risk of rain
Risk of rain
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post host nerd
risk of sleep
ror 1 or 2?
Commando - Cornered Gunslinger
Huntress - Judge, Jury and Executioner
MUL-T - Right Tool for the Wrong Job
Engineer - Fortification Expert
REX - Symbiotes
Artificer - Herald of the House Beyond
Mercenary - Hired Blade
Loader - Bionic Powerhouse
Acrid - Test Subject
I want to play Risk of Rain 2 with other people!
Shit, wrong reply.
Doesn't need to when Moffein made a better Bandit than Hopoo ever could
But that's literally the same thing but worded differently. There's no point in having such a resource since it disappears when using any ability but the first - and the damage on them is shit if you don't have any stacks. The 5 cap doesn't help.
user, you're playing on easy mode. That's why it's so easy.
Why does it seem whenever theres a risk of rain thread there are tons of people looking for hosts but no one actually hosting?
It was really menacing when I saw Huntress Umbra with that title for the first time, until I realized that's just her specific title.
I want more lore behind Artificer.
i guess there's no more Risk of Snipers in this game anymore
Flamethrower or Surge for Artificer?
>user, you're playing on easy mode. That's why it's so easy.
Yeah well considering the alternative is just to hope for the best I don't care much.
>vengeance is on
dumb troon
Surge because it's the only way her slow ass can survive later on
>25 gestures
just what the fuck were you stacking ? you'd stop at 2-4 gestures, usually.
>instead of being only on-kill, Lights Out applies a short-lived status effect so you can still get the reset from DoT or being quick
That's probably my favorite change.
First roguelike/-lite? If you have to rely on RNG every run you're just bad at the game.
i got sequenced user
To be fair it's hard not to play with Command when 1/3rd of the items are still hot garbage and another 1/3rd aren't very useful past one copy.
Wait, does Huntress's title imply she's some kind of bounty hunter? I guess that makes more sense in space than an actual subsistence hunter killing space deer.
Fuck rng, but you need to counteract Command with the Artifacts that aren't in your favor. Vengeance first, then get things like Evolution, Swarm, Spite, etc.
Chaos is hands down the best artifact. I love making everything kill each other.
yes but why were you holding 25 lunar items ?
>First roguelike/-lite? If you have to rely on RNG every run you're just bad at the game.
No, but I always wished I could get the good combos other than a bunch of shit I don't want.
It's more fun when things work out. I guess I just wish there was more of a goal in the game rather than "how long can you go?" Also it'd be nice if there was maybe specific items for character to build upon their individuality within the run istead of just going for the same general items for most characters.
Flamethrower 100%. Anyone who says otherwise shouldn't be playing Artificier. Flamethrower is a massive chunk of her damage early and through the mid-game, and Ion Surge is useless the moment you have two feathers.
The whole reason you pick Artificier is because of her great early game damage enabling you to get through the first loop easily regardless of damage items. If you're taking away a main damage skill then what is the point?
Ion surge is the reason you see people saying she's shit, because they take it for the safety it provides, and then do pitiful damage while they float around doing nothing in the air waiting for cooldowns. It's only good for cheesing her skin unlock if you're bad at the game.
The death mark effect with Lights Out was a really good change, and his alt abilities are nice. It's probably one of the most polished RoR 2 mods out there.
Last thread some anons were mentioning his Monsoon skin being Reaper from Deadbolt, and now i really want him to get in for that to happen.
What, you don't take 10 Transcendence and 10 glass shards? fucking casul
Pretty sure it was from the ten man
>not stacking behemoths
It's not a resource, it's a buff. I'm not saying the character is good or well designed, but there's nothing inherently wrong with having accelerating basic attacks and having to make the choice between keeping the melee combo going or using your skills.
>honor, swarm, spite, soul, chaos
>shitload of elites after me
>stand in the center of the group then bail
It's dumb and applies friendly fire to some things that shouldn't but it's hilarious fun.
>huntress and mercenary autoaims can just kill a teammate by accident
>mercs having a duel after the teleporter
There's nothing inherently wrong with that, even warframe uses something similar, I agree. I view it as a resource as the M1 buff is negligible after earlygame and you're "supposed" to spend it on big damage. It's just a weird/bad design to me.
How is it aloud that you can shoot yourself in the back of your head with Huntress + Chaos?
Trust nobody, not even yourself.
How do i get gud in this game ?
Everyone seems to imply moonsoon is the only way to play but im already struggling to break 5+ on rainstorm and i cant really tell why. Obviously i havent been playing for very long , buts its more like that.
Could it be the fact that just now im making the transition to PC? Aiming feels much better with a mouse but moving is Ass with WASD , i think a joystick is better for walking/running
Are they adding all the characters wtf I though early acess would be so much longer
What are you getting killed by? Are you trying to clear out every stage of chests?
the last survivor before release is the NEW mystery nigga
I feel like there needs to be like 4x more of all content
You're probably not going fast enough and enemies outscale you.
You don't need every chest on a stage, grab a few items, activate the teleporter, grab a few more nearby chests with the money you made, and move on.
Unlock more items, alt skills, and survivors.
Acrids offical code name is CROCO
That would be rad.
Get on it Hopoo.
No im not trying to stay long times in each stage, but answering the other question i cant really see what im dying against bcs at that point anything from the cluster of enemies surrounding me could have killed me
Which of these is more likely to be true?
for the record that shit is real and still up. you can listen to some of it here
it begins
Where did the dog thing even begin man, its clearly reptilian in nature
Unless they're keeping a surprise, mystery character is the last new character added before release. But there's also confirmed to be post-release content so expect others as well.
god i love this game bros
can't believe I've never played it before, I should definitely check out the first game at some point too
what is this art based off of?
sauce for how you are doing this please
host weeeen?
make benis
he sleep like dog
he slave to man like dog
mystery nigga was probably preplanned already but the vote was just to push him out sooner or not
RoR1 discord, go to provedit channel then check the pinned messages for download link. Seems to still be in very early development but apparently it's functional enough to make working levels with it already.
I'm trying to get bandit reloaded working, but I think I'm retarded. Anyone mind helping? I've got bepis and r2api installed correctly I'm pretty sure, but it gives me the left error despite the file being in the folder it says there.
Then when I add the BanditReloaded.dll into Bepin's plugins folder it gives me the errors on the right, and won't let me click the continue button to start the game.
plot twist they used discord so the votes would be fucky and so they can give the illusion of choice when in reality they just rigged it for mystery nigga to win
>gesture of the drowned
>need to kill 20 of specific enemy by pushing them off the map
is this a reference to RoR1? fukken deepest lore man
thats so cool
how do i install starstorm? ive got the modloader from the site but dont know where to go from there
see obviously this dude isnt hosting right now but the pastebins should be able to help
you must be a retard if it took you this long to notice
open mod folder, put mod into mod folder
What is his secret? What does he know that we don't?
if you havent been calling that item "whorl" since day 1 you are a casul