League of Losers

>be me
>be bored in quarentine
>decide to go on a nostalgia trip and play some old games
>some dark souls
>thumb through some yugioh cards
>league of legends
>surprised how well I am doing for someone who hasn't touched this game in almost three years
>get a triple kill and secure tower
>get two week suspension for literally no reason
>fuck this game, the devs and the people who play it

>pic related

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>chink game
>welcome to League Of Poo

Get ducked

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league is for niggers and faggots anymore

none of the drones who play it have a sense of humor
none of them can handle the most milquetoast of banter

Fuck lol, the devs, and the people who play this garbage ass game


league of legends is a faggot ass game
look at the streamers who play it

>physiognomy check?

that's what you get for playing assfaggots in the year of our lord 2020

I have been incredibly toxic in this game and the only time ive gotten a suspension/ban is by saying nigger or "kys" .
I dont spend money on this game even though Ive played it on and off for years. Dont give your $$ to faggots.

i dont give my money to them
its a free game

but still
I open this fucking game uup for the first time in three years and i get 2 week suspension over fucking nothing

and the funniest thing is, I can't reach them on twitter for support because I AM BANNED ON TWITTER

lmfao, enjoy your bans

I agree

I should have just stuck with the other things I was doing instead of revisiting this shit game

Anyways, I just figured anons would get a laugh out of it at least

I banned them from this household

uninstalled on all computers

the internet for the past half decade as been getting gayer and fucking gayer

what can us anons do

reinvent an other internet

I've never been banned from lol in my entire life, not even a 14-day suspension, not even a chat restriction, not even a warning. Instead I keep geting rewards for being a good boy like skins and champs, feels good mangs.

Ok fag this isnt your gay non-binary blog

Of all the video games you could play why would play a shit one? League of Legends is like the worst game in its genre as well so it's double shit.

sorry sweaty, it is, get fucked for 14 days lmoa

Holy absolute fuck. I was thinking of playing some normals because it's been years since I've played and loved Jihn, but after seeing this, I may have to reconsider.

Why do people even talk at all in these games, i've only played league for like a week to see what all the fuss was about and it's not even good for teamwork or coordination.

People just pick their character, go into their lane, and do dumb shit until one side farmed enough to fuck up the other.
Why even risk a ban by talking when the devs are that draconic
Why even play this shitty genre to begin with

I bet your throw all money at boxbox's cross dressing ass

nice bait doe

I don't play this game, did he say a bad word or something? What does that even mean?

it was for the "good ol' times"

never again though

MOBAs are fucking gay
and league is the gayest of them all

simps, berniebros, vaping niggers who unironically thump dubstep in 2020, and e-girl trash play league

Is not bait, I've literally never been banned from lol. And I've never spent a single dollar on this game, or on any streamer either.

holy fucking shit you are so lucky, they did you a favor man. The single best decision of my life was to stop playing this piece of shit game

I don't understand why this would warrant a 14d susp

how bizarre. Post this to the subreddit, maybe it'll go viral.

he meant to say merc'd.
because he cut out the rest of the chat

No he did something physically in game, they show the chat logs regardless. Less than 1% of LoL players are ever banned and they give you like 20 warnings and suspensions first.

That being said, MOBAs and LoL are shit games and fuck them and OP.

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What does merked mean?


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Is it kind of retarded to admit that i still play LOL cause the people who get fucking apeshit are funny to watch? Seriously you fucking tell them basic game sense and they go nuclear caveman and say they fucked your mother 3 times over

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same here, I even act like daniel from sl on chat and just repeat things "alright, settle down, okay and no", that alone make them seethe to no end

I'm sure riot is going into bankrupcy now

I was thinking the same

league is for niggers

reddit and league go hand in hand
or dick to mouth
because both are fucking gay

i like some of the characters from league but it's a fucking horrible game. maybe those characters will be put in a better game someday

I meant to say merked

i know how to spell bitch

you're a dipshit, they specifically talk about my "agro behavior in chat"

I did well well in game, the enemy team reported only because we won

urban dictionary definition
pwned, owned, rekt...etc.

it's definitely one of the best games to play to interact with spergy ragers

nice sarcasm there faggot

you're a very weak person in real life
I can tell

you're gay and boring

>you're gay and boring

>Tyler1 in thread?

>lol im unironically a huge simp for league and a faggot
>no really
>im serious I AM THIS GAY

that is what you sound like

just play dota
you can call everybody niggers and it's all in the spirit of the game, everyone enjoys the shit talk

kill yourself blogposting retard

>lol im unironically a huge simp for league and a faggot
>no really
>im serious I AM THIS GAY
>that is what you sound like

fuck you kid

settle down okay

I Played this game for the first time in 8 years and it is not as fun as I remember


I play the valorant beta and call everyone a nigger faggot in spite of riots bs. nothing has happened so far, probably because there's no report button yet

You sound like a nigger.
I did a few years of teaching high school some time ago and I always thought it was funny how certain hood niggers would insult and berate other kids for being snitches or suckups when literally all they did was refuse to openly lie to an adult's face to defend these aforementioned hood niggers after they were caught red handed stealing, fighting, or beating people up. They didn't seem to understand that the social contract exists and would continually try to bully people who realized that not doing shit that would get you arrested might be a more optimal way to live life than being a dumb nigger.

Anyway, that's what you sound like. A dumb nigger who is too socially retarded to understand that not acting like a total retard doesn't make you a bitch, it just makes you a semi-functional human being. Case in point, I think you and those students I saw were dumb niggers but I had the common sense not to openly say so in the staff room or while teaching because that would get me fired. It's not that I don't think you are all retarded, I just recognize that there is no benefit to saying so in certain situations.

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>play lol one day
>start shit talking with someone durning draft
>we are going hard on each other
>because any tiny error will result in a paragraph of shit we both play super aggresive and on point
>sweep the lane and the game

Shit talking should just be used to motivate you. If someone is trash talking just man the fuck up and come at them and then shit talk them back. If youre such a beta cuck that you get offended by some random words from a person you can just block or mute, then suicide is the only option.

It was never good though. There was no "good ol times' it was just 'shit ol times.

I've only got warnings when I used chat
Fed hundreds of games without using chat and nothing happened
They care more about meanie words than ruining games

lol you breathed nigger air

I've never seen a nigger in my life

Sad that you can't even afford a mirror.

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I am not a nigger, unlike you

They're more likely to ban whales because they know they're addicted. Throwing money makes you more likely to be banned.

I report people even if I personally think they did nothing wrong because it's funny getting their game taken away.

>one less toxic cunt in my match

yep, toxic

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you were feeding

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Only total spergs get banned/silenced, devs aren't that radical OP is probably hiding the real of the chat and all the other threads like this just confirm how much of a retarded sperg the people who get banned are

>OP isn't hiding the rest of the log
How gullible are you? Does it feel good to be this easily manipulated?

>OP IS hiding the rest of the log
Yeah because EVERYBODY on the internet is a fucking liar.

Damm i should read some urban dictionary

>all that blank space in the window
He didn't even fucking crop the image to make it less noticable, he just grabbed a the color and pasted a block of it over the text

>riot is smart enough to design something aesthetically pleasing for when there's not as much information as they expect
wewlad they are chinks, not humans.


look into the meta data you fucking dolt

I said two things that match and rito banned me for two weeks

get over it
the game you like REALLY IS controlled by SJW shiteating retards

Here is the original, without the crop

Attached: Screenshot (87).png (1360x768, 271.71K)