Do people actually think that a game about talking anthro animals like Sonic can have serious stories inside of it?

Do people actually think that a game about talking anthro animals like Sonic can have serious stories inside of it?

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Have you talked to anime fans?

How many times do you need to get BTFO before you stop making this thread?

Because it makes no sense.

It’s called tone and art consistency. If a character isn’t designed properly for a serious story then you can’t put him in anything serious.

SA2 was just a shounen anime story. They just need shounen anime writers. How hard can it be? Dude, you could just hire a bunch of failed mangaka who didn't make the cut in Shounen Jump.

Good thing SA2 was consistent
You'd have a point if we were talking about 06

Sonic was never made for serious stories in mind.

Yeah, that's why SA2 is a fun story

You can’t have a hedgehog be a part of a shonen story. It comes across as super cringe.

Good thing SA1 and SA2 are delightful cheesy action romps. A character being serious doesn’t mean the story is “taking itself too seriously”, I hope that helps.

>Man gets executed by a firing squad
>Underage girl gets shot
Yeah totally fun story

why are you autistic?

>Bambi’s mom gets shot
Wow... some KID’S movie!

One of the reasons I could never into kingdom hearts
Like how the fuck can I take fucking goofy talking about serious shit to generic anime characters seriously what the fuck is wrong with you all?

why is it suddenly okay when nintendo does it?

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Worked for SA2, which is still the highest rated game in the series.

Honestly the lot of y'all crackheads bitching day in and day out about Sonic stories are infinitely more autistic than the people that just want to have a decent discussion about something they enjoy.

If you like it, you should discuss it.
If you're indifferent, you can ignore it.
Simple as.

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traditionally stories have conflict
besides even in sonic 1 if you don't know any better it absolutely looks like you just kill eggman in a firey blaze

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>Doesn’t take itself too seriously.
You retarded nigga?


SA2 and CCA both feature a colony drop and a anti hero who are obsessed with a dead girl from their past.

You need a giant brain to appreciate both

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you're taking it too seriously that it's taking it too seriously


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Yes, SA2 proved that and it worked, even if it was hampered a bit by it's lack of polish.

Yes, and?

Despite the shit and his associations with autists, I genuinely think Shadow is cool, like Sonic.

That’s because those characters were designed with serious stories in mind.

>Wowee the blue hedgehog defeated the kaiju monster in space and activated his Super Saiyan powers!!!


Are you? You seriously look at Sonic Adventure and think it’s “too serious”??? Can you even point to ANYTHING to support you claim besides events that happen off screen?

they just need to give Shadow and Sonic some beam attacks. And then make a Jiren type of villain. Then Mexico will start worshipping you like Dragonball. How is this so hard, Sega?

Bambi and all those Disney characters were designed with serious stories in mind. Sonic wasn’t. You wouldn’t put Mickey Mouse in the last of us.

In 2P mode Shadow basically does have bean attacks via Chaos Spear.

That sounds awesome though

one of the best hard rock songs ever written and recorded, ever.

A bunch of previously colorful animals saving critters turning into fighting kaiju monsters and having to fight aliens with gun toting hedgehogs.

Ghost Trick proved that yes it was possible

im not sure if you are saying thats a negative.

Shadow never uses guns in SA1 or SA2, and there aren’t any aliens, you’re thinking of a completely different game. If you think going super saiyan and fighting giant monsters is “too serious” I think you might be braindead retarded

Sonic wasn’t originally designed for serious stories.

Okay, SA1 and SA2 aren’t serious stories.

prove it

But that’s what those games led too. Then mania made it come full circle and now the fanbase realizes that serious Sonic is stupid.

it's not fucking serious, it's pure retarded majesty

no, that's why I gave up on sonic once I grew up

It can, Sonic just fucking does it poorly. One good example I can think of off the top of my head is Star Fox 64.


No, SA1 and SA2 have perfectly fine and good stories that are not at all self-serious like in Shadow or 06. You can’t just use problems from later games and say that’s SA’s fault. You’re objectively incorrect. SA2 is beloved to this day BECAUSE of its story

Sonic has been transparently ripping off dragon ball since sonic adventure 1.

Try Sonic 2 you zoomer

Sonic Adventure 2 was the most cringe writing to come up in a children’s media franchise.

more like sonic 2

Go back to r*ddit kiddo, you obviously didn’t get to experience these games when they were new. Only thing cringe here is your posts

you're taking it too seriously that it's taking it too seriously

Only with sonic fans will you ever see retards unironically say Kaijus, Mechs, and Super Saiyans are bad too defend the "purity" of their autist blue hedgehog.

Sonic Fans, the most boring people on planet earth.

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Any setting can have a serious story.

The issue with Shadow the Hedgehog is not its story, but the tone of the visuals, dialogue, music, and the fact that they decided to include guns. Shadow having amnesia and being influenced by different people to do things based on lies and truths about his past, with Shadow ultimately deciding that who he is is determined by his choices in the present rather than the reality of his origin, is a perfectly fine story that could be told in a way which is tonally appropriate for children. But for some reason they decided to make it into this ridiculously edgy PG13 Devil May Cry 2-esque aesthetic which is so insanely retarded that it almost seems like a parody of sonic fan content.

That said, the roots of the problems of Shadow stretch back to Sonic Adventure 2. Shadow should never have had voice acting and dialogue suggesting that he was an adult. His character and subsequent development would work much better as a petulant child coming to terms with his feelings of abandonment then as a weird middle aged hedgehog feeling sad about his dead girlfriend. But then, Sonic Team were less interested in telling a compelling story than they were in just ripping off Vegeta.

It’s called artistic consistency. You can never have a serious story with something like Mickey Mouse.

Are you ever gonna stop repeating yourself?

Super Sonic is at most a visual reference, it's not a narrative element. SA3&K didn't lift any of its, admittedly limited, narrative elements from dragon ball either.

You literally can though, it’s called Kingdom Hearts. Maybe you don’t like it (neither do I, frankly) but clearly millions and millions of people do. “You can’t have a serious story with silly, cartoony characters” no actually all you’re saying over and over is “I don’t like stories that are serious and have cartoony characters”

Who says you can't? Anything can work with the right execution.

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Well...dumb people.

I agree but this is literally the worst example you could have picked

Kingdom Hearts doesn't fucking work, unless you were 5 when you first experienced it and let it attach to your brain like a tumor, like people who unironically defend the star wars prequels.

Ah ha ha, of all the things you posted, you picked the one most mocked for its incredibly stupid and convoluted plot.

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Sonic was inspired by Tezuka's works

Alot of Tezuka kids stories still feature dark and serious moments but still manage to keep that childlike hope in them.

Sonic is no different. The ending scene of Secret Rings where he wishes Shara thousands of tissue so she could mourn over her abuse from Erazor Djinn being over is a good example of this.

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yes thank you

Nobody takes Kingdom Hearts seriously. Even as a kid I laughed at how retarded it was.

>The ending scene of Secret Rings where he wishes Shara thousands of tissue so she could mourn over her abuse from Erazor Djinn being over is a good example of this.
That scene was stupid as fuck. Bad example.

Very good post. People who want to lump Sonic in with Mickey Mouse clearly, fundamentally do not understand Sonic. He was never, ever made with the intention of being a squeaky clean mascot, he was supposed to push boundaries and be “cool”, whatever that means to any given generation of kids


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Someone post the KH2 image. You know the one.

Yeah, and nobody takes SA1 or SA2 seriously either, they just enjoy the stories for what they are: light hearted cheesy action romps, each game with literally one (1) single fucking moment of characters taking the situation seriously at the VERY end of the game to get you pumped for the final boss fight.

These aren't Sonic fans

Yeah, sonic was really culturally subversive for the 7 years when he was just blue mario and had not yet graduated to ripping off dragon ball z.

But you’re trying to say that any character can be put in a serious situation and still work?