Love the game

>love the game
>hate the fanbase
What‘s her name? For me it‘s any jrpg, waifufaggotry is obnoxious

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Literally every game. Except FFXI.

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this, people ruin everything.

Any game or piece of fictional media that exists.

>ITT i am le fucking superior!

>Love the fanbase, hate the game

Sonic, these people are autistic but really fucking dedicated

Persepolis was the last thing I excepted to see here

>imagine not liking both the fanbase and the game

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Devil may cry, I don't know where all you annoying faggots came from but you're the worst.

Fire emblem 3 houses

Jet set radio/future. Not so much the real fanbase but the Yas Forumsreddit/twitter onions fanbase that learned about it when it got ported to pc/ps3 and most of which never bothered with future despite still having opinions about it.

The Touhou fanbase is filles with unironic schizos

I love Starfox, it's world, and it's characters

>Flurries DOMINATE the fan base

Can't you fuckers just love the game for what it is instead of fetishising everything?

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>ywn be rich and play the piano

If you love a series with anthro characters you're asking for it.



Undertale, I never entered any Undertale threads until I played it. I thought it was a neat little game. Then I started entering the threads and seeing it was mostly annoying tranny furries posting Toriel porn. Also Smash is a fun game but probably has the most demented LGBT Furry fanbase ive ever seen, its way worse than sonics fanbase at this point in terms of indecency but way more annoying. Dark Souls has a pretty shitty fanbase too, nothing but tryhards.

Guys I miss him

How many scoops?

Yas Forums


done in one.

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>love YGO
>but nearly everyone that plays it is a literal autist, a tranny, colossal faggot, or ultraweeb that unironically owns a daki
>can't enjoy the game competitively because it's become a rush of who can build their unbreakable board first or who opened the most handtraps/Called
>can't enjoy it casually because of the above + no friends
This is the worst kind of hell.

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>gay furries
>the faggiest goddamn spam strats you've ever seen (medic boyfriends, "spy mains," pyros, etc)

I love waifus.

For me, it's mgs. You either have the faggots that endlessly complain about 5, the faggots that have to force their opinion of which game is the best, the faggots that make up blatant lies pulled out of their assholes and regurgitate it as fact, the faggots that argue story facts and are completely dead wrong, the faggots that can't take any criticism and kojima can do no wrong in their eyes, and the autists that do nothing but think about mgs to the point where they come to shit holes like this and endlessly spam unfunny memes like bibo and whatever dumb shit they circle jerk together that nobody ever responds to or thinks is funny. The mgs fanbase is a cesspool

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I don't get into fanbases, so I don't give two shits.

Unironcially Fire Emblem, I've played every game in the series but I can stand the faggotry in that fanbase

sorry mister, how many scoops did you say you wanted?

dark souls

>dark souls is full of tryhards
>t. Faggot who couldn’t get gud

Rich :( rip


>love the game
>love the fanbase
Il-2 Sturmovik.

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CAVE games

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Demons souls, but only after the epic prepare 2 die faglords came along
League of legends
Smash bros

Any game community that I have to smell.

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>That three months where weightlifters were dying right and left.
Crazy time.

fucking this, most fans are retarded

Based pianaposters

are you choosing to prove his point or just shit posting




I just recently got into Fire Emblem. I started Blue Lions about a week ago. Went to discuss it because I'm kind of hooked but there was nothing but waifus in all directions in the general

>Rich died
>Callie “Ex-con playing Xcom” Muscle is Still Alive

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With Dark Souls in a very close second


Not the normies who only ever played OoT (they’re fine), but the onions chugging dipshits that only ever discuss the merchandise.

I love Zelda (the Koizumi era) and I like Reddit (ya I said it, blow me)... but r/Zelda should be burned to the ground.

every fanbase is full of retards, you hardly find somebody who enjoys a game and can be critic about it


nice job proving its point retard

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SMT and Persona

Zelda and FF, bunch of annoying mega richfags and normalfags
Animal Crossing, ethots, betas and furfag coomers

>you hardly find somebody who enjoys a game and can be critic about it
This is the worst especially in the Final Fantasy, Dragonball, Smash, Metal Gear, and holy shit the Pokemon communities. Even though I like all of those series (I did not buy Sword and Shield or Final Fantasy XV) the fans treat it like a religion. Even if you point out why something is bad and explain why you're the asshole for talking bad about their holy franchise

>I'm taking you Pokemon cut features, is poorly optimized, and they're holding both hostage behind DLC. They straight up lied to you and here's proof
>whatever! Companies lie all the time it's no big deal. If you're a fan you should just be happy you're getting a game at all

is that... soi chad?

>dont fetishing anything

boy furries are degenerates and always have some shitty fetish with their furrie shit.

I got banned from a Skyrim discord for saying Ulfric is not racist. It was a tranny mod. "Ulfric is racist, period, if you support him you're a racist piece of shit too" and boom, bannd.

Skyrim community is quite shitty, but NOWHERE near as bad as Dragon Age's, I never got bullied anywhere for having a white male protagonist but they see white males as something that needs to be killed, fucking psychopaths.

I think Witcher 3 fanbase is the only good one? Like, in a "we don't eat our own"? It was still super shitty how the Witcher 3 subreddit organized attacks on the Fallout 4 reddit. "Haha their game is shit let's go trash them haha!". You would go in the W3 subreddit and all posts were "THIS GAME IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN FALLOUT 4".

Fanbases are super duper mega hyper cancer, specially those that have a big number of LGBT people since they are toxic and mentally ill af.

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If you refuse to be his wife's boyfriend he's gonna beat you up.

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Piano man is NOT Chad

Literally every fucking game

The last one sounds BASED

ironic coming from joseph joestar

I really hate the Smash fags with a passion.
Specifically the group who pretend to talk about franchises they don't know shit about.
Honestly shut the fuck up or actually go play the games you talk about.

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To be fair I got into Fire Emblem because of Roy. I don't know if that makes me based or cringe