The top 9 gayest games are IN

1. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
2. Bayonetta 2
3. Final Fantasy VII Remake
4. Kingdom Hearts III
5. Legend of Zelda: BOTW
6. Marvel's Spider-Man
7. Pokemon Sword and Shield
8. Super Princess Peach
9. Tomb Raider


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>3. Final Fantasy VII Remake
the game is not even out yet

Gays are retards, what else is new?
>t. Bi guy

Why are all these games so recent? Also, if you play animal crossing and you're straight, you're definitely doing something wrong

Trend following livestock

>trannies love Nintendo

"Bi" doesn't even exist to straights, they consider you just as gay and less genuine.

>Halo not number 1

These lists are always objectively wrong

There are so many things wrong with this thread and the replies to it I don't even know where to begin.
So many Yas Forums threads are just complete garbage on a structural level it's not even worth bothering to criticize them. It's too deep in shit.

Gay normies.

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You're telling me lmao
Aka the average gay


Cringe faggot

They just picked a list of games and called it a gay.

NuLara is the gayest shit imaginable.

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>Tomb Raider

>"Bi" doesn't even exist to straights
They don't exist to gays either, more so than straights.
Gays are still retards.

I'm more surprised bayo is there. I can't see where gays would like it.

>1. Animal crossing: New Horizons

wow so shocking
can't believe

>"seeing people who look like you and you can identify with is really important"
These are the people telling you to embrace diversity lmao

Also like samus trannies latched on to it for some reason

>gayest games
>Pokemon Sword and Shield

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lady gaga played it

it's all console trash
as expected
PC games are real games the rest are casual trash enjoyed by faggots

Gays are not trannies.

>nuuuuuuu you have to eat all this “disverty junk reeeeeeee nuhhhhh muhhh poop coloured people reeeee
>unless they look me then it’s okay
Can these people just go breathe in gas and die

Bayo is probably gay or at the very least bisexual. She will flirt/hit on both genders.

>5 nintendo games

If you even allude to being attracted to the opposite gender in an LG"B"T space you'll get ostracized, gay people hate bi people with a passion.

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Bi user here. Can confirm I have triggered quite a few gay dudes by telling them I'm bi. Most LGBTs are in fact retards and I'm no exception. I did a lot of retarded shit in college thinking I was finding myself. Broke up with my qt gamer gf so I could sleep around. Never gonna stop regretting that shit lol. Stay away from porn anons that shit will make you a gay retard

now name top9 incel games

If you were "turned" gay by something you are not a real gay. This is why everyone hates bis.

Kamiya agrees

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>Super Princess Peach

Why on earth is some 2 decade old, obscure, mediocre DS launch title on this list alongside a bunch of modern releases? Zoomers haven't even heard of that game, and boomers don't care because it's totally unremarkable.

>half the games are Nintendo
>yeah, it checks out. queers and trannies love it

Anything Jap makes you a faggot, desu

>gay people hate bi people with a passion

just like blacks hate whites
they are jealous of their superiors
bi people can fuck everyone and enjoy it
bi is the most superior orientation

Kek. All games reddit loves.

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gays absolutely despise bifags
they’re the self hating niggers of fags

Yeah I know. I have a fetish for male anatomy. I blame finding futa porn when I was 14. I'm 21 now and I've been on nofap for 10 months but the attraction remains. Oh well guess I'm stuck like this.
Based and redpilled
Reddit is gay, what else is new

Western games also generate faggotry and gigasois

>thinking fags play games

They saw crossdresser trailer, all they need to think it's best game ever.

>Super Princess Peach
Why do people like this? it sucked.

Literally playing Animal Crossing right now

Animal crossing isn’t a game you gayretard

People hate Bisexual because it's like politics, you either gotta be completely gay or completely straight. These people can't comprehend liking both things and so immediately turn bitchy and make excuses like "lol you are just gay/straight and having a phase". What people don't understand is sometimes you just have a mood for guys or girls. Bi women are treated as straight girls fooling around and Bi men are just treated as gay anyway.

Literally on that list retard.

based retard

a straight man who fucks his wife longer and better than you ever could fuck a stuffed animal created animal crossing.

>3. Final Fantasy VII Remake

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>a straight man who fucks his wife
nice joke gayfag

>Super Princess Peach
I'm calling bullshit, since no one played that game. They must have surveyed a good 8 people.

they pulled that list out of their ass

This is accurate. Thankfully I'm a Bayonetta 1 Chad

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Who. Cares?

Never expected to see such a reasoned take on being bi on Yas Forums lmao

you know these people are actually devoid of soul when they can't imagine being another person or dare I say "role play". I tested it out and made a black kween named Shaniqua Deshaun to test if I really needed that "identification" but in reality I enjoyed my character because I made her and it was fun trying to figure out how she would act and speak in game.

>t. closet homo

>All six staffers at the time were men

This is lies and an insult to Heather Gibson. Also the lead writer on the original games was Vicky Arnold.

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Fucking normies.