Untranslated Japanese Gems

Americans are おやすみなさいing
これ is the untranslated 日本 ゲイム thread です
Lets 話 about 日本 ゲイムs that only あなた has played and why 皆様 should play it.
For 私 its これ game. アイドルマスター ディアリースターズ . for an アイドルマスター game its uniquely 楽しい, more so than others. because プロデューサーがない


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Talk about japanese games, you faggot.

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oh fuck
uhhhhhh ummmmmm.......mario?

beep boop

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かわいい game that's とても楽しい


>"""masterpiece""" is only available in moon
>someone releases a translation
>turns out its a mediocre turd
pure pottery every time

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isn't 'game' in 日本語 written as ゲーム
Not ゲイム?

I'm 27. Can I know japanese by 30 if I take it seriously?
My whole life i wanted to play Super Robot Wars games and actually understand the dialogue.


yes. you could probably learn it in a year or less depending on how hard you study.
imo avoid /djt/ memes. pick up the 2 genki books, go through them, do the kanji practice, and you'll be at a pretty good point. after that you can look into more advanced training since you'll have a pretty good idea on how to proceed from there.

>fans who dickrode the game for years start saying it was mediocre all along

This ALWAYS happens.



Just for anyone that's curious; one of the best progressions of books is
Genki I > Genki II > Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese > Kanzen Master N3 > Kanzen N2 > Kanzen N1
Enjoy the ride.

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Not him, but I'll take it. Regoing through my old genki books from highschool now. This time trying to learn for real instead of coasting the class.

Best of luck! Be careful with the transition from Integrated to Kanzen. It's important if you really want to go the whole way to start learning from textbooks that are written themselves in Japanese. Push through it, and you'll be rewarded.

>Americans are おやすみなさいing
Americans are goodnighting?

>Americans are おやすみなさいing
>Not 寝ています
BTFO, you filthy casual.

>tfw i got started on minna no nihongo
my japanese program sucked

You could learn a variety of different ways, Genki is just commonly accepted to be a really good textbook.
But you could learn off of google translating naruto comics if you tried hard enough.

And a ching chong nip nong to you user

Nani the fuck did you just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi'll have anata know that watashi graduated top of my class in Nihongo 3, and watashi've been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. Watashi am trained in kanji, and watashi is the top letter writer in all of southern California. Anata are nothing to watashi but just another weeaboo. Watashi will korosu anata the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has neber meen mimasu'd before on this continent, mark watashino fucking words. Anata thinks that anata can get away with hanashimasing that kuso to watashi over the intaaneto? Omou again, fucker. As we hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of otakus accross the USA, and anatano IP is being traced right now so you better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. The ame that korosu's the pathetic chiisai thing anata calls anatano life. You're fucking shinimashita'd, akachan.

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How do I delete someone elses thread?

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>これ game

Weeaboos who only play or speak in japanese are such faggots
just fuck off and go live in japan and only speak there if you like it so much.

>He doesn't know "kono"


нe мoгли бы вы гoвopить нa языкe, пoнятнoм кaждoмy?

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Guys who only play western games are no different than weeaboos

Get the fuck out, commie.

I can only read up until here.
Really need to start learning kanji, expand my vocabulary and learn grammar.


I would if I had the cash buddy. See

Ano.... minna-san.... eto.... watashi wa user desu! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu :)

I was making fun of OP for using "kore" instead of "kono," you retard.

>I was only pretending to be a moron
Ok retard

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Is this actually that common, or is it just EOPs hyping themselves up and then JOPs getting blamed for it? What are some examples of this?
I fear that this will be the narrative when Rance Quest comes out despite the fact that it's usually considered mediocre by people who actually played it.

A lot of it is just EOPs playing the game not understanding what's going on, and inserting their own head canon into it. And then when it turns out it really just just retarded nip writing, they get mad.
Plus retards who learn Japanese want to few exclusive and cool so they hype things up to pretend its amazing when in reality its pretty average.

It's called elitism.
See Steins;gate 0.
When it came out, people who knew japanese were hypying it up as the 2nd coming of VNs. When it was finally translated everyone saw it was heavily flawed and then the /jp/ tryhards pretended they knew all along it was shit.

It's not about something being good or bad. It's boasting about being able to enjoy something most people around you cannot.

what are some games with grade school level kanji at worst?
and is playing a switch game in japanese as simple as changing the system language to japanese? or do I have to play on a nip account?

Moshi moshi?

A lot of entry VNs aren't too bad, but they have weird vocab. Make sure to get SFW ones, just lowers the age gap.
Basically, literally look for kid games, there's plenty out there.

AAI and AAI2 are classic examples of this.

any on switch?
just realized a lot of these are gutted adult vns

>For 私 its これ game
This shit is cracking me up

nah go with eroge so you can learn stuff like

Pokemon games since they're aimed at kids.
The 3ds and Switch main ones all let you pick Japanese regardless of what region you bought the game in if you can stomach those. The DS and GBA ones are pretty cheap/easy to emulate otherwise.

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thats not even slightly difficult though
arent they kana only? thats too easy

>uniquely 楽しい
It's TRASH. All idols need to submit to the might of the Producer's デカちんぽ. Especially in her けつ.
>not 男の娘
One job OP, you fucked up.

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I know BW had a hiragana option, not sure about the games before it.

The only ちんぽ that アイドルs need are 雪歩's

only retards think age matters.

>What are some examples of this?
Shin Megami Tensei If.

>what are some games with grade school level kanji at worst?
Animal Crossing, Pokemon (Gen 5 has kanji and gen 6 and on have furigana)
>and is playing a switch game in japanese as simple as changing the system language to japanese?
Yes for a lot of them. It varies but almost every first party Nintendo game lets you. Only exceptions I've seen are Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade 2.

Am i going crazy or was there a 2nd fortune summoner game that never got translated?