2ch, twitch, reddit, and YouTube like it

>2ch, twitch, reddit, and YouTube like it

Wtf? I thought we said everyone would hate it

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Other urls found in this thread:


I want the time ghosts to make JessiexCloud canon.

lmao the final fantasy sub is a warzone right now

Gamefaqs and Reddit hate it the fuck you on about schizo?

someone explain why do you have to fight the time jannies
shouldnt the time jannies try to kill sephiroth instead

post pics


>implying you can read Japanese

Give people time to play it through to the end. I'd give it 24 hours before we start seeing some interesting reactions.

why would you post lies and claim them as the truth?

>2ch, twitch, reddit, and YouTube like it
Only 2ch metters and they "liking it" is a really strong word.

Give them the time to reach the shinra tower


>Popular game is disliked by Yas Forums
This is insane, this never happens

I just got banned for battling shills. but it's like 90% pissed off over there in the mega threads

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The story and the game shits the bed closer to the ending, yes.

Interesting reaction are gonna be "Yeah, it's different but I liked it?" Buyfags who have been hyping themselves to this shit for 6 years aren't gonna admit that it's shit. They are gonna stockholm syndrom themselves into loving it and defending it from "trolls"

>Just because you are right doesnt mean you are right

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You don't know japanese if you think they "like" it.

>battling shills.
you mean yelling at people for liking a thing you don't like?

This game is bad, but I like it. Am I a bad person?

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Daily reminder that this is how pathetic Yas Forums is and delusional

FF7R will be massive success.

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Not him but they're only saying good stuff about it

>"Hey let's just be respectful about other people's opinions in the end"
>user spergs out over this

yes after 13 and 15 they magically made a good game

What was ban for specifically?

Literally 99.9997% of normies like it, no issue

>After my own son disappointed me by choosing Gast over me, I've decided to get into robotics in order to create my very own perfect son. One that will never disobey me, let alone prefer *ugh* Gast over me.
>Now that I managed to master robotics and create my own perfect son based on my actual terrible son, I've finally got the son I always wanted, but never got. The son whose entire free will depends on me and that could never ever disobey my orders for somebody el--
>C- Chadley? What are you doing? What do you mean that you have the free will now? THIS IS NOT DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN, CHADLEY! YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO HAVE FREE WILL, CHADLEY!? WHAT IS THIS SHIT!? I DIDN'T GET INTO ROBOTICS FOR THIS!

Attached: Hojo's roboson.png (692x1442, 1.94M)

>called right, and even the mods think he's right
>but they don't want unknowing people to not buy the game because of these deal breaking spoilers
yea surely bro

>we poster
>guzzling this much shitposter kool-aid
Why am I not surprised?

>FF7R will be massive success

So what? It can still be a poorly made game.

This will be Yas Forums's 5th failed tortanic this year


Nobody is saying it won't be successful just that they're expecting backlash for false advertising.

Wow, nobody cares. Go back.

>numale profile pic
>numale nonsense
checks out

When dudes spends month telling worried people they're stupid then you sure as hell don't deserve to make a tweet like that.

Huh? I'm seeing mixed/mild reception

Sounds like it was for arguing with paid shills instead of pussyfooting and making sure to let them know that everything they say is correct from a certain perspective.

>battling shills
You mean making obnoxious shitposts?

cant help but notice you seem to have left one out there bud

>no upper plate exploration.

absolute trash

>completely engulfed by animal crossing for the last 2 weeks
>only read ac threads
>decide to take a break and check what else is new
>apparently ff7 has been leaked
>check out the threads
>it's a fucking nuclear warzone
I think I'll just go to my chill furry game

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all I was doing was calling out obvious shills still claiming it's a "Remake" to mislead potential buyers. clearly mods didn't like that

Nope, just positive for me

>It's bad because I said so
I'll keep doing what suggests

Nothing but hate.

Kek try r/FFVIIRemake

>so long as they're subjective
So if I made a purely objective opinion, this guy would mock me for it?

>Hojo named his own robo son as Chadley
You know, I'm starting to think that Sephiroth got lucky with his own name.

ah yes Yas Forums's last failed tortanic attempt

The game is probably okay. But that´s probably not enough for purists who wanted a word for word recreation of the original game.
Then again the fact it was supposed to be episodic was probably a big red flag.

>Nope just padded out with lengthy dialogue, hallways and collect 5 rat ass quests.

>He's obsessed with Clemps' Twitter
Go post about it over there then you fucking faggot


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>eagerly awaiting scarlet porn
>more likely than not it's gonna be futa
how tiresome

the issue is they took a dump on the plot. and it's still linear despite midgar only.

>now we have gangweeders for blunders like this
I don't know if I'm amazed or appalled.
Both, I think.

Says who? You? Average Yas Forums faggot nobody cares about?
So what? What exactly does thing change outside of your little sikrit club? Game's success defined by commercial performance. It will be stellar for FF7R. That will be the signal for Square they are doing it wrong and they would want to continue doing it that way to milk most profits. Which means regardless of what you think of its quality EP02 will follow EP01 formula. So your "uprise" wont do jack shit.

That is not what false advertising mean. They never promised 1:1 remake. You will lose in court at the stage of motion to dismiss.

I'm not interested in guesses, asking what the context

Avec comme j'aime j'ai perdu 20 kilos la premiere semaine.
Avant je pesais 420 kg, aujourd'hui j'en pèse 42 . en seulement 6 mois! comme j'aime ça marche.
C'est rapide simple sans prise de tête et livré chez vous avec de bon petit plats,mmmmh.
Faites comme moi rejoignez la communauté commej'aime.fr

Not sure what your on about but apart from the normies most are not that happy with this

>But that´s probably not enough for purists who wanted a word for word recreation of the original game.
Stop shitposting, you know exactly that's not the issue.

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>Hojo's robo-son leaves Hojo for Cloud
Yup. He's based on Sephiroth for sure.

Of course

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if you guys actually bother to check the ff reddit, the top post is people anticipating other players' reaction to the 2nd half of the game. I don't think reddit likes it, unlike what OP said

and the gameplay, and the split into a billion padded out games and the quiet orchestral music and-

already banned lol

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>and it's still linear despite midgar only
Even though Midgar was like what? 10% of the game. Granted one of the best parts of the og game but still...
I´m dreading to think what´s going to happen next...

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>apart from everyone but a bunch of fat incels on Yas Forums


have you not seen the textures and empty hallways and how the game is shorter than 13 and 15 with mess less content than 15?

Nigger from the future

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Normalfaggots like everything, very astute observation. You retards are missing the point

my waifu lives, so its the best FF7 version now.

>But that´s probably not enough for purists who wanted a word for word recreation of the original game.
I was fine with it not being a oerfect recreation, would've been silly to expect a 1:1 remake. However this is far beyond the worst expectations i could've had, it feels like there's no intrigue and just a sucession of small dramas and plot twists with the biggest offender happening at the end of the game.
It's so messy and amateurish

>you're right, however you're banned
That's enough.

get that shill money

Retournes à la Guerre des Consoles connard.

Who are these fucking normalfags that think popularity is a marker of creative success, and imply that I cannot think something is going to be bad without also thinking it will be a commercial failure?
I think most games that have extraordinary sales are mediocre, just like the games that don't sell. Sales don't affect my opinion at all. I'm not looking for or expecting TOR.

I know for a FACT that this user smokes cocks everyfucking day

And? What exactly is the case there? Where did they promise you specific texture quality and resolution?

>wahhhh stop liking things I don't like

>unlike what OP said
Cause he's full of shit and possibly from RESETERA trying to damage control. These faggots be out full force

This. There's no way they can justify setting an entire game in Midgar now. They implied it was being greatly expanded but you're limited to the same areas as the OG and they're just padded with Korean MMO side quests. THIS GAME IS A SCAM

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Keep trying shill, literally the only people defending it are fags coming from crisis core and people who have absolutely no idea about FF7 at all, and are asking
>Wait, what was the plot again?
Now end your life.

>had a good story to work with and expand
>nah just add convoluted time fuckery

>weeb game sucks
wow who could have guessed

fuck off why would I tell another shill how I got banned by reddit shills. you all should just kys already

>Stop shitposting
Not shitposting. Should have worded things differently I admit.



>You retards are missing the point
Then enlighten me, may be I'm definitely a retard. Or may be you and your "point" is retarded. I cant understand what exactly do you mean and what importance it has.

wow you are a literal shill


My only issue with this game is i dont know how or when the next parts will be released.

>chadley /scarlet

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>you're a shill if you don't agree with me
Everyone but a couple hundred obese people on Yas Forums are shills I guess

I hated FF7R more than anyone else here. I'm just not a delusional retard and I find you all pathetic for your tortanic self-indulgence.

Get some self-awareness.

Is there a scene where she's not wearing a bra and you can discern this? Or are you just retarded.

they promised cutting edge graphics at e3 not a ps3 game

>hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of fan theories and discussions across multiple decades that you could have picked from to add content if that's what you have to do
>none of that, no more turks content, no more shinra content, no upper plates. TIME JANITORS AND KILL 5 SEWER RATS TO PROGRESS

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sure you did

Sales are the ultimate marker of success, as we all know mcdonalds has the best burger


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>just because you are right doesn't mean you are correct

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Why does the scenario feels so disjointed?

> point out you are delusional
> "wow ur shill!"
Struck a nerve I see

New threat was the true remake all along


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imagine sucking corporate cock

1. Post a quote.
2. it is not a ps3 game.
3. "Cutting edge" is a loose term and can be interpreted subjectively, there is no speciific definition. In fact, it cant have it by definition because the said "edge" changes constantly as time progresses and new stuff is invented. You have to case here

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Everyone who finished it right now received a review copy of the game so its not a surprise that they ""like"" the game. Also there are going to be people who like the game just for its gameplay.

>it is not a PS3 game
It sure as fuck looks like a late PS3 game, with PS4 models maybe.

>co-directed by Toriyama
explain why it looks like xiii-2 or lr

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>janky animations like Cloud sliding across the ground to open a chest or activate a switch
>visuals/graphics going to absolute shit after leaving Sector 8 (you can never return)
>the slums have some of the worst textures I've ever seen and makes Fallout 4 look good
>game looks even worse during daytime segments
>awful facial animations most of the time and NPCs look like absolute trash thanks to the AI system they used
>boring generic fetch quests that rival XV
>no new areas to explore in Midgar, just areas from the original padded out into hallways
>no upper plate exploration at all
>voice acting ranges from decent to trash and they ruined Sephiroth
>Sephiroth shows up within an hour to tell Cloud he killed his mom with probably the worst voice acting in the entire game
>the underplate before Reactor 5 is beyond padded out and basically a boring maze-like area
>music for Air Buster fight is the only boss track that stays true to the original and you never hear it again as it's back to orchestral shit for the rest of the game
>ghosts showing up every 5 minutes to remind us about muh fate and destiny and other KH shit
>party AI is absolute fucking garbage and there isn't even a basic gambit system
>sewers and train graveyard are another example of shit going on for way too long
>some stupid ghost subplot at train graveyard that goes nowhere and makes no sense
>pillar fight was pretty cool but Japanese melodrama happens when characters have to talk for 10 minutes
>wall market is probably the only good part of the game but even that moved slow as fuck
>the wall climb is probably the ugliest part visually of the game and it's followed by shinra hq which actually looks really good so it's beyond jarring
>more boring slow padding with The Drum in Shinra HQ which really ruins it
>game goes complete KH mode shortly after and nothing of the original FF7 remains
>Zack is back too now with awful voice acintg because why not have another MC to make a side game with lol

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>Lucrecia chose this over vincent
she was into some kinky shit



Its just normal bias.
We all have bias towards certain things we know are objectively bad.
Objectively speaking, Dragon Ball Z is a ridiculous story with problems out the ass, but I cant help but enjoy watching it.
Everyone has this, and too many arent able to recognize it.

>implying the story doesn't shit the bed the moment ghost jannies start popping up

Explains why the fucking stagger system has been shoved in.

>Hojo starts fantasizing about Aerith getting gangbanged while he gets paid to host the event
>everyone else in the board room is sick of his shit even though they're all sociopaths too
Only time this game got a smirk out of me

Can we just not discuss the negative without faggots like you sperging out?

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Considering I see this copypasta in every FF7R thread, I genuinely do wonder how much of it is legit and how much is BS

>wanted to get fucked by an alien
No shit

Jesus Christ! Suddenly being named after Jewish tree doesn't seem so bad in comparison to this. Hojo sucks with names.