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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh shit let me add-

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anyone play hitman

Theres a reason these threads stopped being made op.

hello I have come for friends

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gay, faggot, trannies, weirdos, only make these threads

hello i have coom for fiends

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well no shit retard, normies already have friends

Yesterday I just thinking how happy I was that these threads weren't a thing anymore.

and here we are.

>having these threads cross your mind unprompted
thats sad desu

It was due to the Tomoko faggot posting in a different thread, retard.

still sad desu senpai

it's always like this
you just want me for my cum and JOI

Sure, whatever you say, retard.

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Threadly reminder not to trust the pedo spider.

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sup Yas Forums add me
let's play vidya
no homo shit

tell me your favorite game and i will CONSIDER adding you

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kill yourself.

Rune Factory 3. Also I don't use steam.

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>adding someone from Yas Forums

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I will befriend you. Play games with you for a few months. Then I will never log in to steam ever again.

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The game of sending lewd anime girls to them and then jerking off together to them

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>Wanting to be friends with any of the nasty crabs in a bucket that make up the majority of Yas Forums

I've unironically added people from Yas Forums. Not on these gay ERP thread though. Mainly from Yas Forums vidya like OJ or BGO.


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Who cares about games? I just want a jerk off buddy who sends me lolis while fucking my onahole against the mic.

pedo spider looks based

t. spider

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aw shit negro! That's all you had to say
let me add you.

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added to fap

does any goobers wanna play pummel party?

I've added one ERP dude from Yas Forums in a random unrelated thread. Great partner.
Also a few guys to play more seriously some MonHun and shit. You'd be surprised how normal these people are actually.

reminder not to add anyone from these types of threads
if you want to play with someone from Yas Forums, find someone who also wants to play someone else in a thread dedicated to a single game that just came out


god damm, nope.

How can you jack it with another guy like that? That's gay af, would make my penis cringe so hard it would become a singularity if I tried.

you mean board game online? if so, how the fuck did you add people for that

people don't seem as interested as they used to be though, tried making a thread a few months back and couldn't get a decent sized game going

I am gay, but I agree I can't imagine anyone who actually thinks they're straight ERPing with another dude.

you never know it's a dude, user, it might be a girl
I mean you know it's a dude but you try to imagine you're not sure about it so it's not really gay

I think the only thing I could do worse than browsing Yas Forums is befriending other people who browse Yas Forums.
It's bitter misanthropes all the way down, punctuated with the odd schizo and coomer.
I'd genuinely prefer the crushing loneliness over getting to know anyone here and slowly becoming aware of the neuroses that make unlikeable enough to use Yas Forums as their haunt.

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What's the point of looking for steam friends here?
No one on Yas Forums even plays video games anyway.

>how did you add people for that
I didn't add them specifically for BGO. I just ask them what their steam ID is if I want to play games in general with them. I did the same thing in RoR threads before RoR2 came out.

Based af winner of thread
Probably already found love and friends the ultimate chad

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Not everyone on Yas Forums is the same person dumbass.
You're talking about an extremely popular board.

Yes, an extremely popular board filled with social rejects and misanthropes


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They're for finding people to fap to anime lewds and ERP with, not making friends.

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there's some pretty cool guys on Yas Forums but they're not in this thread
I met a cool programmer guy I was good friends with for quite a while in a thread organizing a D&D session of random people from Yas Forums
I also met a basement dwelling murrican in some Yas Forums thread that I played a fuckload of coop games with, who became a normie a while ago & is currently living in canada with his gf that he got several months after getting a job

Most people on Yas Forums just have fun shitposting, lurking and enjoying board culture, they're just normal dudes irl.

It's the shizo's and the neets that are responsible for all of the faggotry on this board, they are few in number but account for the majority of posts.

anyone play mordhau

What did you pirate there user?

me, kinda
but adding anyone from these threads is too high of a risk to take

have you tried lost oasis btw?

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Add me up fags, or shitpost in my comments I don't care

Outward. Wanted to try out co-op.

>Red Orchestra 2
Ummm hello, based department?

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god damm furries no.

and how shit did you find the game?

>that avatar
>those groups
>artwork showcase
stop, user, just stop

I didn't know you also had a steam account

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eww a spic

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Wow, you're like the most stereotypical valve cock sucker who browses Yas Forums, congratulations.

>Anime avatar

It all makes sense.
I don't play online games but we can talk about Resident Evil together.

add me bros, I don't usually play online games tho

It's a decent game if you enjoy that type of gameplay, I just can't. I think you are going to really like it or you are going to think it's garbage, there is no middle ground imo.

I pirate everything btw

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Any EU bros here that play fighting games

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Any sissy faggots want to erp with a chad with a HUGE COCK?

I remember these threads, now I barely communicate with my steam friends, I was once so infamous my furry avatar was added to the friends thread image.


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is it? I don't remember doing that. I don't actually use the social media aspect of Steam but lately I have been thinking about giving it a try.

I am an EU chad, but sadly I don't play video games.

i play games sometimes

I currently have +120 hours because of quarantine and I don't want my coworkers thinking I have no life bro even though I dont

at least i am not a god dam furry.

>Wow, you're like the most stereotypical valve cock sucker who browses Yas Forums, congratulations.

sorry but i dont suck Yas Forumss dick, i play whatever shit i wanna, is a problem that i play valve games in pc? i hate valve and his shitty politics, is more i am banned from the tf2 forum but that doesnt mean that their games arent fun.

>1.4 hours past 2 weeks
did he die or what

>linking your instagram

oh look, that faggot that posts 1 video on his shitty pornhub yet spams it all over Yas Forums, fuck off fagot.

Absolutely. Look for me on Bloodbath server or a Euro server

>at least i am not a god dam furry.
aint a single shred of evidence you're not a furry user

Nah it was a shit game, combat way too simple and the travel-mechanic which was the whole point was not very interesting.
Also the voice acting was so bad it would've been better to just have everyone be mute.

Yup! I love video games.
I'm not a furry and that's XIV, not XV.
I'm playing XIV off Steam, too lazy to make the quick launcher work with it.
I intend to make more someday.

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>4 thousand hours in ff xiv

>played gone homo for longer than binding of isaac & bioshock
nah bro that's gay

>this kind of logic.

aint a single shred of evidence you are not a piece of shit in a toilet user

whatst the problem with it?

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I've played more bioshock than whats recorded on my profile. But you're right, having gone home on my library at all is a mark of shame that I can't ever let down

>I might be all these things, but at least I'm not this bad thing you can't prove I am

Yeah, can't say otherwise. You are right.

are you me??