Resident Evil 8 (Leaks)

>Resident Evil 8: Village
>It will be FPS again
>Ethan returns
>Chris Redfield returns
>The new RE will be inspired by RE4 (RE3.5)
>Originally it was a Revelation 3, but Capcom changed it to RE8
>It will be released in 2021

Capcom better shouldn't be thinking about finishing this saga?

How many more RE will we see?

What about the old protagonists who were never in the latest franchises?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Report

>>It will be FPS again
>>Ethan returns
It will be genuinely great as well as finally having frightening moments like RE7, but Boomercore will hate it because of the "muh it's outlast" meme and Ethan

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That's wrong though. It started as RE8 and then got sidelined as Rev3 and then play tested well enough while the other RE8 floundered so they moved it back to RE8 2021.
>RE4 inventory
I really hope its fixed. We need more irregular and different sized items. Keep the hotswaps
>Rebecca cut for new Rev 3 on Switch
I'll be playing both.

>Boom core will hate it cause.
Ethan just wanted all this shit to be over with, he was not special forces or anything else, just a ordinary man placed in a extraordinary circumstance.

If anything Ethan should never want anything to do with this shit ever again, Chris on the other hand, makes more sense since he would investigate this shit.

So yes, it will suck.
>New stalker character, Witch.

I bet she says fuck a lot too.

It sounds like pure kino
If it fixes 7's problems this could be the GOAT RE game, yes even better than REmake or 4

>Ethan just wanted all this shit to be over with, he was not special forces or anything else, just a ordinary man placed in a extraordinary circumstance.
So was Claire and Leon. If a civilian with basic firearm knowledge managed to survive what Ethan did, It would absolutely make sense to offer him the job
>so yes it will suck

>No Leon
>No Claire
>No Jill
>No Ashley
>No Sherry
>No Ada

Fuck Capcom

Leon, Claire, Jill, Sherry and Ada just had games. There's no reason for Ashley to come back either. If anything, we need Rebecca and Barry to come back.

Ethan has to rescue his wife's boyfriend this time.

sounds pretty bad

Capcom fucked up by literally blowing up Racoon City.
It was such an intriguing setting that they could have made a RE4 and even RE5 with.
Instead the game turns into a world tour of episodic virus of the year type scenarios

Leon was forced into the position as Body Guard or else the government was going to go after Sherry and most likely lock him away forever or worse.
He held a normal security job until things went to shit in Europe, and bug monsters.

Claire became essentially a detective/terrorist attacking Umbrella facilities until she was caught, and then placed in a island to be held forever or killed until it became infected due to Whiskers.

Both did not purposefully go into events because "job" So again, Ethan has no need, want, or desire, he would just wanna go back to his normal life like he seemed to want.

But no, Ethan is back...yay.

It all ready sucks, it just sounds like RE7 but in a spooky village, I bet there is even spooky jump scares, and snow!

Except for Leon all of them are too old now
You really want to see your favorite cute girls in their 40s starting to go through menopause?

>I got a letter the other day, a letter from Tyrone, I couldn't believe it when I read it. "Ey Ethan, Ah got a Nintendo Switch if you come rescue my black ass."

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Raccoon City getting nuked was the perfect ending to the original trilogy

Imagine hating on the most chad playable character in the entire series
These leaks also confirm he is the only protagonist to ever canonically have sex

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Leon & Ada had sex according to the CGI Movies.

The only reason people like Ethan is because they literally play inside his skin and self-insert as him since you don't really see his face in the game.

I hope they give us new protagonists and fuck off with chris redfield, I want to see Jill or Leon

If it's not from the games it's not canon

the CGI Movies are canon. Wesker's Report is canon as well.

As long as it's the real Chris and not that Redfield imposter at the end of re7, I'm ok with this

>Wesker's Report is canon as well.

Wait what?'s_Report



Capcom really?

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I did not know that I think.


Ethan is an ex-employee of Umbrella. Not just some dude.

>Wesker's Report is canon as well.
Except for the parts that are retconned.

I mean I'm a zoomer and don't think having Ethan return is a good idea

Whhat parts?
I can only think in the ending with Sherry being abduced by Wesker

I work on an agency for voice actors here in portugal and capcom contacted us to help them hire some voice actors for them, they sent us character designs and what type of voice they wanted for each character I was only doing my intership there so I wasn't in on the action.
So it's basically confirmed it's set in portugal

You clearly didn't play any of the games, man.

Either that, or you played those fag ass fanfic tier "chronicles" games and take their word as law.

The real story is that Leon was a rookie cop who survived raccoon city, then joined the government after. There, he ultimately became a secret service agent and was sent to search for Ashley when she went missing. He stumbled on the village and the shit hit the fan so fast that he basically had to handle it alone. After that he basically gets called in as a specialist once in a while when an incident happens, or stumbles onto something accidently.

Claire was a nobody, but came from a military family. She survived raccoon city with leon, and went looking for her brother afterwards. During this time, she attacked ONE umbrella facility because info about her brother was supposedly there. They caught her and locked her up. After surviving the resulting events, she basically becomes an activist and has to literally be kidnapped to get back into action again.

The only this scares me is that its being inspired by Resident Evil 4. Fans have been bitching about the over the top action and how the series went down that dark road and now when they finally go back to slow horror people jump aboard they announce shit likes this.

I wanna trust Capcom, but...

>Not Tyrell
Come on man

What is real Chris? I'll take REVII Chris over roidrage chris from V.

Can anyone confirm this? I would love a source

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He wasn't roided. He just looked gigantic because REV's camera is right up his ass.
The exact same model in REmake looks pretty fine.

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Fuck off with your bara bait, this is the only "real" Chris.

FPS inspired by RE4? Does that mean inspired by the atmosphere of 4 or by gameplay?

God I wish they'd just make another RE4 type third person shooter. RE5 and RE6 went way too far but the survival ones arent as replayable because the shooting is less fun

>RE5 had Spencer's journal listing the Level 9 access employees
>Implied that Ethan made the phone call to Blue Umbrella at the beginning of the game
>Ethan listens to radio chatter on the ship between Umbrella teams and one refers to Ethan as "An unknown third party, you can probably guess who that was", and Chris sarcastically responds "That's just great."
>Chris shows up at the end and Ethan says, "What the fuck took you so long?"

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whoops forgot image

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Nah, this is the only real Chris.

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Why did people like Ethan so much? He was extremely bland and boring.

>Not wanting to play a survival horror as a Chad special agent
You are a retard.
Resident Evil is at its best when it's atmospheric and has badass characters at the same time.

Some random faggot should never be a Residen Evil protagonist.

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That's why, probably. Less is more.

That's literally the same face model.

Yeah, because flipping over lasers and quips really didn't do THAT much damage to the series, just almost completely ruined it.

>Imagine hating on the most chad playable character in the entire series
Are you fucking retarded?
Even Kevin from the Outbreak spin offs is more of a Chad than Ethan.
If you compare him to Chris and Leon, he is just an average blue colar beta faggot.

Leon was literally just a rookie cop before RE4 you know. The leaks said that Ethan goes through similar development.




And fuck Ethan as well, that boriging nobody.

RE4 went over the top for sure, but RE7 was the opposite. Gotta find a middle ground.

That's even worse. Why make another Leon is we already have the true Leon?

Also, he will never be as baddass as Leon, and compared to Raccon City, what Ethan suffered is a joke.

This seems like some crazy retcon here. I get it, but it feels very lame

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So tell me how old was Ethan in RE5?

>Why make another Leon is we already have the true Leon?
Jesus christ you people really want the same game over and over. You're not ever getting RE4 Leon back. The animated movies, RE6, and actual movies have destroyed his character. Hell if they actually remake 4 then don't expect that Leon to come back either.

>believing anonymous leaks

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Outlast 2 fags, probably.

>RE7 format
>enemies are a witch woman and hallucinations
Oh great, another game of holding forward until a scripted sequence stops the gameplay to try to spook you with a cutscene and make the entire game feel on-rails

BOO!: Haunted House 2

Did you miss the threads last week?

This is Not even Chris

I'm convinced no-one in this thread has actually played Resident Evil.

i did, a week before re3make release

you mean the threads based on the same anonymous leaks?

You would be surprised user. While I think a lot of people on Yas Forums just love to shit up threads, I am a pretty hardcore RE fan since I was a kid. I'm 34 years old

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Finally someone that gets it.

Oh boy, more mud monsters.

Why for your people is too hard to uderstand?He is a breath of fresh air when protags are a bunch of overpowered supersoldiers.

REmake and RE5 don't use the same model.

that logo is so fucking lame

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For your retarded logic only RE4 is go...oh nevermind.i should have just ignored you

Boomer here. I liked Re7, hated Remake3.

Everyone who isn't Chris or Jill is literally just some asshole you fucking mung. Leon is a cop, Claire is a student, Sheva is a lady, Sherry is a baby, Piers jerks people off under his namesake. At least Ethan has loose story threads that can tie him to Umbrella if they want to go that route. He's got dialogue that implies he's less surprised by some of this than he should be.

>yeesh, why do you want more good things? things should always change for the worse, it's refreshing

Ethan was cool. His reactions to the Bakers were fun and even though he was quiet, he had some memorable one-liners. I seriously don't get the hate against him, I mean, Chris changes his looks and VA every game, he's hardly even a character because we can't keep up with his redesigns every fucking game. Leon isn't even cool anymore, he's a brooding fag and the animated RE movies completely ruined him. At least Rebecca and Claire are decent in their recent appearances.

>originally it was Revelations 3
So it's gonna be shit then.

>tfw my name is Brandon B.
>a Brandon B. is in FEAR 2 as well

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I hope it has VR again. 7 was fucking godlike in VR. Sounds amazing if the leak is true.

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