AC thread

AC thread
Post Dodo codes and QRs

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Hey guys, I'm looking for roses. Does anyone have a town that sells them?

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post dodo if you got the big nooks cranny


>online has been a part of the core game experience since WW in fucking 2005
>have to pay $20 for it now

Whaddya think, is this a good place to put a chair?

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Imagine how pokefags feel

I just went to McDonalds and bought 20$ in food, like holy shit you don't have 20 to throw away? Fuck off on out in here.




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Anyone have a Red.Yellow and Green dolly?

I give 30.000 bells for it.

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Get hecc'd, Jitters.

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Did the DS games also have online? I could have sworn it only had ad-hoc battles.

At least WTC

Yes, the GTS started in the DS games

Remember to always visit someone everyday because it gives you a free 1k on your first visit of a day

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Jitters is based though.

Post codes nigers


Anyone else is free to come in too. Drop a message on the bulletin board if you can. And please excuse my town, it's a bit of a mess as I redesign it.


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I have a red one in my catalog, but the actual Dolly I gave to Molly.

>400 bells

With CJ they are 2400 each.

anyone got the QR or MO code for this?

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I need the cherry blossom pochette, I will trade 100k for it or other cherry blossom recipes. Come to my island and help me complete my collection!

Dodo code 78Y1L

I’m convinced there are differing levels of RNG between players, or at least between resident representative and other villagers living in the town. This may or may not tie into a feng shui/luck system and in that case I’m overthinking it.

For example, my SO runs into oarfish, tarantulas, and atlas moths all the time, both on our island and the mystery island. I, however, have only seem one Atlas moth, and have never seen a tarantula or oarfish.

Before I added fengshui shit to my room, every 5th tree would have bees. Now it’s one in every 10th.

Still investigating

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How does CJ work, can you sell him fish when he shows up? I’m saving all my bugs for Flick.

Thanks my dude! On my way.

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>my SO
Fuck off, normalfag.

anyone got any decent turnip prices? i smooth brained and bought at 109

yes but he wants you to complete a challenge first

Buying me some roses too.


you’re playing a normie game you double nigger

it's all there just copy it by hand and upload it yourself

Senior Officer

Where's the drawfag?

What shops would they even add? Almost everything is accounted for.
Saharah's entire thing is being a traveling caravan camel.
>Shoes and Bags
I guess Kicks could have a shop, but it seems weird they wouldn't just fold him into Able Sisters.
>Label Designs
Same with above.
>Fishing/Bug Shop
This could be interesting to have a shop full of, say, fish bait and maybe rotten turnips or something, and nets and rods, but this seems redundant.
Already seemingly going to be included in the Museum
Considering you can DIY from your house, it'd be weird to have them back. I could see them selling DIY recipes and randomly customized furniture, though.
>Club LOL
You already get reactions from villagers and K.K. plays at the plaza
Again, you can change your look from home. Unless they added unique hairdo's and special colors or something. Or Mii faces
>Fortune Teller
This might work, but only because its function is so useless.
>Plants Shop
Leif is coming in the Earth Day update, so maybe this is the first new shop?
>Dream Suite/whatever Digby did in NL
I never used this stuff so I don't know if it could translate to NH
If you could get a job a la HHD for your villagers that'd be nuts
>Post Office
Considering letters are done directly from the airport and the ABD is in residential services, how would Pete and Phyllis (and that cunt Pelly) ever return?
>Crazy Redd's
Could work
>Custom Shop like the Gyroid thing from GCN
I'd like this
>Police Office
Don't know what they'd be able to do, but it'd be nice to get Copper and Booker back

Am I missing anything?

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633 Turnips open once more
Dodo Code: K0MDX
Closing at 4-5 people. Tips are not needed at all but I appreciate every user who has given anything very much. Also how rare are the Godzilla statue and Candy Skull Mask?

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I don't think it has anything to do with fengshui/luck for me but I've been catching a lot more oarfish as of late (not like I'm exclusively going after them, cast see a big shadow and fish it up)

Significant other

What the FUCK is going on here...

I use the nook miles ticket, get to bamboo island, I figire I will farm tarantula since this is the easiest island to do it, so I n prep the island like I am supposed to... But fucking butterflies wont stop spawning? Literally only butterflies? There isn't anything on the whole island yet butterflies wont stop spawning. Why?

CJ buys fish at a 50% markup. Which means sea bass are 600 bells for him. They're still not worth the inventory space. I would dump pockets full of fish on him and would rarely break the 15k mark until I started dumping every sea bass I caught. Each trip jumped up to the 35k-45k range easily.

Fellas, does anyone have some sort of critera for 2 star to 3 star island. I'm pissed off that I need to decorate before being able to structure properly and I just want to get this done with so I can start making my island look nice.

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still need it?

>no Felyne in NH

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I left a gift at your front door. Make sure no one steals it.

Island spawn tables don't update when the hour changes. You have to go inside a building for that to happen and there are no buildings on islands.

either it's day time or you came when it was daytime and just idled until night, which doesn't allow them to spawn

Can anyone spare cherry blossom recipes? I need the petal rug and wand.

Godzilla statue you get after upgrading Resident Services, Candy Skull Mask you get from Gulliver

why would you post a code to a full island?

>Post Dodo

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just get the 7$ card for three months m8

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>full island
>imagnie not getting to the Wuh Oh stage
Sounds like you're slow

Just a warning, this user's Mabel is selling the sticky rice cosmetic aka "there's literally jizz around my lips"

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I had a bunch of kind anons come and donate their fruits and unwanted items to me to help me get to 3 stars but still no luck... maybe I need to let the trees grow fully?

So I have to fish a hundred times in a row without missing?

Also i'm on a random island with 3 levels and on top there are 5 rocks each with a stone next them and flowers and weeds spread randomly there is this a special place?

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My uncle touched me in my special place

I just had flowers outlining where my future paths would go, and I just talked with Isabella and I had the 3 star rating already

Don't hit the rocks, they release mustard gas

there's no fresh water on it? if so, thats called mountain island. the special property of it is that it has 5 rocks

I'll also accept someone making the items for me. I just want a full set. Please

I just want rover back. Fuck that ugly faggot kk with his shit tier "music". Give me my katto

Anyone got white medical eyepatches and cute clothes? My pockets are empty and my wallet is fat.

Thanks for the Halo user

Re-Tail could work as a place to sell items to visitors via Reese and Cyrus could be a source of DIY recipes or customize non-DIY furniture as a way to get alternate colors/styles of stuff you have.

omg user, are you poor?
>"its not a money issue it's muh principle"
just stop being poor

what about bridges/inclines? How many did you have at that point?

Depends. I have an adventure dress, you got any cherry blossom diys to spare? Or can you make me the rug and wand?


>Re-Tail could work as a place to sell items to visitors via Reese
literally what retail was in acnl

>had only gotten one cherry blossom recipe from a balloon the entire month
>just now got two back to back

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I just started a few days ago, I don't have much of anything unfortunately.

For me it's Orville.

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Expanding upon the fishing system to have a fish merchant building would be good. Make is so you can no longer sell fish for higher price to that hamster or whatever (forget his name) that visits, and the fish merchant shop would be his brother while the guy that visits occasionally is just there for tournaments and challenges. You can sell fish for higher, buy various kinds of bait that do different things, buy better fishing rods that last for longer, buy wall-mount displays for fish of various sizes. Fish merchant would offer random daily premiums for specific types of fish.

It's not hard to think of shit. I want to see more town buildings in the future for some fucking purpose or another, and I think fishing might as well be it since that is one of the funner chores/tasks.

What are you talking about with the Leif plant shop? Where are people hearing about credible update rumors? I mean the museum will obviously be expanded because they have that upstairs area at the entrance which serves no purpose right now.

so how do i make money now that tarantula islands are dead? i never got into the stalk market, is it luck based?

It'd be better to fold them into a Nook upgrade, maybe give them their own island like Harv. They could do metal customs of normally customizable furniture once a day like they used to do in NL, and simultaneously reintroduce the other ores and gems that aren't in this game. I'd like some gold insect/fish statues.

Wait so with outdoor flooring like pathways are there recipes for them or do we just place down textures with our phone?

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Sounds like it would be a great fit then, I dunno what that guy was on about.

>enter turnip prices in calculator cause they been shit all week
>last chance for my price to spike is Friday morning otherwise I'm fucked

welp spending 300k on turnips was a mistake

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For me, it's Blathers

KK has nothing to do with Rover so I don't know why you're lumping them in together like the dog pushed him out of the game or something.

Pausing for the time being to eat. Will be back in 15-20mins to anyone still trying to sell.

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I don't know why but something in the art style just screams gay furry.

>Leif plant shop
god i just want bushes back

Epic Meme Island sure is a hot spot right now

Did you get the rug or wand? Can you maybe make the rug for me? I only need those last two but each balloon I've got only gave me clothes or ores

I give up. Its been days and I've searched hours today and only have 5 cherry blossom recipes because of these god damn eggs. Fuck this event, fuck eggs and fuck Zipper.

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turnips are all about the thrill not the money you faggot

Blather's feathers are a dead give away.

>What are you talking about with the Leif plant shop? Where are people hearing about credible update rumors? I mean the museum will obviously be expanded because they have that upstairs area at the entrance which serves no purpose right now.
Leif is going to appear in the game later this month for Earth Day, but it's unknown in what capacity. As for credible update rumors, dialogue in the game mentions art in the museum and additional shops

definitely more than one bridge/incline each. I think I had two or three bridges and one incline for my three star rating. other than that just make sure there's trees and flowers around and don't let stuff like eggs or softwood lying around.
Just ask Isabelle for feedback and do as she says, it was pretty straightforward for me. She said there's shit on the floor, I picked it up. She said I need to decorate more, I threw some furniture down outside. That's it.


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1 incline, 3 bridges



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I want to hug Orville

I think I passed my chance. The highest price I had was 213 yesterday evening and now it's gone down to 100.

Can you make me the petal rug or wand? Plz I'm desperate to finish the set. I dont need the recipe

>So I have to fish a hundred times in a row without missing?
Yeah, you can just focus on tiny shadows so you don't have to be anxious about reaction time when you're in the 80s-90s

you guys are farming clams for the tournament and weeds for leif right? also post your favorite villager on your island.

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Try again. Someone left using the minus button and it seemed to put the whole thing out of whack.

I am honestly just pondering why does it scream "gay furry to me". Straring and think just results "yep that's gay allright" but I don't know why and I find it tad bit annoying.

is the tournament different this time or is it still just catching something huge and keeping it in your basement for months until the day comes around?

Have Flick, Celeste and a meteor shower RN
Dodo code is MWDDF
Can also make any cherry blossom/young spring bamboo recipes if you bring me the materials

Nice a chinese bun wig just fell from the sky with a balloon.

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for me it's this milf

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you paint it on the ground with a paintbrush after opening an app on your phone

vidya gaem logic

Weeds for leif?

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you just got the 'rona

Sadly I don't have either. I really wanted that rug too.

Yes to both.

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I don't remember the artist so I have no idea if it is or not, but it probably is. Not that I care.

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It's pretty easy to get a 3x or 4x, you get some random trends. I've made a ton of bells just selling to my own island, personally think it's too OP to be able to sell at other people's islands.

Tarantula island is still feasible though, I did it recently on the flat island with bamboo.

Also you can host other anons if you have something of interest to host over such as: saharah in town, cool stuff in your shops, good turnip price offered in nook's cranny, or a yard sale giveaway of extra non-junk things. Ask for a tip of a couple stacks of non-native fruit for you to sell to your own nook store and that's easy money. Despite people sperging about tip mentions, it's not a big deal so long as you are not greedy about it. I always tip even if it's just random extra recipes with a few thousand bells. It's not like I'm suffering from conditions of scarcity.

What did Pelly ever do you, user?

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who the FUCK is leif?

How is this legal?

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Closing the gate till everyone here is done with their stuff. Will open back up in a bit.

girls are gross

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It's because you're right and the art is obviously from a gay furry. It's not hard to tell.

Do the cherry blossoms recipes go away at the beginning of the 10th (so like, pretty soon) or at the end?

>Haven't gotten anymore Sakura recipies since the start of the month
>last day is tomorrow

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I imagine post like this are made by neets who have little access to money.

I don't think ebay even protects digital "sales" like this.

capitalism, though it is against ebay rules

Anyone got Flik on their Island I can come visit?

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10th 5am

he comes every earth day anons and gives you stuff for every amount of weeds u give him ive been surfing nook islands taking all the weeds and deweeding anons islands

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Please explain this image!

Is there something about the campsite I don't know? Nobody has visited it since the first scripted one and my 10th lot sits there unoccupied for like 5 days now.

camp on the shores
got my last recipes today

i see
also, where the fuck are all the petal recipes? i only found two after days of popping balloons, most were eggs or egg recipes

visit nook islands to get villagers user

Glad this event is disabled on emulators but i miss going to other people's towns