Is this peak let's play?
Also game grumps thread I guess
Is this peak let's play?
just let it go already
look at these blacks
Did they even finish the game? As in all three stories and the last one.
Because Sonic's Story is actually the least fucked part.
There Sonic 06 playthrough is good but its too cluttered with boring episodes.
If you want peak Jon-Era grumps that is optimized, watch Chulip, Pokemon Emerald, Goof Troop, or basically any of their One Offs
They got to the very last level and the very last boss, and just stopped
They finished the Sonic and Shadow stories, and almost finished Silver before Jon left.
>makes fard noise
>both shit themselves giggling for about 20 minutes while playing the game
Peak content
Jon and early Dan game grumps were really good IMO.
grumps was barely ever good.
oney is the peak
>post jon gamegrumps
You know it’s sad when Arin starts playing Mario Party 2 with Dan and Arin is just constantly making references and talking about when Arin played Mario Party 2 with Jon
This didn't happen JonTron era
this is the pinnacle of game grumps. It was all downhill from here.
Oney + Zach + Tomar is a fucking brilliant combo.
I fucking despised those Julian and whatever faggots.
Cory is hit or miss, same with Lyle
i really wish jontron didnt go on that rant because i guarantee if he didnt do that, he would have returned to game grumps
Wow I know it's from a different time but damn Jon.
Jon is actually kinda based. He makes racist and edgy jokes all the time and he isn’t afraid to talk about politics or have “hot takes”. To this day, I still really appreciate him making the video on WoW Classic and putting it on his main channel, even though it’s not usually the kind of content he has on that channel.
oneyplays Wild Woody
You can thank destiny for that one
yeah seriously
>he would have returned to game grumps
I wanted this for a long time but ive honestly come to the conclusion that hes better off far away from Game Grumps. Hes much more suited to hanging out with the SleepyCabin / Newgrounds folk, Arin has been absorbed into the twitter community
danny did nothing wrong
He is better off away from Game Grumps, Arin is an insufferable faggot. If there's anyone who deserves to dissolve into obscurity is him.
I miss Egoraptor Arin
>that one time they played modded GTAV as a god-like fat black women
Turbo kek
It'll be unfinished forever due to Jon bailing from gg.
Everyone does
RIP in peace Motifa
They got so bored of this game that even when actual shit was happening (like Shadow's story ending), they ignored the game completely and just talked about dumb shit. It has some good parts but also a lot of filler, like most GG series.
>they ignored the game completely and just talked about dumb shit.
this is pretty much every game they play.
>There's a strange object flying over Texas
>she looks like a bitch
Jon made the right choice. Look at what Aaron has become
How long until aaren gets his #metoo moment?
I watch game grumps and don't really know anything about pre-Danny GG. Was Arin different?
>when they accidentally reenacted 9/11
You've been complaing about jon leaving longer than jon was on the show.
>that part where chris is using the monkey model
>walks into Franklin's house
>"huehue silly monki- oh no this is racist"
God I love chris
And people defend it even though the best GG moments are when they react to the game itself
that really happen ?
Both are shells of their former self. If Jon wasn't an edgelord pseudo-Yas Forums wanna-be, he could have stayed on GG and made considerably more money. Both are washed up and past their prime. Jon could have just made more money.
Blame Sargons dumb ass for that
He said the nigger word and didn't afraid of anything
He changed really hard around 2015-2016. In many peoples' eyes, for the worse
Not gonna lie, I kind of can't resist when they play stupid board games or TV show games.
This mario party 2 LP should be pretty fucking kino
LPs peaked way earlier.
Pic related is.
It has never been topped, it will never be topped.
This and oneyplays Crash 1&2 playthroughs. Something about Crash brings out the best in the oney crew.
But yeah grumps sonic 06 playthrough is probably apex lp.
Peak Let's Play is the Super Best Friends playthrough of Omikron because it has multiple character arcs, including from the FAQs.
>he would have returned to game grumps
Why would you want Jon to rejoin that shitshow?
>Didn't even post his absolute GOAT
I saw the old MGS cartoon where the bird said nigger. thought it was funny
how changed? SJW? Communist? I just know Yas Forums hates him with a passion now.
>Crash 1 LP
That was absolute shit
>I saw the old MGS cartoon where the bird said nigger.
I just watched that cartoon, the bird says no such thing
only accurate take in the whole thread. seeing everyone celebrate when Jon poked his bloated head out of retirement to make a video on "flex tape" was sad. Egoraptor continues to make "very funny" parody video game rap.
ecelebs are cancer and gamegrumps were never funny
lost interest when jon left the show
Peak lp was Pat ragging on Other M every time woolie or Matt took a breath
>money is the most important thing in the world
Kill yourself
>absolutely ZERO chance what so ever of a completion since Jon appeared of Sargon’s live stream exposing how redpilled he was and the whole destiny debacle
>Arin is a raving sjw now
>even if by some miracle someone payed them an assload of money Arin would never want to associate with Jon again and the chemistry just wouldn’t be there anymore because people change over the years
feels bad man
SJW-y certainly. But his personality also changed overall.
Too much time spent balls deep in twitter and having a terrible wife.
honestly jons video arent even that funny anymore. i actually like his movie reviews more than the vidya ones
Yes. I'm not even a zoomer and enjoyed it.
JonTron is way funnier than GG.
Did you know that even if you control for economic disparity, black people still commit significantly more violent crime per capita than white people?
this shit was golden
>i guarantee if he didnt do that, he would have returned to game grumps
What the hell make you think that?
He could probably just join Oney plays if he wanted to (hope he does), and hang around with people he actually likes.
>Welcome to Game Grumps...
>Welcome to Game Grumps, where... apparently someone doesn't respect me.
>Apparently someone thinks... I'm a big baby...
>Apparently somebody thinks that... I'm a big baby...
>Th... That's all...
You've had your confirmation that Jon will never return for years now
Very sjw, Idk about commie, but very
>don't say/do thing that's offensive
>big boobs is sexist watching porn is sexist American pie is sexist
>newgrounds are just a bunch of homophobic transphobes now
When oney plays recorded in the gg studio he stopped paying them after a while. Ding dong says it's not because he criticized Dream Daddy, but everyone knows that's BS.
Peak Super Best Friends is either Detroit or NBA2k16(Ghosts are involved)
>big boobs is sexist watching porn is sexist American pie is sexist
Did he actually say that shit?
because before the rant, arin was on starcade and jon was getting talked about more on game grumps.