7.1 % of players beat Pathologic 2 on intended difficulty

>7.1 % of players beat Pathologic 2 on intended difficulty

Surely this includes you, right Yas Forums?

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no because I pirated the game

So you beat it?

of course

Yes, now go experience the nocturnal ending

I bought it on release but have never even launched it

did u like it

No, I'm waiting for the other routes to come out

No way, I worked hard for a good ending and I'm not interested in falling to depression

So you're never getting around to it? Shame

Nocturnal ending is pretty majestic, user

i haven't even played the first one yet :(
there's too many games to play

It's absolutely kino though, as the kids would say

>OP thinks players didn't beat it because it's challenging

most players fell asleep cause the game is boring and full of aids

Is nocturnal achieved by letting the kids die or just letting the polyhedron stand?

Not him but I'd definitely recommend it. It's a pretty unique experience. I'd buy it if I was a buyfag.

i watched manadalore's video on the first one so i should be good going into 2 right? 1 looks like an unholy mess of a game, but this one looks actually like it could be amazing

You just have to let the Polyhedron stay intact

>"""""art""""" games

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I guess so
I have Pathologic HD if I want to play the game that actually has content

I played it for survival


I never played it probably never will because I hate when a game forces me to rush and not play the game at my own pace

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spoken like a non-intended-difficulty player

There's an option to lower the difficulty so you can play it at your own pace, of course that would ruin the immersion and defeat the whole point of the game. It's obviously this game's not meant for everyone

Guys, how do I save Aglaya? Why is she kill?

>OP now thinks I didn't play the game because it's challenging

>There's an option to lower the difficulty so you can play it at your own pace
i like games that do this. after i finish a game a couple of times normally i just really like to carefully look around at the game world, absorb as much lore as possible, and maybe find an easter egg or too.

Shut the fuck up, fag

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>post chad meme
>I hate when a game forces me to rush
The power of nu-Yas Forums...

you can't. The play won't let her live.

You can't save everyone

Yeah imagine playing a game for any other reason than bing bing wahoo dopamine

Is there an actual way of cutting up Nara without killing her or was that just dialogue bait?

Damn... I wanted C&C to the extreme. Maybe I could hide her, idk. Her death is so near the 12th day, she even lives up to the 12th day in the beginning/worst ending. It's not fair, she did nothing wrong, she literally saved the town, why devs why

This is wht options are not good, all videogames are not power fantasies and all videogamea are not meant to be for everyone. The director should have stuck to his vision, the players option is to play or not according to the vision of the director. The player is not king.

Classic bros, how "close" is she to the emshen? Do you get any action in his route?

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I pirated the gog version so I'm not included in the stats. But yes I beat it.

Those options should never have been in the game, either play it how the director intended or don't play it at all.

I bought it on release because I love IPL, but have never booted the game. Am I included in the other percent or just not in the stats?

If the devs didn't intend for it to be there then why is it there? This isn't a big name studio that has to listen to publisher demand.

redpill me on this game

>Fall for Yas Forums memes and buy game on sale.
>Looks good enough in the trailers. Being a plague doctor would be cool.
>5 mins in
>Hey this is a pretty cool intro. I cant wait to see how my role as a doctor plays into the story
>2hrs in
>Ok I didnt understand that cryptic message maybe itll make sense soon
>10hrs in
>Ok when do I start to get being a doctor? WTF does all this cryptic 2 dark 4 u bullshit mean?
>5hrs in
>Oh I wonder what my reward for finishing this quest will be? OH ITS MORE CRYPTIC 2 DARK 4 YOU BULLSHIT WOW
>20hrs in
>Walk across town for the hundredth time (Takes roughly 15mins each time assuming "No one cares about you here")
>Need to buy food yet again
>Spend all my money on food yet again
>Get to next quest
>Maybe NOW I'll get to start being a doctor
>Ok what does this bitch have to say?
>"THE RED SKYS ARE LIT WITH THE SUNS OF THE RAVENS" or some bullshit that means nothing and is impossible to interpret.
>Uninstall game

I spent $20 and 20hrs walking back and forth listening to cryptic 2 dark 4 u bullshit. The game has a great aesthetic and setting but the gameplay itself is trash.

Literally half of the people who bought the game complained to add it in

How hard is the game really, like really stupidly hard or is doable. Or is it one of those where a little mistake locks you out of content. I remember everyone saying how hard Dark Souls was and while it's tough its also not super hard either.

>get to the end
>town is silent, 'think for yourself'
>guess i'm gonna take a nap, maybe i'll dream about it
>mfw the courier is right on my doorstep
This game is too kind. They should have made it harder

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People bitched about it, a lot of players still have the mindset that every game is supposes to be binh bing wahoo or a power fantasy, thats a game is supposed to cater and center around the player. Pathologic is an art game that got too popular for its own good. Reddit had a lot of threads about it with people just completely missing the point demanding the director make the game more player centric.

played the original. worth playing through 2?

The game isn't hard its tedious. Its more about inventory managment and planning then it is about reflexes and combat skill.

>replaying it
>oh i should go back and grab imago since they added it after i finished
>load up game on day 12
>nothing happens
was there something specific i needed to do on day 12? talk to Mark in the theatre? i'm not particularly bothered, i'll probably just end up finishing it again.

piss easy once you get to know the mechanics

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Ok but will the management fuck me over? I like games where you have to plan ahead rather than rely on reflexes. For example could i get stuck forever because my character is hungry.

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Nigga you'll have to restart the whole game because you are hungry

I did my first time. Ended up restarting. Just be that just becasue you can easily get resources one day doesnt mean the next day will be the same

dumpster diving doctor saves the town with plants

She's also the town's bycicle so they banged for sure

Theres hunger, thirst and sleep meters you need to keep up, so I guess it would be possible that you run out of food/water in such a way that you would get stuck.

>the whole game
Literally a save 2 hours in the past is enough to make the right choices and avoid hunger death, what the fuck bro

Damn, yeah that's hardcore. Do you at least get unlimited saves with multiple slots.

Can you fuck her????

Only if you make retarded decisions like following shady questlines instead of looking for food while starving

Yeah but every time you die you get a penalty and the penalties carry over even if you reload a save. The only way to get rid of them is to just start over

She's so cute. This game should have been a dating sim honestly

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