Why is japanese used so frequently in cyberpunk imagery above all other languages...

Why is japanese used so frequently in cyberpunk imagery above all other languages? Do they honestly beleive their irrelevant culture will survive past the 21st Century?

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Its not as though leftist culture will survive either. Fuck off back to reset era.

Ameriburgers usually can't read Katakana so it looks foreign and exotic and cool in neon lights

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>irrelevant culture
No culture is irrelevant you homogenizing globalist giga nigger.

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>Amerifat calling other cultures irrelevant
My fucking sides

Because when the cyberpunk setting was being first being crafted, the Japanese were seen as the forerunners of technology. No one knew they'd do the equivalent of "peaking in highschool" and just remain stagnant.

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economic superpower in the 80s
don't worry they're being slowly replaced by the superior chinks

Imagine the efficiency of kanji in a programming language versus english
A single symbol for a word or command, as opposed to a multi-symbol word for a single command

this pretty much, normal niggers just find it aesthetically pleasing to look at

I guarante that op is an expat living in either canada or australia

japan invented cyberpunk with ghost in the shell

Because its portraying dystopia and the idea of China taking over the world and everyone living in massive Chinese cities is horrifying for any westerner.

cyberpunk aesthetic comes from asian megasprawls

>Do they honestly believe
It's not Japanese doing it, it's weebs


Cyberpunk started when many thought Japan would become what china is today, due to this they assumed Japan would also become a cultural hegemony like America today, so they use signs in runes to allude to this.

Because Blade Runner used it, and is the godfather of all cyberpunk, and most people literally can not come up with a different aesthetic.

Attached: hesayubraderunner.png (1600x666, 3.01M)

America is pretty much the only country that matters.


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It's a nostalgic throwback to the cyberpunk made in the 1980s. Where there was very real anxiety by the American Market that Japan would overtake America in terms of economy and global influence. That turned out to be overexaggerated.

>japan invented cyberpunk with ghost in the shell

Tell me, do you think this is your own original thought?

Attached: American Cyberpunk.png (621x483, 870.01K)


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That's Chinese you dip

>Asians, who excel at computer tech and culture
>irrelevant in the 21st century
How are you this ignorant? Did I respond to bait?


cope lefty. We muslims will take over soon.

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He was wrong on that but it's funnier because Blade Runner features a heavily Asian inspired cityscape.

When the jews are expelled from the west, most foreign cultures won't have to deal with the media encroachment of their corrosive ideals anymore. In that sense, Japan will remain or become more Japanese in this century.

I think Korean looks cooler.

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The only culture that will survive are the ones that are less affected by leftism, like Japan.


holy shit you are deluded

The cyberpunk PC98 aesthetic was practically born from Japanese shit. It makes sense.

And also
>being a fucking EOP in 2020


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>Do they honestly beleive their
Are you fucking serious?

Why would a Japanese person put random Japanese words that don't even make sense in Japanese?

Deus Ex ahead of the curve once again

Japan never had a leftist party win an election.
Can your western country say the same?

>Why is japanese used so frequently in cyberpunk imagery above all other languages?
Cyberpunk is from the '80s
Japan was having an economic boom in the '80s, and exporting all kinds of never before seen electronics
The average American thought Japan was some sort of whimsical future playland

ITT mouth breathing retards
It's because in the 1980s the view was that Japan would eventually become a world power because of its economic influence. You can see this even in Robocop movies.

liberal countries that donot have patriarchal values have lower birth rates, below replacement level. Which means that they need to rely on immigration from high birth rate patriarchal countries in order to survive. Which means that their culture will slowly become irrelevant and be replaced by the culture of those patriarchal immigrants.

They weren't wrong, at least from their perspective; arcades lasted longer in Japan than in America and were far better there too.

explain japan's birth rate then


Because around the time of cyberpunk's creation, Japan was like China today but with tech instead of billions of labourers
China doesn't make for good cyberpunk, it's just base level cheap labourer exploitation instead of using tech to make labourers irrelevant and thus poor and crime-prone

"you" did not kill anyone. The people who engaged in ww2 back in the day were not leftists, they were nationalists and many of them were right wingers, on both sides. Most of them were pretty racist.

better than most of Euro countries and Burgerland without Spic-boost

Americans created Video Games
Japanese perfected them

if you oppose facism, you're left. simple as.

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japan is not patriarchal. Its only somewhat conservative. Patriarchal means that women are excluded from large portions of society and men hold all the power. In japan women are allowed to vote and enter into politics, have jobs, etc. A place like saudi arabia on the other hand is an actual patriarchy, since women are excluded from large portions of society legally. They don't just choose to live traditionally

Japanese birthrate is still higher than Spain, Germany and Italy and other european countries too if you remove migrant births.
The difference is that Japan can recover while the west can't unless something of cataclysmic proportion happens (the coronavirus is close but it might not be enough)

>Japan was like China today

China is literally a third world country, their technology is still far behind every western country or Japan ,they just mass produce shit researched by others

Beofre McCarthyism there was a very strong labour movement in the US. People openly sympathised with the Soviet Union, who were our allies in WWII. FDR is still further left than anything the Democrats have to offer these days.

facism is an extension of socialism

Where do you find these statistics specifically for non migrants?

No, you can be a conservative but you can oppose facism. I bet you don't even understand what facism is.

Well duh, facism is a term made by the commie jews because they got buttmad that someone invented different kind of socialism.

>Japan was having an economic boom in the '80s
Is this why Yakuza 0 is so kino?

What are you talking about? 1 out of every 5 japanese words is a loan word from english just pronounced in japanese.

Depends for what country you are searching for, some countries like France don't even separate births by race of nationality.


well to be honest for countries like america it is hard to develop a centralized demographic because pretty much everyone is a decendant of imigrants

what are panties in japanese again?


>China is literally a third world country, their technology is still far behind every western country or Japan ,they just mass produce shit researched by others
Sorry, should have specified
>like China today in economic-power worries
People thought Japan was going to be a financial super-power that could buy its' desired outcomes

nice deflect bro, panties =/= all underwear

What are you trying to argue, here? That an imported product introduced to Japan within living memory has a foreign name?

Japan lost when they realised that capitalism is built on the economist's scam of infinite growth on a finite world, and planned obsolescence makes creating high quality products completely irrelevant.

Japs made fantastic electronics that would last a hundred years. And they were discarded after 5 because something "better" always came along.

In the same way capitalism is an extension of feudalism


His argument doesn't even work because パンティ and パンツ both exist, and the second is far more common.

I don't know about that, but facism is just socialism renamed by soviets.

If you spoke any language other than english you would know that other languages do have names for products that didn't originate from their own countries

What? I meant those signboards with Japanese letters that appear in cyberpunk images are often bullshit just like “Engrish” signs in Japan, which means it's not made by a Japanese person

Sure, in controlled languages like French where there's literally a government body in charge of thinking up new names so they don't have to tolerate any yucky English in their dictionaries.

>dumbass OP shitpost
>third worlders randomly seething about the US
>no vidya in sight
Yup, it's Yas Forums alright.

The only one that's actually like that is French, because the French are all mentally ill and think "courrier electronique" should be used instead of e-mail because they're absolutely terrified of their awful language becoming irrelevant.

パンツ as in pantsu, as in pants pronaounced in japanese, pants is what panties are called in the uk

is meant for

Rent free.

burgers feared that japan would become an economic / technological superpower.

Not just french, Portugal does that shit too and so does Greece if I'm not wrong.

and Spanish and Italian