What are you favourite races in games?
What are you favourite races in games?
Probably yordles, just sucks that they will forever be trapped in a shit game.
For me? Goblins
>WoW has turned 2 generations of men into disgusting midget chasers
Only people born after 1990 develop fetishes from cartoons and video games.
>he thinks shortstacks are disgusting
Shortstack is a great fetish and I thank god that Yas Forums is full of people with such exquisite tastes
Humans and beastmen that look more beast than man.
I wonder why
If you bring a gnome home they will give you dome
White people
Ok fag.
And non-futa spacegoats
WoW looks like that?!
They're so incredibly underrated.
ok boomer
Lalafell > gnomes/goblins
this is a known fact
Whoa there pal. there's nothing wrong with midgets.
So question, what's the better scenario for Human x Goblin
>They're childhood friends
>Arranged marriage
>Two adventurers drink too much
>Two enemies get stranded together
>goblin x gnome
Because in vanilla dwarf females had the ugliest model.
Same with femme troll.
Undead femme was cute, but they got rid of the cute face which makes me mad, though they fixed up a lot of races from the vanilla designs.
Goddamn the proportions are fucked.
I'll pass on this homunculus.
Anything with drunken shortstacks is good and maybe throw in that they're enemies at the beginning of their adventure but then become buddies through the drink.
Body shape is kinda ehh.
24 Hours of Le Mans.
I was thinking of them lore wise to not necessarily in a WoW sense.
>good cooks
>will drink with you
>intelligent especially in engineering and smithing
>hardy as fuck
>endurance for days
>kids will be manlets but the rest of the pros make it worth it
>Arranged marriage
For me it's this one. It sounds fun because I assume they aren't gonna be into it at first, nice potential for drama and stuff
>Two adventurers drink too much
I always do like drunk Goblins though.
I loved fucking gnomes as my worgen. Gnome players were all huge sluts and happy to be cocksleeves to a thick red dick.
gib dark iron milkies
High Elves
>>Yas Forums
I just like Goblins, dunno what to say
Having taste speaks for itself, no need to say any more.
Lies. I've been on an RP server for 7 years and I have never seen a single gnome who wasn't a huge asexual prude.
I request human on goblin lewd stories
Hairy shortstacks are great.
Bandicoots should never be male
I don't care if these people like midgets. I love Potatoes myself. The problem is these idiots have taken over the term shortstack and adapted it to something that means the exact opposite. And it's gone on so long, they don't even understand when you explain it to them. They literally think "stacked" refers to hips and ass rather than breasts.
i want a pocket sized fucktoy wife goddamnit FUUUUUUUUUUCKKKK
BIG humans.
I had a friends list full of lewd gnomes on Moon Guard
times changed
The shortstack thread on /aco/ has a couple in the OP. My favorite is the WoW-related one
It's weird, bandicoots aren't really a race? But I guess they are in the crash universe but IRL it's just an animal? It confuses my pp and my logic circuits cuz I wanna pump babies into Tawna.
>The problem is these idiots have taken over the term shortstack and adapted it to something that means the exact opposite.
Language changes and evolves, dude. Especially on the internet. If THIS is what's making you upset that's really dumb
Language is fluid and evolves kid, shortstack to me means stacked in both the tits, ass and hips. It's the whole package.
They're functionally a race at least, just not irl
Not necessarilly be manlets, a 6'1 dude who marries a 5'6 girl can have either outcome.
She would literally die from intercourse though. That's the ultimate BTC (Big Tauren Cock)
Absolutely fucking based, bro. Holy shit.
I'm fortunate(or un) enough to be autistic enough to enjoy the game though at least.
Shame he went down the BBC road.
That's not a human
>She would literally die from intercourse though.
Yeah moments like this make me find pics like that way less hot
I just imagine them both stripping, and then she just kinda... rubs against his penis for a bit before he's like "you know what I'll just masturbate thanks for the effort though"
>language evolves!
The fact that two people rushed to say this within a minute proves how often this comes up. And how they know they hijacked a term, so they already have a stock defense for it. Instead of making their own term, they just appropriated a different one. And no one outside of them even uses the term. Most booru sites and fans outside the WoW/LoL community don't even use the shortstack term.
You should have just made up your own term rather than appropriating an already existing one. It would have been more successful for your fetish.
Bugfolk look the coolest
>You should have just made up your own term rather than appropriating an already existing one.
Or maybe you could just stop getting upset at a harmless term being used. Or keep sperging out, I'm sure you'll change plenty of minds.
peak of femboi body
You're a fucking retard if you think people bringing up similar valid arguments somehow invalidates it and proves your argument of language as static correct. I suppose gay means happy now and faggot still means a pile of sticks. Fuck off retard.
>Has no actual argument against the term or the fact that language evolves
I can't believe someone is actually UPSET about shortstack being used.
>And how they know they hijacked a term, so they already have a stock defense for it
That's absolutely it. It's almost a meme at this point, and only used when people fuck up using a word/phrase. Not knowing what words mean is devolution of language, if anything. We may as well be using ebonics.
same fag.
>She would literally die from intercourse though
I've seen quite a few pictures that would debunk that statement rather thoroughly.
It's really obvious too
Oh, you've seen pics where he has a relatively very small penis? I guess that makes sense
Based and pandapilled
Childhood friends that get too drunk one night
Holy shit!! Know the artist?
That was fast delete
What was deleted?
I bet you're one of the people who goes on /d/ just to tell people that their fetishes about magical transformations defy the laws of physics.
Akira-raikou on DA. Specializes in one off big hipped thots
>cow nosering
Warcraft goblins have spoiled me. They're just a perfect little green ball of kinky new york jew slut with fun levels of janky tech and perfectly gross little imp designs.
It feels so blase whenever I go to other media and see goblins as little low int orc midgets.