>be CPDR
>redesign your female protagonist to look like someone in the middle of a meth addiction for no reason despite already releasing a much better looking design
>no reason
the reason is diversity
the other design was a hot latina, that's diverse
what makes this more diverse?
Have you not heard? Atractive women are no longer allowed in western games.
>that coat and face
Welcome to modernity.
>they redesign the default character on a game that as a character creation
if thats makes you seethe you having a huge problem
That's a figure right.
>be user
>be autistically obsessed with Cyberpunk 2077
>make low-effort threads about them all day
Are you totally braindead that you would post that gif while telling people they need to not worry about freaks taking over in gaming?
The 50th president account got banned right after. Alot of these types have hotlines to twitter where they can get people banned if you offend them.
The other V didn't look realistic. Why would a genuinely pretty girl be running around in underground bases and such.
NuV looks like the type of person who'd be in those situations.
Maybe you upgrade her looks over time? That’s what I would do if I was a female bounty hunter, I would just spend all my credits on becoming a bimbo.
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
no thats just a gif of the people tha cares about shit like that, I guess you're one of them
i like this more, old one was ugly cosplayer, new one has that trashy punk vibe
nu V looks sick
I look forward to it as long as I can mow them down.
its all fictional
lesbian rimming minigame confirmed
They redesigned the car as well
Reason is realism. That V looked like a cool street kid with money for augs.
Also you must be retarded for caring about this, just custom your toon.
this one actually looks like a killer not the stupid bimbo from earlier
Wasn't cyberpunk as a genre also about the fall of moral systems?
they probly gonna beat the shit outta your mc in a cutscene to show how "badass" woke shit is lmao
This isn't a pretty girl
>be degenerate in 2077
>not wanting to stick your Cyberdick into everything
>not wanting to stick your Cyberdick into everything
>cdpr only showed faggot shit never even fucking show straight male v fucking a woman
you know they got dominated by a fucking meme when
It's a fucking figurine you absolute fucking mongoloid. Kill yourself
Oh fuck its you again. How's life going?
>be OP
>be a whiny faggot on Yas Forums
>2 fucking years
>2 fucking years after cdpr showed faggot v getting assfucked
sup bro lmao still shitting on cdpr shills man hahahaha
Why did Yas Forums go back to making 2077 threads?
2 years and you haven't stopped being a dumb fag.
It's the result of people not caring about this. It's what you want.
>straight shit will obv be in the game if faggot shit is
>cdpr getting trannies out of the way so they don't spread rumors
>i... if you hate gay shit it means you're a closet fag
>you're only straight if you want a cock up your ass
lmao that fucking dumbass faggot defense hahahaha fucking retarded bullshit hahahaha
Take your meds.
The recently released games that they hoped would fail haven't so now we're back to old faithful.
if it's "just a figurine" then why did CDPR replace all images of her with the new default female?
why did they remove all art of her?
why do they refuse to say if she can still be found in the character creator as a preset?
>straight shit will obv be in the game if faggot shit is
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
>to show you can be straight we're only showing faggot shit and forcing you to be a fag in the demo
hahahahaha the absolute state of cdpr shills
>world where you can augment yourself to look like whatever
>people have to look like methheads to be in dangerous places
Are you actually fucking retarded?
Wait a second I thought this game was a "create your own character" kinda thing, where you can decide basic stuff like skin color and hair styles
cant you customize your own character?
are you seriously baiting this shit lmfao
what are you shitting your pants about ESLjeet?
they showed the demo to the public, which had a straight relationship
then behind the scenes even for some diversity points, they showed the faggot demo to some faggot game journalist so he praises cdpr
so what?
Looks fine to me; the figurine however is fucking A T R O C I O U S.
If she'd been made 10 years ago you all would've fucking loved it big time. But current year cancer has made us all cinical and exhausted as all fuck, so I don't blame you.
And by you I mean those of you who give a shit, not obsessed autists and journo/corporate shills.
wait till you see the default male
he looks like a small time Arab drug dealer and he has a dildo sword
It should be an option. Cyberpunk as a genre has a VERY good reason why most characters should look like junkie degenerates. As long at we still have goblina/mutt femV as an option still, it's fine.
Yes you're right I want it!!!!
I'm an SJW and I want Marxism to take over gaming! I said it ok?!?
nu-V looks like she'd be sucking dicks for twenties
Yeah, I noticed. Tortanic shitters are some of the most devoted fans of this game on Yas Forums, which is ironic.
It is, they just changed the poster girl from being hot to not.
>why do they refuse to say if she can still be found in the character creator as a preset?
This is what worries me. If I want to play as coom-to girl, I don't want to wait until a modder makes the preset.
He's shitposting. don't expect change or intelligence from him.
Yeah, we loved ugly dykes 10 years ago, didn't we?
That's the defacto metrosexual current-year numale look. Given that the game takes place 50 years from now, and these types have been a thing for a while, it's REALLY FUCKING TAME by comparison.
to be fair, i didn't even think that scene implied sex
i assumed the guy in the back was your spic friend and you were out drinking
>they showed the demo to the public, which had a straight relationship
>straight relationship
>only showed female v getting fucked
you fucking disingenous piece of shit
>for no reason
this will be an above average looking woman in the year 2077
get the fuck out of my hobby then
Neck yourself.
I always like to play as the default character if it appears in merch stuff, like Garret in Dragon Age 2 or Shepard/Scott Ryder.
Here I am going to play as Male V, if they turned him into a nigger there would be hell to pay.
People who planned on playing as female V need to kill themselves.
No! I won't leave until all the female characters are ugly! Die bitch!
"0.3% of players should get the same content 99% of players have".
Dragon age inquistiion have 6 romances to female players and just 4 to male and nobody batted an eye...
>ugly dykes
See? This is the cynicism talking. She looks like an americanized tomboy latina to me, or a tanned cossack instagram model.
>and nobody batted an eye
you just did, tranny
they know the modding community will take care of that.
It's 2077, MGTOW succeded and all men walked away from women towards men.
The character creator doesn't have sliders or anything. Dragon age Inqusition, Fallout 4, all of those came out like 5 years ago and they have that shit.
Cyberpunk is coming in 2077 and there are no sliders, just preset options. So don't expect you'll be able to make bimbo female V, one of the faces will be mexican, other asian, 2 black and one white but ugly.
>future dystopian America
>everyone is an ugly half Mexican abomination
>literally no white characters in the entire game
I'm thinking CDPR is quite based.
>Latinas arent diverse
Fuck this world. First white people aren't diverse, then east asians don't count then gay men get kicked out of the diversity movement and now LATINAS arent diverse either?
I've been doing it since the game came out. It's unfair.
Women get Cully Wully, the villan, Blackwall hottie and Iron Bull.
Men get Cassandra, who ends up leaving you, and Josephine, a romance that is basically a side quest.
And players were happy with that because "HAH, in mass effect male shepard got more romances! SO IT'S PAYBACK BITCH!".
I have to stand shitty romances for my male protagonist because of feminist SJWs. It's not cool at all.
she is a fucking disgusting mongrel
how did they train that cat to dance?
>Dragon age inquistiion have 6 romances to female players and just 4 to male and nobody batted an eye
But Dragon Age has been GameOfThrones-tier fantasy-for-women since DA2.
It was to be expected.
[/spoiler] DAI had only 3 straight-ish romances actually(cass-straight, sera-lesbian fanservice, jos-bi)and all 3 of them played out like Disney garbage [/spoiler]
Only crippled people are diverse bigot, my wheelchair's pink.
She's living in a world of future technologies that let you alter and enhance your body and look in any way she wants. Why wouldn't she be pretty and incredibly deadly all at once?
That's a fucking toy.
I fucked that up big time kms
Sounds like you're wishing you lived in cyberpunk 2077 so you could become a pretty woman...
Why is Yas Forums so full of closet trannies? You guys are thirsty for playing a hot female character because you wish you were her. What? you want male NPCs to flirt with you and refer to you with female pronouns?
Jesus christ why are you guys so pathetic.
>flirts with LOL BIG DICK BULL even if you romance her
>talks bout her retarded ex boyfriend right after you fuck her
>won't even fucking marry male inquisitor even tho fucking women get to marry faggot cullen and the piggy lesbo
>won't fucking put out it's literally a virgin romance
>won't fucking marry male inquisitor and doesn't get any fucking content in DLC her romance content exact fucking same bullshit as her non romance content
fucking bioware cucks deserve getting shit on lmao andromeda and anthem fucking destroyed them dumb fucking cunts got what they deserved hahahaha
It's going to be Fallout 4 tier game (a.k.a generic, casual shit for the masses) but it still will get praised and called a masterpiece because most people don't know better, plus it has the "wholesome reddit man".
>t. Pole
why would 2070s street fashion look anything like it is now?
they could've done anything they wanted with it
even Human Revolution was more brave with the neo-Renessaince fashion