Here's your Blood Elf, bro

Here's your Blood Elf, bro.

Attached: EVLmUAeU0AAG6n2.png (550x429, 374.81K)

>Bike elves

>petite chocolate elves
mmmmmm.... post some with fairer hair.

I take it all the other races got blacked as well?

black + white hair good
black + any other hair bad

They're 100% BLACK.

The absolute state of Blizzard.

I only fantasize and fornicate with brown cuties
Proving that i'm infact racist in a good sense, darkie elves up there are a sin.

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>blizzkek is selling there trash heap on diversity
Kek the death cry’s of a dying thing

I’ve never had sex

Attached: 41E12778-6096-433D-893B-1F07BAB724DD.gif (758x1118, 300.93K)

>Thinking anyone will play as a nigger

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>retarded racists miss out on the fun that other skin colors provide

Their loss desu.

I'll have to stop you right there, bud. EVERYONE has been asking for this since TBC.

Attached: EVERYONE WANTS THIS.png (595x302, 36.22K)

ok thanks?

Unironically the best combo ever

>not even the right kind of brown elf


>durrr letting these things be pitch black makes the game better
Okay retard

Will just have to wait for mods that replace nigger elves with normal skin tones.

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>no where in the tweet did they say everyone

Attached: confused honk.png (267x200, 84.59K)

>one person is everyone
Sounds like rosterfaggotry all over again

Why the fuck would you not just play night elf then?

Jesus, you faggots are just going to make muh brown waifu anyway. What few left of you who even play this trash anyway.

What is the point of this?
It literally doesn't even make fucking sense.

virtue signaling is big business

>more players can make there character look accurate in game
Ewww digusting no one cares about basketball americans

diversity. the dwarves, gnomes and undead are getting darker skin tones so if the belfs got left out, there would be a riot.

>make their character look more accurate in game
what does that mean

They got sunburned by the sunwell

They ruined the females with the VU years ago anyway.

>blizzard making sense

She looks better with hentai titties. I'm too lazy to find the pic though.

rp or something. i'm guessing there are people out there that roleplay as african elves or something.

Why would the underdead get darker skin tones aren’t they Bascially living zombies? Aren’t they supposed to be like blue, green, purple??????

Light blond is okay.

Jesus Christ, I'm glad I don't play this garbage.

Based blizzard

Attached: delf.jpg (1469x1200, 486.35K)

They already had night elves though

yeah but muh self insert

yeah but they aren't on horde and for some reason people want to be on horde but refuse to play an actual horde race.


Who are you quoting?

Who self inserts as a living dead?

3 of the 4 playable elves are already dark, this seems to be done for solely brownie points.

>retards are complaining about more character customization in a game that has had almost none

Based Yas Forumsniggers.

Kys ape there’s no reason to add it at this point it’s just forced thing to try to cash in on retarded faggots

fuck if i know

muh ebin peeveepeeers

>randomly add other skin colour options Ike 100 years later
>but it’s totally not an attempt to get social retards to jerk You off for antention and hope they buy your game
Okay retard


Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-10 Twitch(3).png (483x816, 194.52K)

Surely THIS is what will save wow

Okay, schizo.

>Forced customization

Attached: satania.gif (498x278, 1.06M)

>I can make a drow now
>supposed to be a bad thing

Attached: Drow Cute.jpg (900x1011, 89.63K)

what do you mean 'at this point'? It's added customisation, better late than never

The fact that the eyes are the only thing contrasting the rest of the tones, makes them look like shadow demons.

Yoir the schitzo

>every race has their own skin tone and look
>lets just make it so all of them can be brown

Thats as retarded as fucking Caucasian orks or caucasian night elves.

its like they chose the worst brown option.


there are "white" night elves you fucking idiot

Attached: Azshara.jpg (1028x777, 137.53K)

There's been a "caucasian" skin tone for night elves since Vanilla.

Thats pink you fucking ingot.

Can't wait until blizzard puts blue eyes for blood elves too