christians don't endorse gay relations, not for "sin" or any BS like that, but because gays don't give you new followers.

If anything, I feel like a "christians are the bad guys" story feels outdated for progressive concepts by now. It speaks more for how long this game has been in development that they think picking Christians as bad guys is cool or interesting. Really just makes them come off as late to the party IMO.

cant wait to see people getting mad at that

Who is "they"? I haven't done anything, it's mostly just leftists and trannies "hatched" or otherwise speaking for fags.

It was a Yas Forums shitpost

They would get death threats if they made them muslim

Muslims are a small % of the US populations. It's actually more likely that flaming Christians would hate homos post end of the world, idk what triggers you. Are you on Ellie's side because ND wants you to be?

Do people like you exist in anything other than the shittiest parts of first world countries?

>homophobic Christians
>not real life baddies
Yas Forums syndrome is hilariously ridiculous sometimes.

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Homophobic IMMUNE Christians. Moral of the story: if a people's efforts to maintain and preserve their existence hurts your feelings, they have to die. This sounds like Neil Druckman personally attacking the idea of heteros simply being solely important in an apocalypse scenario

Anything that hate homos can't be that bad (except mussies)

Do you mean gays? They're older than history retard. Catullus and Cicero wrote about them, and the former even did gay shit himself when he wasn't lusting after Lesbia. Gays are European culture before the Jews came.

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Sometimes, the villains are right

>Muslims are a small % of the US population
So are black but I dont think you want me to finish that sentence do you cuck boy

>just leftists
Fuck, don't even use leftist as a blanket term. Economically left people want nothing to do with this SJW bullshit.

Like there would be a single religious human being left after like what, 20-25+ years into an apocalypse?

>why yes I do suck dicks how could you tell

There's also the angle of Druckman being one of the chosen people, and them hating and subverting christians is par for the course.

The tribe is anxious as their time is running out.

There will be an implied impregnation rape scene and the villains will talk about reproductive rights all throughout and that she's selfish for wanting to love another woman when they need working vaginas. The left (and especially LGBT) are gonna lap it up, it'll be praised as a masterpiece. Twitter and Reddit will be full of "I cried" and "too real" posts and it'll sell millions. Screencap this.

God's only son was a Jew too

no, I mean people who unironically use, "lefties" and "trannies" in a derogatory sense

Would a single gay be left?

I don't think you can finish sentences, you likely forget where your thoughts were going, retard.

What? They are literally the people speaking for gays. Most gay men don't give two fucks.

I'm going to write a post-apocalyptic novel where the Jews are the villains. So sick of this shit.

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>Act sinful
>Get wiped out

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Homophobic Christians are real life villains for gays though.

>homosexuality is an aberration and disgusting
>Why yes, I do think the Greek and Roman ancestors of Western civilization were based, why do you ask?

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The source is a fucking Yas Forums post
The guy who wrote the article is such a retard he thought a thread being archived meant a DMCA takedown

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Sin isn't real.

Most transwomen also don't give a fuck.
I personally know 3. Two just want to be thought of as females and don't care about anything. They don't go around saying they're trans or demanding bullshit.
Then the other is... yeah, I fucking hate her.

Nice swerve you got there. So you do agree that gays are disgusting? good to know.

>not buy their games?
Retard, normies buy shit because other normies buy it. Simple as.

just wtf were you expecing nigger
now stop being obsessed over this shit

>for gays
for everyone

they're a nuisance

Fuck off fag

I love the average Yas Forums user's reading comprehension level


It's a man, baby

So in a world full of zombies and psycho bandits the christians are the bad guys, typical jew shit.

Im tired of explaining this to brainless retards like you. Jews believe the messiah has not come, Jesus cant be a jew (claim the messiah has not come) while being the messiah. Jesus founded the Catholic church, the church that led the charge to get muslims out of europe and burned jews alive during the crusades for helping the muslims. A retard like you doesnt know history just says what his fellow homosexual friends say to be the cool kid in the fag kid club

>Most transwomen also don't give a fuck.
This isn't true, most trannies are severely mentally ill.

But you just said we shouldn't like roman and greeks because they had gays, meaning you agree that gays are disgusting. Walked in your own trap there, faggot user.

I am all for portraying Abrahamic cucks like the pieces of shit they are, but I am still not gonna buy your movie game.

>Easter egg of protomagicalgirl being in the game
Worst timeline

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I hope if you go to college, it's for business

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It's not just the Jews anymore. Its indoctrinated whites and non jew minorities too now. They are doing their job for them these days.

Jesus was Jewish. All historians say this. This is a fact. Whatever he did doesn't change that. You're dumb.

I wish nd would make a game with little story and levels like the hotel and hospital from the first game. The multiplayer was the only reason I played the game.

>Last Pokemon sold so much than it ever did before
>Minus the GameBoy gens
So minus 6 fucking games? Get a better example, you faggot.

>keep delaying the game to they can release it twice like the first game
Keep your sjw shit

>Videogame does the BAD thing!
>I do not like!

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God has cancelled TLOU2 for portraying ALL Christians as Homophobic, monolithicly white, psychopaths! Unless the "Wolves"(good guys) in this game have some kind of gay church service or gay christian wedding to show a more tolerant side of Christianity, I think we can safely say this game's mission is to demonize all Christians. Change my mind. Pro Tip: Jesus loves you.

Being of the Tribe of Judah =/= Practitioner of the Talmudic faith

He was literally a jew though. From judah and everything. Circumcised too.

>several verses in the bible explicitly condemn homosexuality
>several mainstream Christian organizations are openly anti-homosexual
>you can't just portray Christians as anti-homosexual
What exactly is Yas Forums's logic here? Do they just want Christianity to be portrayed in the most inoffensive light possible?

yes christians are evil
especially evangelists

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Yes pretty much exactly this. Expect the main character's girlfriend to be dragged out by her hair screaming while a lot of this kind of talk is going on. It'll break a million hearts and create a million sales

That's not very diverse. There are far more violent, homophobe brown people, than white people.

Why aren't the villains the fungus zombies

>Wouldnt it make more sense for the villain to be Muslim?
if they thought muslim villians would sell more, they would have muslim villains
they only seek money, and they are stupid

That one... actually.... yeah

Went for chemistry, stayed for Geology. Rocks are pretty cool, (and they have no faggots. outside Mesolite)

I don't even know if this is a joke/trolling anymore considering its fucking ND and the ways things are nowadays, what the fuck.

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Unironic Fag Christian here. look at

Why aren’t the villains aliens that put the virus on earth so they can steamroll after most life is gone and keep the planet.

rocks are gay and so are you you little goron bitch faggot

the last time someone mad fun of muslims over 500 people in Paris were massacred

I think it’s the fact that it’s always Christianity as the bad religion, despite there being other religions that are equally, if not more, homophobic.

Now that's good television

The other 2 also, just because you chop your dick(or not) and wear women clothes( or not) doesn't make you a woman.

>I personally know 3
That's a lot, what a coincidence.

not practicing the talmudic faith doesn't stop a jew from being a jew

What is 13 but also 50?

What must a person do to go to heaven?

I thought this fucking game was about zombies, how the fuck is this about identity politics now? The few people left alive in the apocalypse wouldn't give a shit about this shit, Druckman is fucking retarded.

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It's funny how only christcucks put fag flags on their places of worship yet are the only group on the planet you can blame for homophobia. I feel like I shouldn't care but I hate seeing the merchants get away with shit.

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>First game ends up with you dooming one of mankind's last oportunities to find a cure over selfish reasons
>Second game is about dooming one of manking's last possible societies that could survive and thrive because of revenge

Things as they should be, it seems.

The first game wasn't even about zombies, it was about bandits.
The fungus zombies are barely a thing, they exist solely as garbage stealth sequences or one boss fight.


Marcus Aurelius was a top tier dude but really fucked up by letting commodus take the reins.

No, behavior wise, personality wise, they actually come off as female. It's honestly weird, but it's pretty easy to think of them as women. I actually thought one simply was a female, it wasn't until 2 years later did I hear that she was a he.

im saving so much money on video games lately

And yet, they are male. Because however much you or they try to deny it, this is what they are.

>Jesus founded the Catholic church
come again?

If Jesus were to be born again, which region/group of people would he dab on first?

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I bet they have huge adam's apples and are balding. There are no such things as passing trannies up close.

gib jesus a lil sucky sucky

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Jews, as he often did.

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jack chick has left us a treasure trove of material

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Those are clearly african migrants your cuckminister let in.
>Europ breaks apart the middle-east, sides against the peaceful nonradial muslims
>Supprorts the radicals purely to destabilize the region for muhoil
>Now has to deal with their prosperity 100 years later
pottery. Eurotards deserve everything they get today.

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Sounds great, when can I preorder?

They shoulda picked gamers.

>There are no such things as passing trannies up close.
You'd be surpised. There's surgeries to get rid of the adam's apple.

Wow. What a risk they're taking!

Why not homophobic Muslims? The most homophobic people on the planet.