How's that lockdown going?
How's that lockdown going?
I'm at work, respiratory therapy for MSI/MICU. It's mostly me saying, "Yep, he/she is going to code very soon," and then them dying
Do you have any spare Lindenbergs for donation?
I'm an essential worker, but I got the next 5 days off since I was planning to do stuff for Easter weekend.
Haven't played SL in awhile, though.
>furfag containment game
No thanks.
No one's playing with me...
What do I get out of it?
This 'game' is pretty nice
Fuck if they're not trying to kill it slowly though
Sounds like you suck at your job.
>Fuck if they're not trying to kill it slowly though
Don't get me wrong, I think LL does a lot of stupid shit, but they have been slowly adding more features to try and extend the life of the "game" while they try to find another cashcow to milk.
How easy is it to get a fetish RP going? Been thinking of joining for a while now.
>used to gamble a lot on second life
>they shut down gambling
>people organize protests against it
>put up some gambling piggy at the protest
>everyone use it
>make mad money
75% of secondlife is sex in every single fetish you can think of
Mostly that
They're milking it while being obvious about it that they would rather do something else
I would have agreed with you, since it certainly seemed like that's what they were doing, except that last month they gave away sansar to a different developer and shifted focus back to second life.
They tried to make Sansar their Second Life 2, but royally fucked it up when they tried to make it social networking centric and dived so far into anti-grief protection they killed a lot of functions people wanted for normal products.
They slowly tried to fix it, but the fix would require a complete rebuild from the ground up, which would kill the small but passionate population it currently has. So they mostly ported new features from Sansar (red: Bento animations and updated skeletons) back to Secondlife. Now, they are just going to Frankenstein SL until they can make another project that gives them as much control as they want while not driving away content creators.
>gives them as much control as they want
How do they not already have as much control as they want with SL?
Any furry bros her?
So this is where furries and child molesters are created.
Unlock the adult filters.
Type the name of the fetish in location search
Get a few of the places and easily find people interested.
Realize since you're poor, new, and foolish, you're an ugly fuckgoblin and that nobody will ever want someone like you
I should have said "automated" control.
They basically don't police SL anymore, and want to set up a core for a new simulation game that basically doesn't allow griefing. That said, most of the cool shit people do in SL comes from the same mechanics that allow griefing, which is where Sansar fucked up.
Is griefing even a problem? It seems like everyone is too spread out and all the sims are too empty for that to even be an issue anymore. I ran into trolls like maybe twice over the past year, logging in most days. People don't really seem to give a shit about making an effort to troll on there anymore. It's too dead. Linden already has probably the most popular platform of its kind, they're just too fucking lazy to overhaul the busted piece of shit archaic engine like it needs. If they weren't completely incompetent they could make SL a huge success right now. If they just keep doing the bare fucking minimum like they are, eventually something better is going to come along and replace it. They are a fucking stupid and useless development team.
RT can't save them from shit lol. By the time you need ventilation, you have like a 30% chance of dying.
This. My boy right here makes a pro angry whopper. You should take a lesson from him.
If you aren't a kemono you're literal dog shit.
I'm a robot, but I can't find any clothes that fit this damn model
it's not. and even tho it's not the community is still that concerned about it, which tells you everything you need to know about the community
What about anime?
all i ever see in profiles is how much people hate kemonos and derender them on sight
As long as you got the Kemono body, and either the kemono head (for furfags), or the M3/M4 anime head, you're good. Not Venus though.
That's because SL is 75% bitter old 45 year old women.
>Is griefing even a problem?
Yes. It's actually worse than it has been in the past. The lower traffic makes it worse because the amount of non-griefers went down, while griefers have mostly remained the same. Sim crashing, GPU crashing (albeit not as effective), RLV exploits, and general trollery is still very common. In fact, it's easier now to get a grief HUD than it was in the past, so you have a lot of idiots griefing themselves because they don't know how to handle the HUDs. Trigger happy sim owners and targeted harassment is what makes it less common to see in most communities, though.
>hey're just too fucking lazy to overhaul the busted piece of shit archaic engine like it needs
They tried, it was Sansar. They can't keep adding features to the current SL source code because it was never intended to handle modern gaming features, and while they can keep frankensteining it to work, they will eventually hit a point where a stable build is impossible to produce. On the other hand, though, the entire market built around SL only works with the current way SL handles avatar attachments, texture baking, etc. If they change those core functions to something more modern, they will lose the market that has spent years building itself around the old functionality, and those people are likely to leave forever. LL is in a catch 22 of their own making: If they upgrade, they lose all the old shit and a ton of people that use it. If they don't, the platform stagnates.
On top of that, making an engine that can inject change on a whim isn't as easy as one might think. Sansar and Hi-Fi don't even do that. They require a server restart in order to implement new changes. The ability to render new assets on the fly was lost when bumping up to more modern tech. SL still has the edge there.
Why the fuck would you do that? They hog far less resources than the other popular mesh bodies.
Animes are some of the best on SL
>Yes. It's actually worse than it has been in the past.
hahahahaha nigga it's 2020 no one gives a shit about second life anymore
every place is dead
>non adjustable shape
>no tits
>no ass
>only compatible with specific skins and clothing
At least recommend the fitted torso. Kemono is absolute garbage for anything but generic anime girls. Invest the extra money in Belleza or Maitreya
its better to just make slutty avatars and jerk off to them in poses
Anime girls are shit and boring. Anime boys are what matters.
surprisingly this game has not raised that much in population since i think if there is any sign its dead this is it LL should just drop it
the problem with erp is it's better in nearly every way to just look at porn and make up your own story instead
>if you are not pure pedo bait you are literal dog shit
None of the furries in that are kemono you dumb nigger, and yes there is a difference.
>Linden already has probably the most popular platform of its kind
which is why it sucks the community is so terrible. it would be fun to play a tabletop rpg in SL
>yes there is a difference
No there isn't. Also, animes are just as bad as furries. You're all fucking cancer.
post that all you want doesn't make the kemono any less the number one thing the lindens need to rip out of this game
How was this thing in its prime and when was it?
You sound like a fat retarded thot, go away.
SL has nearly always been about virtual sex
any way to download models without having to make an account and pay for everything?
Kemonos are literal pedo fuel MADE by a literal admitted pedo. You're scum, kid.
im a guy you idiot i just dont appreciate seeing literal children sexualized and dont think grown adults should be allowed to pretend they are children in any capacity
which isn't the problem, the problem is everyone is super boring about it
didnt know this then they should be booted out along with their product
define "super boring"
SL is either
1. A place where people get land, build, and make stuff with the in world editor
2. A place where people pretend to be what they aren't, usually involving sex
All the stuff on the marketplace is made by people in world. The best way to get stuff in SL is to start making things and sell them, or be a prostitute, but you need a good AV to be a whore and that costs money. You can take money out of SL if you make enough.
Maybe you can find a sugar mom or dad if you are a submissive little bitch. Lots of people with lots of L$ in world.
>define "super boring"
visit any RP SIM or hookup spot on the grid. that.
you have not defined any god damn thing what do you find "super boring" about it? other than everyone sudden obsession with IC consent
You sound like a faggot then.
one day I will own this board
>not being a pedo means someone is a faggot
>sudden obsession with IC consent
oh wow so you're saying it's even more boring now
Lol owned